But it wasn't translate Spanish
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But it wasn't because I didn't trust you.
Pero no fue porque no confié en ti.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it wasn't because I didn't trust you.
Siento no habértelo contado, pero no fue porque no confiase en ti.
It made me feel like I was in control, but I wasn't.
Me hacía sentir que tenía el control, pero no era así.
But it wasn't my talent, Daddy...
No era mi talento, papá.
It's just... I know it wasn't gonna happen, but when you first told me they might press charges, the thought of you behind bars...
Es solo que... sé que no iba a suceder, pero cuando primero me dijiste que podrían presentar cargos, pensar en ti tras las barras...
It wasn't art, but it was sound business, and one thing about Mutiny is you got a whole lot of the former, not much of the latter.
No era arte, pero sonaba a negocio, y una cosa sobre Mutiny es que tienes mucho del ex, y no mucho del nuevo.
But this wasn't the first time that Peugeot had completely changed its mind about what it wanted to be.
Pero esta no fue la primera vez que Peugeot cambió completamente de opinión sobre lo que quería ser.
~ It wasn't ANY car, but, yeah.
- No, no era cualquiera, pero, sí.
But it wasn't.
Pero no lo hizo.
She may have, but it wasn't because of your brilliantly creative mind, was it?
Lo hizo, pero no fue por la creatividad de su brillante cerebro, ¿ verdad?
Well, that was weird. I mean, maybe it was for you, but it wasn't for me. Hm.
Mamá, qué raro.
Stella's neighbors said they heard what they thought was a car backfiring at 2 : 30 in the morning, but it wasn't a car.
Los vecinos de Stella dicen que oyeron lo que ellos creían que era el petardeo de un coche a las 2 : 30 de la mañana, pero no era un coche.
It's true I wasn't a tenant, but my proxy was.
Es cierto que no era arrendataria, pero mi representante lo era.
I know you had a hard road to get here, but I bet it wasn't as hard as your mom's.
Sé que fue duro para ti llegar aquí, pero no fue tan duro como para tu madre.
Of course it's a compliment, but he wasn't embarrassed, so I'm pretty sure it had happened before.
" por supuesto que es un cumplido, pero él no estaba avergonzado así que estoy bastante segura que le había ocurrido antes.
But, I thought you said I wasn't allowed to use it?
Pero creí que habías dicho que no tenía permitido usarlo.
She literally pulled the plug on us. I wasn't gonna mention the other job offer to my dad, but I didn't want him just hearing about it, so after wrestling with it all day, I decided to tell him. Claire :
Literalmente nos desenchufó.
Each one of you had a dirty flirty... online with a woman you've never met, but now it's obvious that your relationship wasn't exactly monogamous, and yet you're still here.
Todos teníais un lío... por Internet con una mujer a la que no conocíais, pero ahora es obvio que vuestra relación no era exactamente monógama, y aun así aquí estáis.
I wish it wasn't happening to us, but it is.
Me gustaría que esto no nos estuviera pasando, pero lo está.
But it wasn't just the one-off?
¿ Pero no fue sólo una única vez?
I wasn't tempted to touch it, but clearly you are.
A mí no se me ocurre tocarla, pero está claro que a ti sí.
It wasn't just Sophie's phone, but
No era sólo el teléfono de Sophie, pero
But it wasn't to hurt them.
Pero no fue para lastimarlos.
I wasn't at first, but as it turns out, the cases he brings us are far more valuable to national security than what he gets in return.
Al principio no lo estaba, pero al final resulta que los casos que nos trae son mucho más valiosos para la seguridad nacional que lo que él recibe a cambio.
But if it really wasn't Hexton how does Hexton fit into this?
Pero si no sabemos si realmente conoce a Hexton ¿ cómo encaja Hexton en esto?
It matches exactly this necklace that she's seen wearing in the photos from last night, but wasn't on her body and SOCO couldn't find it, so somebody's taken it.
Coincide exactamente con este collar, que usaba anoche, según las fotos, pero no lo tenía puesto ni pudo ser hallado. O sea, alguien lo tomó.
We thought, well, maybe that would be the end of it, but it wasn't.
Pensamos, bueno, que tal vez eso sería el final de todo, pero no lo fue.
So he sit down on that tub thinking about killing her, but maybe that wasn't him thinking it.
Así que él se sentó en esa tina pensando en matarla pero quizá ese no era él pensándolo.
But it wasn't just Tracy.
