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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Does this mean anything to you

Does this mean anything to you translate Spanish

99 parallel translation
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ No significa nada para ti?
Does this mean anything to you?
- ¿ Esto no le dice nada?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa esto algo para Ud.?
Does this mean anything to you? This moment?
¿ Significa algo para ti... este momento?
Mr. Templeton, does this mean anything to you?
Sr. Templeton, ¿ significa esto algo para usted?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Esto significa algo para usted?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para ustedes?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Esto significa algo para ti?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Te dicen algo estas cosas?
- Does this mean anything to you?
- ¿ Le dicen algo?
But does this mean anything to you?
Pero esto no significa nada para ti?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Esta foto no le dice nada?
Hey, does this mean anything to you?
Dime... ¿ te dice algo esta frase?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para tí?
- Does this mean anything to you two?
¿ Esto significa algo para ustedes?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa esto algo para usted?
- Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
- Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti? No.
does this mean anything to you?
¿ Esto te dice algo?
- Does this mean anything to you?
- ¿ Esto significa algo para ti?
Does this mean anything to you?
- ¿ Significa algo para ti?
Sergeant, does this mean anything to you - -
Sargento ¿ significa esto algo para usted?
He was suspended from his legs, upside down and cut with his dog tags. Does this mean anything to you?
Le colgaron de las piernas, boca abajo y rajado con sus placas de identificación. ¿ Eso le dice algo?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Significa algo para usted?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Le dice esto algo?
Does this mean anything to you?
Significa algo para ti?
Does this mean anything to you, Mr Bede?
¿ Significa algo para ti, Sr. Bede?
Does this mean anything to you?
¿ Esto no significa nada para ti?
Does this name mean anything to you?
¿ Le dice algo este nombre?
- Does this ring mean anything to you?
- ¿ Qué significa este anillo para ti?
Ustane does this map mean anything to you?
Ustane. Este mapa. ¿ Qué significa?
Does any of this mean anything to you?
¿ Te suena algo de esto?
Now this does not mean that the situation is irreversible... but it's very important for you to try to think back... to any time, let's say within the last six months or so... when you might have come in contact with a toxic material... for example, contaminated water or gases... radiation, anything out of the ordinary, which... could have caused this. Miss Vane?
Esto no significa que el proceso sea irreversible pero es importante que trate de recordar si en el pasado, digamos, hace seis meses o algo así estuvo en contacto con un material tóxico por ejemplo, agua o gases contaminados radiación o cualquier cosa fuera de lo común que haya podido causar esto. ¿ Srta. Vane?
This guy Kleiss she talked about, does he mean anything to you?
Este chico Kleiss hablaba de, quiere decir algo para usted?
Does this number mean anything to you?
Este número significa algo para ti?
Does this figure mean anything to you, Doctor?
¿ Esta cifra significa algo para Ud., doctor?
- Does any of this mean anything to you?
- ¿ Tiene algún significado para usted?
Does this mean anything to you, Sara?
¿ Esto significa algo para ti, Sara?
Does this not mean anything to you?
¿ No le significa esto nada?
Does this mean anything to you, sweet cheeks?
Lo dice una y otra vez, no significa nada par ud?
- Does this place mean anything to you?
- Reconoces este lugar?
I'm sorry. Does this face mean anything to you?
- Lo siento. ¿ Les dice algo este rostro?
Does this song... still mean anything to you?
¿ Todavía te significa algo?
Emmanueline, does this mean anything to you?
Emmanueline, ¿ esto significa algo para ti?
Does this name mean anything to you?
¿ Este nombre significa algo para usted?
Does this cross mean anything to you?
¿ La cruz significa algo para usted?
Does any of this mean anything to you?
¿ Algo de esto tiene sentido para usted?
Does this recording mean anything to you?
¿ Esta grabación significa algo para ti?
Does this team mean anything to you?
¿ Este equipo significa algo para ti?
I never came across to you, though. This does not mean anything
Esto no quiere decir nada

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