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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Did you tell him that

Did you tell him that translate Spanish

428 parallel translation
Did you tell him that his meeting with Sejin Group is at the Palace Hotel?
¿ Le dijo que su reunión con el Grupo Sejin es en el hotel Palace?
Ohh! Did you tell him that you had five daughters, Papa?
¿ Y le dijo que tenía cinco hijas, papá?
What did you tell him that for?
¿ Por qué le ha dicho eso?
- Did you tell him that?
- ¿ Se lo darías? - Pues sí.
- Two coffees. - Did you tell him that I'm here?
- Dos cafés. - ¿ Le ha dicho que estoy aquí?
Did you tell him that I must go back before it comes?
¿ Le ha dicho Ud. que tengo que volver antes de que venga?
Did you tell him that your wife was mistaken?
dijiste que tu mujer estaba equivocada?
Did you tell him that you were taking bows for something that you did not do?
Que estabas recibiendo alabanzas por algo que no habías hecho?
Did you tell him that you loved him?
- ¿ Le has dicho que lo amas?
Did you tell him that?
- ¿ Le has dicho lo nuestro?
Why did you tell him that stuff about Lynch?
¿ Por qué dijiste esas cosas sobre Lynch?
Did you tell him that you're giving the celebration speech?
¿ Le has dicho que tú leerás el discurso?
Why did you tell him that?
Por qué le has dicho eso?
How he hasn't got much of a chance. Did you tell him that?
Que tiene pocas posibilidades de sobrevivir. ¿ Le dijo usted eso?
And did you tell him that that might be rather difficult?
¿ Y le dijisteis que sería algo difícil?
Did you tell him that we found the bag near M. Campi's villa?
¿ Le has dicho que se encuentran cerca de la villa de Campi?
Did you tell him that you really spent the night in the car?
¿ Le dijiste que pasaste la noche en el auto?
Why did you tell him that?
¿ Por qué le dijiste eso?
Did you tell him that?
¿ Tú se lo dijiste?
Did he ever tell you how we took him in that fake counterfeiting gag?
¿ Le contó el asunto de los billetes falsos?
Tell him that you did it :
- Dicen que sí.
Good. Did you fix it with him to tell me that I have to go to Honolulu for my nerves?
Bien. ¿ Lo has arreglado todo para que me recete ir a Honolulu?
Well, did you not hear him ask my promise that if he did not return, I would tell his parents what had happened?
Bueno, ¿ no escuchó que me hizo prometerle que si él no volvíia, le diría a sus padres qué pasó?
Come on, tell him who did it! Who helped you make that I am?
¿ Quién te ayudó a ordeñar la oveja?
We don't say that you did kill him, but we do say that you can tell us who did.
No decimos que lo mató, queremos que nos diga quién lo hizo.
I understood you to say that you did not believe i killed him, And yet, you will not believe me when i tell you i did not.
Entendí que dijera que no creyó que yo le matara, y sin embargo, no me creerá cuando le digo que no lo hice.
Did you ever tell Henry That you loved him?
¿ Alguna vez le has dicho a Henry que le amas?
Oh, well, I watched him close... and I did everything that he did... and I'll bet you if you had your eyes closed you couldn't tell us apart.
Lo vi de cerca... hice todo lo que él hizo... y apuesto a que si tuvieras los ojos cerrados, no notarías la diferencia.
Did anyone tell you when a girl like you starts talking about a fellow like me it means only one thing, that you're falling madly in love with him?
¿ Alguien te dijo que cuando una chica como tú habla de un hombre como yo solo significa que te estás enamorando locamente de él?
- Did she tell you that I met him first? - No, I don't believe she did.
No, creo que no.
Tell me, did you know that... See him yourself, ask him yourself.
Miré usted mismo, pregúntele usted.
But did you not stand in that box and swear by Almighty God as you shall stand before Him on the great day of judgment that you would tell the truth, the whole truth, - and nothing but the truth? Did you?
¿ Pero acaso no juró Vd. por Dios Todopoderoso... que iba a decir Ia verdad... toda Ia verdad y nada más que Ia verdad?
¿ Le dijo que soy un lisiado por su culpa?
¿ Le habló de los hombres que murieron por culpa suya?
No le dirías que desenterrara al gato, ¿ no?
You did not tell him a thing that wasnae true.
No le he dicho ninguna mentira.
Did they tell you how the whale marked him inside as well as out? Did they tell you that mischief was worked on his soul?
La ballena lo marcó por dentro y por fuera, hizo diabluras con su alma.
But why of all things did you have him tell me that you'd been murdered?
Pero entre todo, ¿ por qué se te ocurrió que me dijera que te habían asesinado?
But why did you have to go and tell him all that?
Debiste callar. ¿ Qué ideas fuiste a meterle en la cabeza?
- And that was a mistake. - Did you tell him about me?
¿ Le dijiste acerca de mí?
I know him well, Eminence, and can tell you that if he sinned he did so through generosity, rather than wicked impulse.
Le conozco bien, Eminencia. Y puedo decirle que si ha pecado,... lo ha hecho más por generosidad que movido por un impulso maligno.
Did you tell him that you had been making love with me?
¿ Le has dicho que hacías el amor conmigo?
Did you tell him about the night our car broke down near that funny roadhouse?
¿ Le contaste lo de la noche que se estropeó el coche cerca del motel?
BERNARD : Did you tell Charles Gilman the defendant... Did you express to him your feelings that your husband was not...
¿ Le dijo a Charles Gilman, el acusado le confesó que su esposo no era lo que esperaba que fuera?
That's nice. What did you tell him?
Está bien. ¿ Qué le dijiste?
And you tell him the names of the rest of the men that did this to him.
Y le dices los nombres de los hombres que le han hecho esto.
Did you tell this Chris that you'd seen him in the dream thing?
¿ Le dijiste a ese Chris que le has visto en tus sueños?
What I wanted to ask you, sir, when you knew that you were gonna be late for your tennis game, did you happen to call Dr. Hunter to tell him you were going to be late?
Quería preguntarle, señor, cuando supo que se retrasaría para su partida de tenis, llamo al Dr. Hunter para decirle que llegaría tarde?
- We heard you were offered Tesla fifty thousand dollars if resolved, and when he did, he said you tell him that you do not understand American sense of humor.
- Usted le ofreció a Tesla cincuenta mil dólares si lo resolvía, pero cuando lo hizo, le dijiste que el no entendía el sentido del humor americano.
What else did you tell him... that I cheat on crossword puzzles,
Que hago trampas en los crucigramas.
- Did you tell him, that you are married?
- ¿ Le dijiste... que estás casada?

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