Pero no fue solo Tracy.
We were taking it slow, but it wasn't me.
Nos lo estábamos tomando con tiempo, pero no era por mí.
But it wasn't even a full moon.
Pero ni siquiera habia luna llena.
Initially, Dietz claimed he'd been framed by the FBI, but when he realized it wasn't gonna work, he confessed.
Inicialmente, Dietz afirmó que el FBI le había tendido una trampa, pero cuando se dio cuenta de que no iba a funcionar, confesó.
I had so many friends growing up, but it wasn't until I met Kyle that I realized how lonely I was.
Tenía tantos amigos de niña, pero no fue hasta que conocí a Kyle que me di cuenta lo sola que estaba.
I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something threatening about the house.
No estaba seguro de lo que era, pero había algo amenazador en la casa.
But you told him it wasn't his fault, right?
Pero le habrás dicho que no fue culpa suya, ¿ verdad?
No collar, i know it wasn't in No collar, i know it wasn't in your plan, but a date with me Your plan, but a date with me tonight at tribal council where
No Collar, sé que no planeaban esto, pero tienen una cita conmigo en el Consejo Tribal.
Right, let me put it like this..... I don't know if any of you know but Combo is coming out... .. and if he wasn't, I would never breathe a word of this, I would happily take it to my grave and I wouldn't put you through it, any of ya.
Vale, deja que lo ponga de este modo... no sé si alguno lo sabe pero Combo va a salir... y si no fuera por eso, nunca habría dicho nada de esto, me lo hubiera llevado feliz a la tumba y no os habría hecho pasar por esto,
Kelly didn't go into detail but she knew it wasn't a fight, she was going there..... for that.
Kelly no entró en detalles, pero sabe que no fue una pelea, ella se ha ido... por eso.
Yeah, but it wasn't there.
Sí, pero es no estaba.
I mean, maybe it wasn't but, you know, it's... it's a remote spot.
Quiero decir, tal vez no sea pero, ya sabe, es... es una posibilidad remota.
But that wasn't completely true, was it?
Pero no era totalmente cierto, ¿ verdad?
It was me who revealed that they used a surrogate mother, and that Asa wasn't pregnant. But that's all.
Fui yo quien reveló... que usaban a una madre de alquiler y que Âsa no estaba embarazada, es todo.
It wasn't, but it is now.
No lo era, pero ahora lo es.
Well, what if... what if it wasn't one lion in Simon's camp that scared everybody off, but many?
Bueno, ¿ y si... ¿ y si no era un león en el campamento de Simon que asustó a todo el mundo fuera, pero muchos?
That what people say, but it wasn't the truth.
Eso dicen todos, pero no fue así.
I wasn't on schedule yesterday, but it's not odd for Dr. Barlow to check in regularly.
Ayer no estaba de turno... pero no es raro que el Dr. Barlow chequee regularmente.
But Chae Yeon, whatever I said, it wasn't my sincerity, so don't keep it to heart.
Pero Chae Yun, lo que sea que dije, no era sincero. Así que no te lo tomes en serio.
I mean, I just went as I was and who I was, but people, they thought it wasn't nice to talk about race or I might be insulted.
Sólo fui como estaba, y quién era pero la gente, ellos pensaban que estaba bien hablar de la raza o podría ser insultada.
But it wasn't a very pleasant one.
Pero fue una no muy agradable.
But what if it wasn't him?
¿ Qué pasa si no fue él?
Suddenly my heroes started to die, lots of them. But it wasn't from steroids. It was from drugs.
De repente, mis héroes comenzaron a morirse, muchos de ellos, pero no era debido a los esteroides sino a los fármacos.
but it wasn't him 24
but it wasn't me 51
but it wasn't enough 31
but it wasn't your fault 18
but it wasn't my fault 30
but it 307
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but it's okay 243
but it's mine 36
but it wasn't me 51
but it wasn't enough 31
but it wasn't your fault 18
but it wasn't my fault 30
but it 307
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but it's okay 243
but it's mine 36
but it's hard 35
but it's not too late 21
but it's not easy 20
but it's funny 23
but it's 672
but it's not 463
but it's not bad 18
but it's not a big deal 20
but it didn't work 94
but it's cool 35
but it's not too late 21
but it's not easy 20
but it's funny 23
but it's 672
but it's not 463
but it's not bad 18
but it's not a big deal 20
but it didn't work 94
but it's cool 35