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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Debi

Debi translate Spanish

657 parallel translation
I should have shown your letter to my husband.
Debi haber enseñado su carta a mi marido.
Maybe I shouldn't have tried to start the blasted truck.
Tal vez no debi intentar arrancar el maldito camión.
- l shouldn't have quarreled.
- No debi reñir con ella.
- l'm sorry, no black tie.
- Debi ponerme el esmoquin.
Please forgive me, I shouldn't have bother
Por favor, perdoneme, no debi molestarle.
I must have sounded like an idiot. - Good-bye.
Estaba tan ocupado con otras cosas, debi sonar como un estupido.
I might've knowed.
- Debi imaginármeIo,
I should've known.
- Debi imaginármeIo,
I should have known it was all your doings.
Debi haber sabido que fue todo obra tuya.
I should have told the marshal.
Debi haberselo dicho al comisario.
I should have known.
Debi haberlo sabido.
Listen to me, please.
Yo nunca debi creer... Escucheme, por favor.
I know now the pain I must have caused you.
"Yo sé ahora el dolor que debi haber causado."
I should have done a long time ago, Gene.
que debi haber hecho hace mucho tiempo, Gene.
I, Debi Kakulabati
" Yo, Devi Kakravati...
Um... siempre he sentido que debi haber vivido durante la depresión.
Muchas noches he estado solo muchas veces debi haber regresado a casa
I should have sent those bricks over anonymously.
Creo que debi enviarlos anonimamente.
I should have known it.
Ah, ¡ la historia zombie! Debi saberlo.
I should have left it, instead of picking it up as a souvenir.
Debi haberla dejado, en lugar de llevarmela como recuerdo.
I should have noticed.
Debi haberlo notado.
I must have been ten, twelve.
Debi tener nueveo o diez.
I think I should have let you go.
Creo que debi haberte dejado ir.
I shouldn't have eaten those pig's feet.
No debi haberme comido esas pezuñas de cerdo.
What I mean is that I should never have rented this apartment in the first place.
Lo que quiero decir es que nunca debi alquilar este apartamento para empezar.
I should've specified female.
Debi haber puesto que sólo queria chicas.
Sure, I might have known it.
claro, debi saberlo.
I must have blacked out.
Debi haber perdido el conocimiento ".
I should've stayed where I was.
Debi haberme quedado donde estaba.
You know I must've started off to Mardi Gras six or seven times.
Sabeis debi salir para el carnaval seis o siete veces.
I should've never fallen in love.
Nunca debi enamorarme.
- I never should have believed you.
Nunca debi de haberte creido. ¡ Soy muy tonta!
I must have been blind to choose you as my friend.
Debi estar ciego eligiendote como amigo.
The lucky lad will have a long and happy life in some aquarium.
debi suponer su interes si es que los tiene el afortunado que caiga aqui pasara una vida larga y feliz en un acuario.
I should've done ophthalmology.
- ¡ Debi haber estudiado oftalmología!
I don't know... that I should've stayed in school or somethin'.
No se.... Que debi haberme quedado en la escuela.
I should have called.
Debi haber llamado.
Maybe I shouldn't have told you.
No debi decirtelo.
I'm a fool, I shouldn't have told you.
Soy una tonta. No debi decirtelo.
It's my fault, I shouldn't drink so much
Es mi culpa, no debi beber tanto
And so, anyways, um, I went outside and I must have walked right over the guy'cause I couldn't see anything anyways. [LAUGHS] And then my brother, my brother goes,
asi que sali, y debi caminar por encima del tipo porque no veia nada, y entonces mi hermano dice,
I should've made sure of the judge in the first place.
Primero debi comprar al juez.
I guess I should have told you about him then.
Supongo que debi contarte sobre el.
I should have gotten you something returnable, like a donkey.
Debi regalarte algo retornable, como un burro.
- I never should have called him.
- No debi llamarlo.
I guess I should've given him some money.
Debi darle dinero.
Aw, I might know it'd be you.
Debi imaginar que eras tú.
Is everything all right?
Debi viajar con ellos.
Vadiño! Debi bet on a chip the number 17
¡ Vadiño! O qué será que le da O qué será, mi negro, será que le da que no le da descanso, será que me da
So I shouldn't be here?
¿ Quieres decir que no debi haber venido?
I should never have let them go shopping.
No debi dejarlas ir de compras.

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