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Delaware translate Spanish

642 parallel translation
Washington crossing the Delaware.
- Washington cruzando el Delaware.
He wants Washington crossing the Delaware.
- Quiere Washington cruzando el Delaware.
I wouldn't cover Washington crossing the Delaware for you if he did it all over again.
Oh, chico, así se habla. Escuchadle.
Ha! I didn't tell you that, did I?
No cubriría ni a Washington cruzando el Delaware para usted...
He's all I've got in the world, except a picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware.
Es todo lo que tengo, aparte de un cuadro de George Washington cruzando el Delaware.
The farmer's trust job in Denver?
El robo de una granja en Delaware.
You know, you're losing some of the color out of those cheeks of yours.
¿ Qué harás? Washington cruzó el río Delaware, nosotros cruzaremos el Hudson.
They're all around Fort Pitt. Shawnee and Delaware.
En la zona del Fuerte Pitt, son Shawnees y Delawares.
Now, we're traveling light, so are the Delawares but they'll be held back because they're carrying the kids along.
Iremos a paso ligero. Los delaware también, pero con los niños irán más lentos. 20 indios.
Or Washington crossing the Delaware
O a Washington cruzando el Delaware
And Washington crossed the Delaware.
Y Washington cruza Delaware.
Don't be a square from Delaware.
- No seas conservador.
- Washington, close to Delaware.
- Washington, cerca de Delaware.
She's a lap-happy chick compared to that square from Delaware you run around with.
Esa chica es una belleza comparada con la de tu hermano.
The mystery is you're married to a square from Delaware, if you're familiar with the appellation.
Es que tu marido es un zoquete de Delaware. Si entiendes lo que quiero decir.
Of whose existence I must confess I had little knowledge. Has died and left an estate to us. You might say that I was, in a manner..
Verá, un primo lejano de Delaware de cuya existencia sabía poco... ha muerto y nos ha nombrado herederos.
You're Calamity Jane, and you've won from Delaware to California.
Eres Calamity Jane has ganado desde Delaware a California.
The Delaware Mudflat deal?
¿ El contrato en Delaware?
Davis Bail Bonding Company, a Delaware corporation.
Sociedad de préstamos para fianzas Davis, constituida en Delaware.
On sabbatical, Delaware Tech.
Del sabático, Delaware Tech.
- Delaware Tech.
De Delaware Tech.
Shakespeare did me no more good than Washington did crossing the Delaware.
Shakespeare no me ayudó más que Washington al cruzar Delaware.
They're Delaware, Kiowa, Kwahadi Comanche, but they're not Sioux.
Son delaware, kiowa, kwahadi comanche, pero no son sioux.
He was governor of Delaware, you mean.
Fue gobernador de Delaware, si a eso te refieres.
Well, I was once the happy governor of Delaware... counting revenue from corporative setups and having tea with the du Ronts.
Bueno, una vez fui el feliz gobernador de Delaware contando las ganancias de los acuerdos corporativos y tomando té con los du Pont.
- This is Delaware. - I know.
- Estamos en Delaware.
Debe ser cerca de la Novena y Delaware.
But I've got, uh, Bufferin, Pepto-Bismol, Mercurochrome... 45,000. Delaware Punch?
¿ Refrescos?
- Where Washington crossed the Delaware.
- Donde Washington cruzó el Delaware.
Not till we take a little trip across the Delaware.
No hasta que tú y yo crucemos juntos el Delaware.
Pack your bags for that trip across the Delaware, baby!
¡ Prepárate, que vamos a cruzar juntos el Delaware, cariño!
This is Mark Danderfield speaking for KAOS, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation.
Soy Mark Danderfield, de KAOS, Inc una empresa de Delaware.
A Delaware corporation?
¿ Una empresa Delaware?
I walked clear to the Delaware River.
Cam ¡ né hasta el río Delaware.
You must fight for Massachusetts Michigan and Delaware.
Debes luchar por Massachusetts Michigan y Delaware.
Paris, London, the Delaware Water Gap.
En París, Londres, Niágara.
A mixture of Navajo, Mohican and Delaware, I believe.
Una mezcla de navajo, mohicano y delaware.
I was fine in Virginia and Delaware.
Estaba bien en Virginia y Delaware.
There's a yellow sheet on him the size of Delaware.
Tiene una larga lista de antecedentes.
Turned out his father was once... an unsuccessful candidate for governor of Delaware.
Resultó ser que su padre una vez fue... un candidato al que no eligieron como gobernador de Delaware.
Of Delaware.
En Delaware.
Well, that's a subsidiary of Delaware Industries. And they tell me that, uh, Dancik's name was never mentioned in either one of them.
Es una división de Industrias Delaware... y el nombre de Dancik no se menciona en ninguna de ellas.
He lives in Delaware. Mm-hmm.
Vive en Delaware.
I figure if I'm up, everybody in the Delaware Valley should be up.
Supongo que si yo estoy levantado, todo el mundo debe levantarse.
Wade, I want roadblocks... on Interstate, Casper, Webster, and Delaware... and on the desert side.
Wade, quiero controles de tráfico... en la lnterestatal, Casper, Webster y Delaware... y junto al desierto.
And it's in Delaware or something.
Es en Delaware.
Delawares, I think.
Son Delaware, creo.
Yes.. as it happens, a distant cousin of mine in Delaware..
- Sí
Delaware, Delta, deluxe, Douglas.
Delaware, Delta, deluxe.
Dover, Delaware.
Dover, Delaware.
Wilmington, Delaware.
En Wilmington, Delaware.

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