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Dije translate Spanish

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- I've never told anyone but you.
- Nunca se lo dije a nadie, solo a ti.
" I told the president there were four men by the same name the State Department was tracking.
" Le dije al presidente que había cuatro hombres llamados así buscados por el Departamento de Estado.
I've always told myself that everything I did was for her.
Siempre me dije que todo lo que hice lo hice por ella.
When I told Haley we had boundaries, I just meant that there are certain things
Cuando le dije a Haley que teníamos límites, me refería a que hay algunas cosas
Well, I hate to say I told you so, because I prefer the less formal "toldja."
Odio decirte "te lo dije". Prefiero el informal "te dije". ¡ Te dije!
Sheldon, when I said I was fine, I meant I didn't want to talk about it anymore.
Sheldon, cuando dije que estaba bien, quería decir que no quiero hablar más al respecto.
I said no.
- Dije que no.
If you were this upset, why didn't you say so when I told you?
Si estabas así de molesto, ¿ por qué no lo dijiste cuando te lo dije?
And I know I said the same thing after the massage chair, but this time I mean it.
Y yo sé que dije lo mismo sobre la silla de masaje, pero esta vez lo digo en serio.
Hey, I told you to stay away from him.
Oye, te dije que te mantuvieras alejada de él.
What did I say before, nothings?
¿ Qué es lo que dije, nadas?
And like I told the blonde here, this isn't Kiki, this is Wagon.
Y como le dije a la rubia, este no es Kiki, es Wagon.
I told you, this isn't Kiki, this is Wagon, and Wagon is not for sale.
Ya te dije, no es Kiki, es Wagon, y Wagon no está a la venta.
That's what I said.
Eso es lo que dije.
Yeah, she just got held up at the library, so I said I could come and swing round, I don't want to keep you waiting.
Sí, se detuvo en la biblioteca, así que dije que podía... venir y dar una vuelta, no quiero que sigas esperando.
I said I'd make it.
Dije que lo haría yo.
I know that I said that I would never bring this again...
Sé que dije que nunca volvería a sacar esto de nuevo...
Didn't I say she'd get me out early?
¿ No dije que ella me echaría antes?
He feels so bad about what happened, but I told him it's partly his fault.
Él se siente muy mal por lo que pasó, pero le dije que es en parte culpa suya.
- That's what I said.
- Eso es lo que yo dije.
I said I wanted this to be about us.
Dije que quería que esto fuera sobre nosotros.
No, I said use MY office, this is Ellen's space now.
No, dije que usaras mi oficina, este es el espacio de Ellen ahora.
Yeah, I told her.
Sí, se lo dije.
I stand by what I said.
Mantengo lo que dije.
I didn't say anything, but I hope that this is the last I hear from her and I hope I won't have to call you again.
No dije nada, pero espero que esto sea lo último que escucho... de ella y espero no tener que llamarte de nuevo.
As I said, I can't get into any of this...
Como dije, no puedo entrar en nada de esto...
I told her that if I had been with you, I might have gotten a baby.
Le dije que si yo hubiera estado contigo, podría haber tenido un bebé.
Well, I said I wasn't sure - [Tinker chuckles] - because I didn't report to him.
Bueno, dije que no sabía porque él no era mi jefe directo.
And finally in 2006, I went to Mark Parker and I said,
Y finalmente en 2006, me reuní con Mark Parker y le dije :
I said, " Remember we talked about how you wanted a midcut, and no one had ever done a midcut height for a basketball shoe?
Yo dije : " ¿ Recuerdas que me dijiste que querías un corte medio y nadie había hecho cortes medios para un calzado de básquet?
I said, "Don't wear'em in a game, because we don't... They're not ready to go to market or anything."
Le dije : "No las uses para jugar porque no están listas para salir al mercado ni nada".
And he goes, "How did you know that?" And I said, "Know what?"
Me dice : "¿ Cómo sabes eso?". Le dije : "¿ Saber qué?".
I said, "Come on, man. For the first time, let's just look back a little bit and that will help us go forward, too."
Le dije : " Vamos, por primera vez, miremos hacia atrás un poco.
So, the first time I did a rock show, I said, "Why don't we put them all in their own little box?"
Para mi primer escenario de rock dije : "¿ Por qué no ponemos a cada uno en su caja?".
I told you to stay in there.
Te dije que te quedaras ahí.
He hated this, but I told him,
La odiaba, pero le dije :
- Told ya.
- Te lo dije.
Told you...
Te lo dije...
I never should have said what I did.
Nunca debería haber dicho lo que dije.
Believe me, I said a lot of other stuff, but that boy is his whole world.
Créanme, dije muchas otras cosas pero ese chico es todo su mundo.
Gibbs, what I said about your wife and daughter...
Gibbs, lo que dije de su esposa y su hija...
Brian, I never said you could have guests.
Brian, nunca dije que podías tener invitados.
I already told Dad...
Ya se lo dije a papá...
Why? As I told you, you're going to choose to be part of this family.
Como te dije, tú elegirás ser parte de esta familia.
I said the same thing.
Yo dije lo mismo.
I told you Josie would help.
Les dije que Josie ayudaría.
Told you it'd work.
Te dije que funcionaría.
I told Trevor to be outside at 0600.
Le dije a Trevor que este afuera a las 0600.
I told them this weather is nothing.
Les dije que este clima no es nada.
I told them to walk to Wells and catch the Orange Line.
Les dije que caminaran hasta Wells y tomaran el metro.
I said, " But wait!
Entonces dije :

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