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Between the two of you translate Spanish

925 parallel translation
Has anything happened between the two of you?
¿ Ha pasado algo entre ustedes dos?
It says here... ten between the two of you.
Aquí dice... diez entre los dos.
Say, between the two of you... ... you'd think I wasn't fit to be trusted with money, ideas or anything.
Parece que ambos penséis que no se puede confiar en mí en temas de dinero e ideas.
And split it between the two of you.
Y parte uno a la mitad para los dos.
'Between the two of you, you women are turning 'This household into a bedlam.'
Las mujeres estáis convirtiendo esto en un manicomio.
If there were a dispute between the two of you, how could you prove ownership?
Si se produjera entre Uds. un conflicto sobre la propiedad, ¿ cómo harías para demostrarlo?
He called you Dusty. lt was a name he had between the two of you.
La llamaba Dusty. Era un nombre cariñoso que tenían entre ustedes.
Surely between the two of you, you can find me a whiting!
¡ Si ninguna de las dos es capaz de encontrarme pescadilla!
- That's between the two of you.
- Eso es asunto vuestro.
If I hadn't married you then there would be no bridge between the two of you
Mi boda contigo responde a mi voluntad de no separaros.
I've come to find out what's been going on between the two of you?
Corren rumores sobre vosotros. ¿ Por qué no me das tu versión?
There should be nothing too personal between the two of you and me.
No debería haber nada personal entre tú y yo.
That's the conflict between the two of you.
Ése es el conflicto que hay entre vosotras dos.
Have her between the two of you.
A ustedes dos...
- Who would have thought? Between the two of you almost ended with a knife... This is it!
Tan guapa es la hermana como feo el hermano.
Any problems between the two of you?
¿ Tenéis problemas?
You can buy a wreath, between the two of you.
Podéis comprarle una corona de flores, entre los dos.
The Romans want no war between the two of you.
Los romanos no quieren guerra entre los dos.
This is a plot between the two of you to get control of my ship.
Esto es un complot de los dos para apoderaros de mi nave.
For example, a rivalry between the two of you because of Hagino.
Por ejemplo... una rivalidad entre los dos por Hagino.
I seemed to be floating... between the two of you.
Parecía flotar... entre ustedes dos.
That's between the two of you.
Eso es vuestro problema.
- This is a private thing between the two of you.
Esto es algo privado entre Uds. dos.
Kay and me never battle though. I'm gonna tell you. Between the two of us, they never get away.
Aunque Kay y yo jamás nos peleamos le diré, entre nosotras, nunca se largan.
Between the two of us, how do you guess it?
Entre nosotros, ¿ Qué crees que pasará?
You are right, Mr Brand there is a difference of quality between the two bricks.
Tiene razón, Sr. Brand hay diferencias de calidades entre los dos ladrillos.
In that case... I'm instructed to serve official notice upon Your Majesty... that the honor of Spain requires... that you will immediately disband and imprison the Sea Hawks... or face the consequences of an open conflict between our two nations.
En ese caso, tengo instrucciones de declarar oficialmente a Su Majestad... que el honor de España exige... que disolváis y encarceléis de inmediato a los Halcones del Mar... o afrontéis las consecuencias de un conflicto entre nuestras naciones.
If you'd walked into an elevator, I would have stopped it between two floors, and we'd have spent the rest of our lives there.
Si hubiera entrado en un ascensor, lo habría parado entre dos pisos, y habríamos pasado el resto de nuestras vidas en él.
If you will, as i'm sure you will, pass on the results of your observation and unbiased judgment to your government and to your country, you will contribute more to the friendly relations between our two countries than any other diplomat in the history of the soviet union.
Si quiere, y sé que lo quiere, transmitir las conclusiones de sus observaciones y juicios a su gobierno y a su país, contribuirá a las relaciones amistosas entre nuestros países más que ningún otro diplomático destinado aquí.
Christine, you'll have to make up your mind finally and irrevocably between the two of us.
Christine, tendrás que decidirte finalmente por uno de los dos.
You've beaten me, Between the two of you.
Habéis conseguido vencerme entre los dos.
