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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ B ] / But i didn't say anything

But i didn't say anything translate Spanish

419 parallel translation
But I didn't say anything.
Pero si no lo he hecho.
I promised to help you, sure, but you didn't say anything about any black birds.
Prometí ayudarla, cierto... pero usted no dijo nada de ningún pájaro negro.
I didn't want to say anything in front of your wife, but that little fellow of yours is very sick.
No quería decir nada delante de su mujer, pero su pequeño está muy enfermo.
But I didn't say anything.
Pero yo no dije nada.
You see, I didn't want to say anything about this. But, you see, Godfrey had been working for us as a butler and whatnot, and things had been going along very well... when all of a sudden it happened... just like that.
Veréis, no quería decir nada, pero Godfrey había trabajado para nosotros como mayordomo y las cosas iban muy bien, cuando...
Brigham, when you asked me if i loved you... i didn't say anything either... but that didn't mean i didn't love you.
Brigham, cuando me preguntaste si te amaba... yo tampoco dije nada... pero eso no significó que no te amaba.
- But I didn't say anything!
- ¡ No he dicho nada!
And I didn't say anything about that horse deal in Sage, but your absence last night is something I won't put up with.
Sabes que no dije nada sobre la compra de caballos en Sage, pero tu ausencia de anoche es algo que no toleraré.
But I didn't say anything, Corporal.
- No dije nada, cabo.
I didn't have the nerve to say anything, but I'm going to do it, Philippe.
No tuve valor para decirle nada, pero voy a hacerlo, Philippe.
I was hoping something like this would happen, but I didn't want to say anything until the time come.
Confiaba en que pasara algo así, Pero no quería decir nada hasta que llegara el momento.
I didn't say anything about it to my niece, but women have a feline intuition
No le conté nada a mi sobrina, pero la mujer tiene intuición.
- I say you didn't prove anything yet. - Oh, but...
Opino que todavía no me has demostrado nada.
I didn't say anything, Mama. But we did see a lovely lady in a cloud.
Vimos a una hermosa dama en una nube.
I'll bet she didn't say anything to you about a birthmark either, but she's got one.
Tampoco le mencionó que tiene una marca de nacimiento, pero la tiene.
I didn't say anything but he disappeared that same night.
Nada dije pero él desapareció esa misma noche.
I didn't say anything, but I knew that for that role he needed...
Yo no he dicho nada, pero sabía que para ese papel necesitaba...
Ramsey didn't say anything, but I can guess.
Ramsey no dijo nada, pero lo supongo.
But I didn't say anything about where you might go after that.
¡ No dije que a Ud. no se le pudiera ocurrir marcharse!
I didn't say anything,... but the soldiers at the camp will return to the US.
No os he comentado nada,... pero los soldados del campamento vuelven a América.
He didn't say anything, but I knew he was hurt.
No dijo nada, pero sé que le molestó.
I mean, I didn't say anything, but I took all the tough customers for myself.
O sea, no le dije nada, pero me quedaba los clientes más pesados.
But I didn't say anything about us.
Pero no he dicho nada de nosotros dos.
Yes, I know, but I didn't want to say anything.
Sí, lo sabía, pero no quería decir nada.
I didn't want to say anything, but that chicken dish we had...
No quise decir nada, pero ese pollo...
- I don't want to pry into your life, but I would rather you didn't say anything then be dishonest.
- Benjamin, no quiero entrometerme. Pero preferiría que no dijeras nada a que mintieras.
But I didn't say anything
Pero no dije nada.
They were talking about a Burd. He lives in Dixon. But I didn't say anything.
Hablan de un tal Burd, que está en Dixon, pero yo no he dicho nada, ¿ eh?
I didn't say anything, but why would anybody buy a house in a place like that?
No le dije nada, pero ¿ cómo se compra la gente una casa en un sitio así?
Come on. Max, I didn't want to say anything about this before, but I went to see a doctor today.
Max, no quise decírtelo antes pero hoy fui a ver al doctor.
She didn't say anything to me but I understood something straight away.
Ella no me había dicho nada de eso. Pero no entendí nada.
He didn't say anything straight out, but as I think about the death of my brothers,
No concretó nada más.
I didn't say anything, but he knew I was sore.
¡ No me mienta!
I was just conned but I didn't say anything.
Me acaban de estafar pero no dije nada.
You know, it would have been better if you didn't say anything, but you did making it impossible for me to concentrate, and now I have to sanitize and start over.
Sabes, hubiera sido mejor si no hubieras dicho nada pero lo dijiste, haciendo imposible que me concentrara y ahora debo sanearlo y empezar de nuevo.
I didn't want to say anything but there's a black rider, a Nazgul, over us.
No quería decir nada pero hay un jinete negro, un Nazgul, sobre nosotros.
I didn't say anything, because it's Christmas, but I will.
No he dicho nada, porque es Navidad, pero créame, se lo diré.
Well, I didn't wanna say anything till we had positive identification, but, uh, your father's body washed up on shore early this morning.
No quise decir nada hasta tener una identificación pero esta mañana el mar arrojó a la costa el cuerpo de su padre. - ¿ Qué?
I didn't wanna say anything last night, but I had my doubts you'd even come.
La aduana puede ser una gran molestia, amigo. Aquí vamos, agárrate.
But I didn't say anything when I saw you.
Pero no dije nada cuando te vi.
I didn't wanna say anything while the girls were here, but I saw you cheating.
No quise decir nada mientras las chicas estaban aquí, pero te vi hacer trampa.
I didn't say anything but Rocky thinks you ought to have a blindfold.
Yo no dije nada, pero Rocky piensa que debes tener los ojos vendados.
I didn't say that, but it doesn't mean anything.
No dije eso. Pero no les significa nada.
You banged up my car badly but I didn't say anything
he tenido un accidente con el coche no tengo nada que decir
He said that he was gonna divorce his wife but waited for the right time, you know..... years later, he was still waiting so I just left, I didn't even say goodbye, leave a note or anything Did you ever lived with anybody?
Él dijo que iba a divorciare de su esposa pero iba a esperar el momento adecuado dos años despues, él seguia esperando asi que simplemente me fui, ni siquiera me despedí, ni le dejé una nota o algo ¿ alguna vez viviste con alguien?
Ma'am, I didn't wanna say anything in front of the kids, but, if you have any hopes of renewing our relationship in any significant way, that's impossible.
Señora, no quise decir nada frente a los chicos, pero... si espera que renovemos nuestra relación de manera significativa... eso es imposible.
I didn't really want to say anything about this earlier, but I don't think you're really up for this.
Realmente no quería decir nada de esto, antes... pero no creo que este preparado para esto.
I didn't like to say anything - it's not really my field, but... it was certainly anolecithin in young Jacko's body from somewhere.
No quería decir nada, - no es mi campo, pero... - ¿ Qué?
I didn't say anything at the time, but then I was truly ashamed.
No dije nada en ese momento, pero estaba bastante avergonzado.
Yes. I didn't want to say anything, but that's exactly... Yes.
Sí, no quería decir nada, pero sí, exactamente... sí.
I was thinking it, but I didn't say anything. You were thinking it?
Lo pensaba, pero no lo he dicho.

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