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Don't call her that translate Spanish

173 parallel translation
I don't think there's any way I could call her that.
No pienso llamarla así nunca.
Y escuche, Doña Astróloga, cuando me vaya de aquí, no llame a mi mujer para decirle que la obligaron a esto, o le hablaré a todo el mundo de usted.
I don't like it when you call her that way She is not a Madam, but a Lady.
No me gusta que la llames así. No es una señora, sino una dama.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping tablets to keep you quiet while she's out doing I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Señorita Blanche, se lo advierto, si esa hermana suya se ha ido y le ha dado pastillas para dormir para mantenerla callada mientras ella está fuera no sé qué le aseguro que llamaré a la Policía.
I don't want her to worry about me, that's all. Can't I call her?
¿ Puedo telefonear?
- And don't let the guys call her that.
- Y no dejes que los chicos le digan así.
Call me skeptical, but I don't think her tips were quite that good, and they certainly didn't come in the form of hundred-dollar bills.
Llámame escéptico, pero no creo que ganara tanto en propinas y sin duda no se las dan en billetes de 100 dólares.
Why don't we call her and have her meet us downtown? No, no, you mustn't do that.
- Vamos a llamarla para que venga.
Don't call her that.
No la llames así.
- stuffed in the mattress! - Don't call her that.
No la llames así.
- Don't call her that.
- No le digas así.
We don't call her that here!
¡ Aquí no la llamamos así!
- Don't call her the housekeeper. - That's what she is.
No la llames la criada.
If not, call Mel and let her know that you don't need her to take Maggie. Jack, okay? I'm gonna miss my plane.
Si no, llama a Mel y dile que no hace falta que la lleve.
Look, don't you call her that.
Mira, no la llames así.
I don't want her to get the call that I'm missing.
Yo no quiero que reciba la llamada que me falta.
Don't call her that... because we're going to get back together... and then there will be weirdness between you and me... so just watch it.
No la llames así, porque vamos a volver... y habrá resentimientos entre tú y yo.
It's just that we don't call her Deborah. She's just Deb to us.
Es que en realidad no la llamamos Debrah, es Deb para nosotros.
Don't call her that to her face.
No la llames así en la cara.
Why don't you call her? She would love that.
¿ Por qué no la llamas?
Don't call her that.
No le digas Pechugas McGee.
For the love of God, don't call her by that South Sea island name!
Oh, sí, Sr. Dick.
- Don't call her that.
- No la llames así.
Sounds like you and Chia-head are officially on the rocks, Mr. Slick. Don't call her that.
Parece que tú y cabeza de chorlito están en aprietos, Sr. Escurridizo.
You don't want me to call her because you love that other guy.
No quieres que la llame porque amas a ese otro tipo.
I might have been able to teach you but that stupid bitch had you wrapped around her... Don't you ever call her that!
Pude haberte enseñado... pero esa zorra tonta te tenía dominado- ¡ No le digas así!
You don't get to call her that.
Ella no confía en mí.
Janet knows that too. - And please, don't call her Dr Fraiser.
-... y por favor, no la llames doctora Fraiser.
Look Rahul, I want you to call her up and say that you don't love her.
"Mire Rahul, quiero que usted la llamé Y diga que usted no la quiere"
Hey, Don't you call her that.
No la llames eso.
"We don't call him that." Fucking rubbing her face in it!
"No lo llamamos así" ¡ Restregándoselo en la nariz!
There is a lot of material that can help us think about our role in God's plan and help us to be prepared for the call. Don't listen to her.
Hay muchísimos materiales que nos permitirían pensar cuál es nuestro rol en el plan de Dios... para ayudarnos a estar preparadas para el llamado... no la escuches.
And now, because your plane was late... well, I met a woman that I could fall in love with... and I'm telling you... if I don't get on this plane right now... I might just call her. And then what?
Y ahora, como su avión se retrasó... conocí a una mujer de la que podría enamorarme... así que le digo que si no me subo a ese avión ahora mismo... quizás la llame por teléfono.
I don't know that for a fact, but if Emily said so... far be it from me to call her a liar.
No lo comprobé Pero si Emily lo dice, no diré que miente
Don't call her that. That's good.
Ah, muy bien.
Don't call her anything, don't refer to her at all. How'd that be?
No la llames de ningún modo, no hables de ella. ¿ Qué te parece?
Don't call her that.
- No la llames así
That's enough! Don't call her a tramp.
Bueno, ya está bien de arpía, y de "argentina"...
Don't call her that.
No la llames así
Don't call her that.
No la llames asi.
Reverend, if you don't call her on that incredibly insensitive comment, I'm gonna lose it.
Reverendo, si no le llama la atención sobre ese comentario increíblemente insensible, voy a perder la compostura.
Don't you dare call her that!
¡ No te atrevas a llamarla así!
- don't call her that - sorry and, when she defrosted, Cleo you can use your power, and you gonna get the bodily fluids circulating again if we find the problem, Emma you're here to cool things down
- No la llames así-lo siento y, cuando se descongela, Cleo puede usar su poder, y usted va a conseguir que los fluidos corporales que circulan de nuevo si nos encontramos con el problema, Emma estás aquí para enfriar las cosas
So I think the best solution to this little problem is for you to trust me, call off the wedding, and don't tell her that I said anything.
Así que creo que la solución es que confíes en mí que canceles la boda y que no le cuentes nada a ella.
so, i mean, you're saying it's probably wise that i don't call her, right?
Así que, Tu crees que lo mejor es... Que no la llame, no?
I begged her to be reasonable, to work with me, but... she said she would call the police and... after that, I don't remember what happened except she was reaching for the phone and...
Le rogué que fuese razonable, que lo hablara conmigo pero me dijo que iba a llamar a la policía y después de eso, no recuerdo lo que sucedió excepto que ella iba hacia el teléfono y...
Don't call her that.
No la llames así. Es muy sensible.
I know who you're talking about, but I really don't think I want to call her and tell her that we're breaking up.
Sé de quién hablas, pero no creo que quiera llamarla... y decirle que estamos rompiendo.
Don't call her that.
No le llames eso.
I don't believe that Joosep let her mother call the teacher.
No creo que Joosep le permita a su madre llamar a la profesora.
- Don't you call her that!
- ¡ No la llame así!

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