In this third heat of the Governor's Stake, you're going to see some keen competition between these two heat winners.
En la tercera carrera de la Copa del Gobernador, verán una dura competición entre los dos ganadores.
The mistake was leaving you two in the depths of the wilderness... with more than $ 100,000 between you.
El error fue dejaros a los dos en pleno desierto... con más de 100.000 $ encima.
She betrayed you to her brother, guess there's not much difference between the two of us.
Y ella te ha vendido a su hermano. Supongo que no hay mucha diferencia entre las dos.
You know, I think it has something to do with a transfer of money between the two stations.
Creo que esto tiene que ver con el traslado de dinero - entre las dos estaciones.
- My dear Leon, you're the living example of the geometric truth stating that a straight line is the shortest way between two points.
- Mi querido León, es usted el vivo ejemplo de que la linea recta es el trayecto más corto entre dos puntos.
Between the two of us, both of us working, we ought to be able to save up steamboat fare for you and Little Eli.
Si los dos trabajamos, ahorraremos para compraros los pasajes a ti y a Little Eli.
If it wasn't for this hurt man I just might shoot the two of you right between the eyes.
Si no fuera por que este hombre está herido os pegaría un tiro entre los ojos.
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
Dice que como tú has tenido todos esos novios antes que yo... ... y como yo no he tenido ninguna novia antes que tú... ... Virge piensa que entre los dos el problema se equilibra...
Well, I think between the two of us it's better that you go.
Bueno, creo que es mejor que te quedes tú.
Kind of a human sort of thing, it seems to me... or don't you make a distinction between the two, Major?
Diría que es un impulso humano. ¿ No cree que hay una diferencia, mayor?
You can hide a number of sins on video, which you can't photographically but I think you can still see where there are problems with the contrast and matching between the two sections.
En vídeo se pueden esconder algunos errores que se ven en la película, pero creo que aún se puede ver dónde hay problemas con el contraste y la diferencia entre las dos secciones.
Then you think that this, um, Gideon Clevenger will make the death of his two sons a personal issue between himself and me?
¿ Crees qué Giddeon Clevenger va hacer la muerte de sus hermanos... un asunto particular?
And I assure you that when you have heard the evidence of the two girls between them, you will see that you've no alternative but to find the accused guilty as charged.
Y les aseguro que, después de escuchar la evidencia expuesta por ambas niñas,... verán que no tienen más alternativa que encontrar al acusado culpable de los cargos en su contra.
down which I walked toward you, between two rows of faces, forever inert, frozen, watchful, indifferent, toward you, perhaps still hesitant, as you continue to watch the threshold of this garden.
en una larga muerte, sin duda, que todavía guarda en los pasillos por los que caminé hacia ti, entre dos hileras de rostros, siempre inerte, congelado, vigilante, indiferente, hacia ti, quizás todavía vacilante, como seguir viendo el umbral de este jardín.
But if you think I'm gonna ante up for all the beer that hippopotamus of a sergeant can drink between now and the time you leave, you got two more things coming.
Si crees que pagaré toda la cerveza que pueda beber el sargento hipopótamo, estás muy equivocado.
Now you can feel the unconscious attraction between the two, the tremulous beginnings of love.
Ahora, sientes la atracción inconsciente entre los dos, los tímidos comienzos del amor.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, for the main event of the evening, we bring you a rematch between those two titans of wrestling - those fearless performers of the physical arts - the wild panther and the russian duke!
Y ahora, señoras y señores, el principal evento de la tarde. la revancha entre dos grandes campeones. Practicantes impávidos del arte del combate.
If you stood in between two of the plants they set up a sort of screeching noise ;
Si nos quedamos entre dos plantas, emiten un estridente.
You know, between the two of us I'd have done it for $ 30.
El bueno de Norman. Entre usted y yo lo habría hecho por 30.
You put a key in the middle of a bible, you fasten it so you can hold it between two fingers, and you speak out the names of your suspects.
Pones una llave en medio de una Biblia, sujetándola de modo que puedas sostenerla entre dos dedos, y nombras en alto a tus sospechosos.

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