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By the end of the week translate Spanish

703 parallel translation
By the end of the week, all females in this village will be circumcised!
Para el final de la semana, todas las mujeres en este pueblo serán circuncidadas!
We're leaving ourselves by the end of the week.
Nos vamos a finales de semana.
But if you don't act you'll be ruined by Schomburg by the end of the week.
Pero si tu no haces algo, Schomburg me arruinará antes del final de la semana.
New York sold this picture for release on the 15th. And if we don't finish it – – by the end of the week, the company breaks faith with exhibitors and loses a lot of dough.
La película tiene marcado su estreno el día 15, y si ella no si no está para terminar la película, perderemos una fecha de dinero.
I'll be able to walk by the end of the week.
Podré caminar a final de semana.
And by the end of the week...
Y para el final de la semana...
And by the end of the week, what?
¿ Ha entrado alguien? ¿ Qué quiere?
- I'll have it by the end of the week.
- Lo tendré el fin de semana.
By the end of the week all war production... be lowered by a full 25 %.
Para el fin de semana, la producción de armamento Habrá descendido un 25 %.
Well, I'll try to get it to you by the end of the week.
Trataré de llevárselo para el fin de semana.
I'll finish the merger by the end of the week, and then I can go with you.
Acabaré con la fusión a finales de la semana, y podré ir contigo entonces.
Fifty francs he's in love with milady by the end of the week.
50 francos a que la deja por Milady en 8 días.
By the end of the week I may not have it.
Puede que no los tenga al final de la semana.
- By the end of the week.
- Este fin de semana.
- By the end of the week, Ruth...
- A finales de semana, Ruth...
We'll have a new name for you by the end of the week.
Tendremos un nombre nuevo para Ud. al final de la semana.
She'll go unremembered by the end of the week.
Dentro de unos días ya nadie la recordará.
Unless this man is out of here by the end of the week you will not be in charge of this barracks, you will not be a sergeant you will in all probability be a permanent latrine orderly.
A menos que este hombre se haya ido para final de la semana no estará a cargo de los barracones, no será sargento y probablemente será un ordenanza permanente de letrinas.
By the end of the week, we should have made a very nice tax-free killing.
En una semana, tendremos hermosas ganancias libres de impuestos.
By the end of the week, this whole area will be socked in so tight... there won't be any chance for aerial observation.
Al final de la semana, la totalidad del área será golpeada por el frente y no habrá ninguna oportunidad de observación aérea.
By the end of the week, my vigil was a formality.
Al cabo de una semana, buscar era lo de menos.
I'll be gone by the end of the week, come what may.
Me iré antes de que acabe la semana, de todos modos.
It's a magnesium band. Colonel sloane says my arm will be perfect by the end of the week.
Al Al Baines.
He may want to think it over, but I want an answer by the end of the week.
Él querrá pensarlo... pero yo quiero una respuesta antes del fin de semana.
Well, I think you'll have an answer by the end of the week... if not sooner.
Creo que tendrás la respuesta entonces... si no es que antes.
He promised to repair it by the end of the week.
Me prometió que estaría a finales de semana.
I'm working on right now, Mr. Dayton, and I should have them by the end of the week.
Los tendré al final de la semana.
He was supposed to be abducted by the end of the week at the airport. What's going on with you?
¿ Ustedes son las trompetas del tiempo?
I want 4,000 men by the end of the week.
- Necesito 4.000 hombres para el viernes.
We'll give you an escort to Silverton by the end of the week.
Le daré una escolta a Silverton a final de semana.
I even have to be out of this elevator by the end of the week.
Debo salir de este ascensor al final de la semana.
I told you I had to be out of the elevator by the end of the week.
Te dije que tenía que salir del ascensor antes del final de la semana.
By the end of the week we will control this whole area.
De aquí al fin de la semana, controlaremos todo este sector.
Mr. Turner says they should be in the shops by the end of the week. - We must look out for them...
El Sr. Turner dice, que deberán... estar en los negocios para finales de la semana, debemos... ir a buscarlas.
You're one dead coon by the end of the week.
Para el fin de semana serás un negro muerto.
By the end of the week, Artie Van's gonna be... selling papers or shining shoes or somethin'.
Para el fin de semana, Artie Van estará... vendiendo diarios o lustrando zapatos o algo.
Shank! stabilize at 80 degrees by the end of the week.
Se estabilizará en los 26 grados a final de semana.
If you haven't got a job by the end of the week, you can get out!
Si no consigues empleo para el fin de semana, tendrás que irte. De todos modos es lo que querías.
He wants to approve the campaign by the end of the week.
Quiere aprobar la campaña.
By the end of the week, we ought to be done!
para el fin de semana la tierra debe estar preparada.
We will need your men to be mobilized by the end of the week.
Necesitaremos que sus hombres sean movilizados para finales de semana.
They should all be back here by the end of the week.
Y todos estarán de vuelta a finales de esta semana.
See, I'm quitting this outfit at the end of the week, and I'll be home by Tuesday.
Dejo este trabajo el fin de semana... y estaré en casa el martes.
If by the end of a week you say I don't fit, I'll go. Is that fair?
Si para entonces dice que no sirvo, me iré. ¿ Le parece justo?
I'll finish the rest of it by the end of the week.
Terminaré el resto esta semana.
But if I don't make it by the end of this week, there won't be a dam.
Si no voy este fin de semana, no habrá dique.
But if you aren't out of here by the end of next week... the county commissioner is gonna have you up for criminal action.
Pero si no se va antes de finales de la semana que viene... el comisionado del condado presentará cargos criminales contra Ud.
We'll see how you shape up by the end of the week. I'd say she shapes up pretty well.
Tenemos 6 alumnos al día.
- It has to be by the end of this week.
Tiene que ser esta semana.
By the end of the first week, they controlled most of the city, and the RAF was set to fly in the Polish government-in-exile.
Por el final de la primera semana, controlaban la mayor parte de la ciudad, y de la RAF fue establecido para volar en el gobierno en el exilio polaco.
By the end of the first week in June... the show dropped one ratings point... and its trend of shares dipped under 48 for the first time... since last November.
Para fines de la primera semana de junio... el programa perdió un punto de rating... y su participación declinó bajo 48 por primera vez... desde el último noviembre.

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