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Brought translate Spanish

75,497 parallel translation
- Hey, hey, you brought it up.
- Oye, oye, tú sacaste el tema.
He brought his kid with him.
Vino con su hijo.
I-I brought you some coffee and a muffin.
Te compré un café y una magdalena.
I brought donuts.
Traje rosquillas.
I brought donuts. Come on, Ally, you got what you wanted.
Vamos, Ally, conseguiste lo que querías.
Seeing you, seeing you with Joanie, just brought a lot of thoughts back to me.
El verte y verte con Joanie me trajo un montón de recuerdos.
- So you brought him here?
- ¿ Así que lo trajiste aquí?
I also brought an Ambien.
También traje un sedante.
Not anymore. I brought her back.
Ya no, la reviví.
I brought it here'cause... I want to read you one of my favorite passages.
La traje porque quería leerte uno de mis pasajes favoritos.
Noah, come on, I brought you your breakfast this morning myself.
Noah, no mientas, te traje el desayuno yo mismo, esta mañana.
They brought me here.
Me trajeron aquí.
The men who brought you here.
Los hombres que te trajeron aquí.
She brought me a muffin yesterday.
Me trajo un muffin ayer.
Cops found me in an alley in Southeast and brought me home.
La policía me encontró en un callejón en Southeast y me trajo a casa.
It's being brought to the floor.
Está siendo sometido a debate.
I brought two suits.
Te traje dos trajes.
Mellie... we brought this on ourselves, olivia.
- Mellie... - Nosotros provocamos esto, Olivia.
I betcha Heather Dromgoole brought out your dark side when she made fun of your performance right to your face.
Apuesto a que Heather Dromgrule despertó su lado oscuro cuando se le burló en la cara de esa interpretación.
I just brought cash to the bondsman.
Solo le traje efectivo al fiador.
I've seen others like her brought here for some...
He visto otros como ella que han sido traídos aquí para algún tipo de
Then I should warn you in advance, because you were the one who brought up Dobby Tucker.
Entonces debo advertirle de antemano, porque fue usted la que trajo a Dobby Tucker.
You brought your mistress to your own hotel.
Usted trajo a su amante a su propio hotel.
I will do what I've been brought up to do.
Voy a hacer aquello para lo cual he sido educado.
I'll tell him a maid mistakenly brought the watch to my room...
Le diré que, por error, un empleado trajo el reloj a mi habitación...
A maid... brought the watch up to my room mistakenly
Un empleado... me llevó por error un reloj a mi habitación
No, he'd have brought them home to work on.
No, pudo haberlos traído para trabajar.
This case should never have been brought.
Este caso nunca se debió aceptar.
You just brought him in.
Lo acaban de traer.
Really brought the heat.
Llamaste mucho la atención.
He did, but he also revealed that he bowed to departmental pressure to look the other way at the time, so the killer was never brought to justice before he died.
Así es. Y también reveló que el departamento lo presionó para no investigar más. El asesino nunca fue castigado antes de morir.
I brought you something.
Te traje algo.
I see you brought some moral support.
Veo que trajiste algo de soporte moral.
And you brought an army.
Y trajiste un ejército.
- We never even brought charges.
- Nunca presentamos cargos, siquiera.
She brought a friend for you, too.
Trajo una amiga para ti, también.
Snowden brought big data To the world's attention.
Snowden reveló al mundo la existencia de los grandes datos.
It didn't seem likely because the victim was stabbed 16 times, and Ortiz obviously brought the knife with him.
No parecía probable ya que la víctima fue apuñalada 16 veces, y Ortiz, obviamente trajo el cuchillo con él
And Ortiz said his wife was the only other person who had access to all that stuff he brought home from the military, including his knife.
Y Ortiz dijo que su esposa era la única persona que tenía acceso a todo eso que trajo de los militares, incluyendo su cuchillo.
Is that why you brought me my things?
¿ Por eso trajo mis cosas?
It should've been brought here, where we would have kept it until we tried the murderer.
Debería haber sido traída aquí, donde la hubiéramos guardado hasta que probáramos el asesinato Sí.
King Henry Tudor has ordered the traitors to be brought to London.
El Rey Henry Tudor ordenó llevar a los traidores a Londres.
She has been brought here, Henry.
Ella está aquí, Henry.
A stable boy brought this for you.
Un mozo de cuadra te trajo esto.
Maggie brought this for you.
Maggie te trajo esto.
The stable boy brought news from home.
El mozo de cuadra me trajo noticias de casa.
Look back to all the tips that I brought you.
Acuérdate de todos lo soplos que te he dado.
Our fate brought us together, it's not your fault.
Nuestro destino nos reunió, no es culpa tuya.
I brought a sandwich.
He traído un sándwich.
The night I brought home lobster tails?
La noche que traje colas de langosta.
No, you didn't, you just brought her back to my place and made me deal with it.
No. La trajiste a mi casa para que me encargara yo.

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