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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ B ] / But i didn't listen

But i didn't listen translate Spanish

351 parallel translation
Listen, I didn't come here to get a story, but I've got a hunch I think you can use.
No he venido como periodista.
I didn't mean to listen, but they were talking loud.
No quería escuchar, pero hablaban muy alto.
I heard him. But I didn't mean to listen.
Le oí pero no quería escuchar.
"I didn't see you that day, or for many days thereafter." "But I could listen to your playing."
No pude verte aquél día, ni tampoco los siguientes, pero podía oírte tocar el piano.
Now, listen to me, Stratton. I didn't invite you here and I didn't want to discuss the matter with you. But since you are here, you're going to know my point of view.
Oiga, Stratton, no lo he invitado a venir ni pensaba hablar de esto con usted, pero ya que está aquí, le expondré mi punto de vista.
But I didn't listen to her ; I had friends and women!
¡ Pero yo no le hacía caso, tenía amigos, mujeres!
But I didn't want to listen to them.
Pero no quise escucharles.
I warned you but you didn't listen.
Os he avisado, pero no escuchastéis.
I don't say you didn't burn them a little but you didn't burn them all up like you wanted to. - You listen to this, then figure out which of us is the silly one. - Yes.
Sí, se quemaron un poco pero no completamente, como querías.
But I didn't listen.
Pero no me alarmé.
Listen, maybe I'm indiscreet, rude, but if you didn't want to see me, all you had to do was say so.
Escuche, puedo ser indiscreto, rudo, pero si no quería verme, solo tenía que decirlo.
- I did, but you didn't listen.
Que sí Io dije, pero usté no hace aprecio.
I wanted to explain, but he didn't listen.
He querido explicarme, pero no me han dejado hablar.
I did, I am, I told them you didn't have anything to do with me but they wouldn't listen.
Es lo que hago, se lo dije, pero no quisieron escucharme.
I didn't say that, but anybody that would listen to what that pretentious pipsqueak has to say...
No dije eso. Pero cualquiera que le haga caso a ese pretencioso...
I told her I didn't want him but she was so busy being the wronged woman that she didn't listen.
Le dije que no lo quería pero estaba tan ocupada siendo la mujer engañada que no me escuchó.
I tried, but she didn't want to listen to me.
Lo intenté, pero no quiso hacerme caso.
But you didn't listen to me when I laid it down!
¡ Pero no hiciste caso a mis enseñanzas!
Hey, I tried to tell you, but you didn't listen.
Yo intenté decírtelo, pero no escuchaste.
No, I talked, but you didn't listen.
- Sí, y no haces caso.
Then I advised you, but you didn't listen.
Luego le di un consejo, pero no lo siguió.
They said he was ugly and so on, but I didn't listen.
Decían que era feo y otras cosas, pero yo no escuchaba.
Listen, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner, but...
Oye, siento no haber llamado antes, pero...
But you didn't listen to me, I didn't see anything more than a bump on the ground.
Pero tú no me haces caso, nada más vi un montón de tierra.
I don't know exactly why, but I didn't listen to my mother and kept the can.
Y... No sé muy bien por qué, me guardé la caja con el veneno sin hacer caso a mi madre.
I didn't ring. But, if you listen carefully, you might just hear bells ringing somewhere.
No llamé pero, si escuchas atentamente podrías oír campanas sonando en algún lado.
"But when I told you I love you... Why didn ´ t you listen?"
- Sin embargo, cuando alguien le dice, "Elena, la quiero", ¿ por qué se niega a escucharle?
But I didn't want to listen.
Pero yo no quería escuchar.
I didn't do anything to the dog, but listen...
- ¿ Qué es lo que ha hecho con el perro? No le ha hecho nada a tu perro.
I said there would be trouble, but you didn't listen.
Dije que nos meteríamos en líos.
I told you not to mess with him, but you didn't listen.
Te dije que no jodas conmigo, peno no escuchaste.
Listen, Biggs, I quit smoking, but I didn't quit being a gentleman.
Escuchar, Biggs, deje de fumar, pero no dejar de ser un caballero.
Yes, but I didn't listen to anything.
Sí, pero yo no he escuchado nada.
- I didn't stop to rest, but to listen.
- No me he parado a descansar, sino a escuchar.
For all I know, he may have even heard voices, too, but he sure didn't listen to them.
Él también debió haber oído voces... pero no las escuchó.
But you tried to warn me and I didn't listen.
- No tienes la culpa. Pero tú me lo advertiste, y no te hice caso.
I asked you not to touch the dishwasher. But you didn't listen, did you?
te pedi que no tocaras el lavaplatos y no me hiciste caso
I didn't want him to go, but he wouldn't listen.
No quería que fuera, pero no me escuchó.
Well, listen, when I made this date... I didn't know it at that time, but now I just found out.
Bueno, escucha, cuando pedí esta cita no sabía, pero ahora me acabo de enterar.
Look, do whatever you want. Listen to it backwards. Play heavy if you want, but I'd rather you didn't.
Oììgalo al revés o como sea, si quiere poner "heavy" hágalo pero yo preferiría que no lo hiciera.
Listen I know that your father and I had our differences. But that doesn't mean I didn't love him.
Escucha yo sé que tu papá y yo no siempre estábamos de acuerdo pero yo lo quería.
No, listen I didn't write an entire book, but I kept a journal and I wrote the whole night in it.
Me asusta mucho que no recuerdes qué pasó. No, escucha yo no escribí un libro, pero tenía un diario y escribí toda la noche ahí.
Alice tried to warn me, but I didn't listen.
Alice trató de avisarme, pero no la escuché.
I just left Jessie at the jail and he told me that he was not gonna testify, he didn't want to get up there and lie, that the officers have been working on him real hard, but, he wasn't gonna listen to them,
Acabo de visitar a Jessie en la cárcel y me ha dicho que no va a testificar. No quería subir ahí para mentir. Los agentes han estado convenciéndolo, pero no les ha hecho caso y la decisión era suya.
I was warned, but I didn't listen.
Me advirtieron, pero no escuché.
I warned the others, but they didn't listen.
Se los adverti a los otros, pero no hicieron caso.
Listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before but I'm no longer at my job.
Miren, lamento no haberles dicho esto antes, pero no tengo más mi trabajo.
I tried to talk to her, but she didn't listen!
¡ Traté de hablar con ella, pero no me escuchó!
- I told you, but you didn't listen.
- Te Io dije y no prestaste atención.
I told them I'd at least listen to Mr. O'Neill's point of view, but I didn't make any promises.
Les dije que escucharía lo que el Sr. O'Neill tuviera que decir, pero no les prometí nada.
I'd told you to send Anu back immediately, but you didn't listen.
Te dije que mandaras a Anu de inmediato, pero no me escuchaste

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