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Can't be helped translate Spanish

564 parallel translation
It can't be helped that you're confused.
Es inevitable que te sientas confundido.
Ah well, can't be helped.
Lo que sea.
That can't be helped....
No te puedo ayudar....
Well... it can't be helped.
Bien... ¡ No hay nada que hacer!
I know fathers condition is sad, but it can't be helped.
Es triste que papá esté enfermo, pero no tiene remedio.
He's bound to bawl us out but that can't be helped.
Nos hará un escándalo pero eso no puede ser evitado
It can't be helped. But I haven't come to say no.
Pero no he venido para decir no
- Can't be helped.
- No queda más remedio.
It can't be helped.
Es inevitable.
With this job, it can't be helped.
Son inevitables con este trabajo.
- lt can't be helped, son.
- Es inevitable, hijo.
It can't be helped.
¡ No hay nada que cambiar!
It can't be helped sometimes.
A veces no se puede ser de mucha ayuda.
Me best trousers. Oh well, it can't be helped.
Es mi mejor pantalón, qué se le va a hacer.
Can ´ t be helped.
No tiene remedio.
It can't be helped. Quite a natural thing.
No se puede hacer nada es algo natural.
It can't be helped... I've received orders to turn you away...
No le ayudará... pero he recibido la orden de que se aleje.
- It can't be helped, sir.
- No hay remedio.
Of course, it can't be helped.
Supongo que no tiene remedio.
It can't be helped.
No se le puede ayudar.
I'm awfully sorry, Julia, but it can't be helped.
Lo siento mucho Julia. Pero no puedo evitarlo.
That can't be helped.
Eso no tiene importancia.
Please, go in. I'm sorry, sir, but it can't be helped.
- Lo siento, no hay nada que hacer.
Can't be helped.
Es inevitable.
Can't be helped.
No pudo evitarse.
You know, Kiku, you're very innocent, so it can't be helped.
- No lo olvides. - Hijo, eres joven e ingenuo y aún... no sabes cómo es el mundo.
If it's truly a bad performance, it can't be helped.
Todo dependerá de las pruebas.
Sorry you have those derogatory opinions of me... but I guess that can't be helped.
Lamento que piense tan despectivamente de mí pero supongo que eso es inevitable.
I suppose it can't be helped.
Supongo que es inevitable.
I'm sorry you saw this, but it can't be helped. Leave me alone, leave me alone!
- Lo siento, pero era inevitable.
i'd have come with pleasure, but it can't be helped.
Iría con mucho gusto, pero no puedo remediarlo.
All right, it can't be helped. Stand by until we need you.
Muy bien, quédese por aquí por si hace falta.
- Well, it can't be helped.
- Bueno, fue inevitable.
Well it can't be helped.
Imposible, tuve que renunciar.
It can't be helped, but they yell so, Lizzie.
No puedo hacer nada, pero gritan tanto.
Well, it can't be helped now.
Bueno, ya no tiene remedio.
It can't be helped...
¡ No hay nada que hacer!
- Can't be helped.
No se puede hacer nada.
It can't be helped, she's beside herself.
No tiene caso, está fuera de sí.
I shouldn't worry about that if I was you. It can't be helped.
Eso no lo puedes evitar.
That can't be helped, but we won't take any more chances.
No se puede hacer nada, pero no podemos volver a arriesgarnos.
- So do I. Still, it can't be helped.
- Ojala hubiera podido.
Of course, on formal occasions, it can't be helped. But in general, Her Majesty, being a true autocrat, naturally doesn't believe in the equality of all men. And she feels the wig puts everybody on the same hairline.
En ocasiones formales son obligadas, pero al ser autócrata hasta la médula, no cree en la igualdad de los hombres, y opina que las pelucas ponen a todos al mismo nivel.
- That can't be helped.
- Eso no se puede remediar.
Can't be helped about the parachute. I'll have wings soon.
No se puede hacer nada con el paracaidas.Pronto tendré alas.
But it can't be helped.
Pero no se puede evitar.
Can't be helped, sis. Them spaniards has to be beat.
No podemos evitarlo, hay que derrocar a los españoles.
Can't be helped.
Era inevitable.
Can't be helped nowadays.
- Son otros tiempos, es inevitable.
Can't be helped.
- Es inevitable.
That can't be helped.
Ya no tiene remedio.

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