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Don't do that to me translate Spanish

1,883 parallel translation
It's tough because there are really only two other aerospace companies in the area that do the work in the fields that I specialize in, so it's... I got three kids in school, so we-we really don't want to leave the area.
Es difícil porque sólo hay dos compañías aeroespaciales más en el área que trabajan en los campos en los que me especializo, así que tengo tres niñas en la escuela así que realmente no queremos dejar la zona.
I know you want to kill me, and don't tell me it's because I asked you to, because that's not what friends do to each other!
¡ Sé que quieres matarme, y no me digas que es porque te lo pedí, porque eso no lo hacen los amigos!
Don't be saying you don't want to do things that hurt.
No me digas que no quieres hacer cosas que causen dolor.
No, no, no.I can't, I can't do the interviews. I-I don't make decisions like that. People talk to me, and I just kind of tune them out and nod my head.
No, no puedo hacer las entrevistas, no tomo decisiones las personas hablan conmigo y yo me desligo un poco muevo la cabeza, estaría tomando una decisión a ciegas.
So what I have to do is go to that photo shoot later and I don't know what your plan is, but it's sort of over in your neighborhood, so I was thinking that maybe I could come over to your place first
Sólo me queda ir a la sesión de fotos. No sé qué has pensado pero es cerca de tu casa, así que podría recogerte primero y salir un rato.
I'm about to go back in, I have one more thing that I have to do here, so if I don't pick up, I'll just call back.
Me vuelvo dentro. Me queda una cosa por hacer así que si no te contesto te llamo.
Don't ask me that. Just know that I'm gonna do my best to help you and... that you're not welcome in my house ever again.
Sólo sé que voy a hacer lo mejor para ayudarte y... que no eres bienvenido a mi casa jamás de nuevo.
Everyone expects me to take Firelord's life. But i just don't know if i can do that.
Todos esperan que acabe con el Señor del Fuego, pero no sé si pueda hacerlo.
Do me a favor, Danny - don't reduce me to some shallow, clingy girlfriend that's starting to suffocate you, okay?
Hazme un favor, Danny- - No me reduzcas a una superficial, y pegajosa novia que comienza a sofocarte, ¿ bien?
Don't you dare do that to me.
No te atrevas a hacerme eso.
Son, I don't know what to do. I mean, I cannot go on thinking that she hates me.
Hijo, no sé qué hacer Quiero decir que, no puedo seguir...
* read my lips * * be all that you can be * * make a difference * * give your dreams to me * * no time for sleeping * * there's too much to do * * don't you forget that *
Traducción :
* read my lips * * be all that you can be * * make a difference * * give your dreams to me * * no time for sleeping * * there's too much to do * * don't you forget that *
Lipstick Jungle - S02E06 "Chapter Nine : Help!"
I'd ask someone to pinch me, But i bruise very easily, so don't do that.
Pediría que me pellizquen, pero me salen moratones fácilmente, así que no haré eso.
Guys, don't hate me, But do you think that maybe we could go back to the city
Chicas, no me odien, pero ¿ creen que podríamos volver antes a la ciudad?
"Don't do that to me," you come hide in the kitchen.
"No me hagas eso a mí", vienes a ocultarte en la cocina.
Yeah. I don't feel great about that. I don't really want to do that again.
No me siento orgulloso de eso, no deberíamos repetirlo nunca
I don't know, it seems to me that coming out is something young people do.
Me parece que eso es algo que solo hacen los jóvenes.
i'm being asked to do things i don't know that i can do.
Me piden que haga cosas que no se si pueda hacer.
I go to do something it gives me a warning that I don't understand, it's cryptic.
Voy a hacer algo y me sale una advertencia de algo que no entiendo, es un enigma.
I'm not gonna stick a thumb in that shot-up leg because A, I think that's exactly what you expect me to do, and B I don't think you'd crack anyway.
No voy a clavarle el dedo en la herida de la pierna porque A, eso es exactamente lo que espera que haga, y B tampoco creo que eso le haría hablar.
I don't... and i don't like seeing souls linger, but... that's what they do when they're trying to finish something.
No lo hago, y no me gusta ver almas perdidas, pero es lo que hacen cuando tratan de finalizar algo.
you know, your mom told me that your dad was really sick, do you think maybe that's why he's being so shy- - i don't want to talk about this anymore.
Tu mamá me dijo que tu padre estaba muy enfermo, - ¿ crees que por eso sea tan silencioso? - No quiero hablar de esto ya.
Don't [bleep] ing do that to me.
No me hagas eso.
Okay, and don't make the mistake of thinking that won't be easy for me to do.
De acuerdo, y no cometas el error de pensar que no me será fácil.
If you want to do that, go ahead, but don't tell me I'm less of a doctor for walking away.
Si quiere hacerlo, hágalo pero no me diga que soy menos médica por irme.
I might be a whole forest girl, I don't know, but I do know that I want to be with you and... to do that I have to at least tell you the truth, and the truth is I slept with Mark Sloan today.
Quizá me guste el bosque pero sé que quiero estar contigo y... para hacerlo, al menos debo decirte la verdad y la verdad es que hoy me acosté con Mark Sloan.
About back there... please don't ever do that to me again.
Sobre lo de antes... Por favor, no me hagas volver a hacerlo.
( Debbie ) Don't you ever do that to me again.
( Debbie ) ¡ Nunca me hagas eso otra vez!
Bloody hell, Terry, don't do that to me.
Maldita sea, Terry, no me hagas eso.
Don't ever, ever, ever, ever ask me to do anything like that ever again.
Nunca, nunca, jamás me vuelvas a pedir que haga algo así.
That's fine if you don't give a shit, but you don't have to ruin it for me, because I do give a shit!
¡ Me da igual que no te importe, pero no por eso tienes que arruinarme la vida!
What is fucked up Is that you want me to do something that i don't wanna do.
Lo jodido es que quieres que haga algo que no quiero hacer.
Hey, don't do that to me.
Oye, no me hagas eso.
I don't think dad wants me to do that move.
No creo que mi papá quiera que haga ese movimiento.
I don't mind small spaces, but do you think that I will get to see my wife there?
No me molestan los espacios pequeños pero, ¿ tú piensas que veré a mi esposa ahí?
Listen to me'don't listen to me... ... Prestige Worldwide, that's what you gotta do.
Óiganme, o no Prestigio Mundial, es lo que tienen que hacer.
- Don't ever do that to me again.
Nunca vuelvas a hacer eso.
I don't get that you spend the first few months trying to win me over, which you do, and then make up some fake girlfriend and completely ditch me.
Pasas los primeros meses tratando de conquistarme, lo cual logras, y luego inventas una novia y me abandonas.
Sharing the glory is fine, but with an Argentine, don't do that to me.
No, si compartir la gloria está bien, pero con un argentino no me hagas eso, que eso es lo último.
No, you don't have to do that.
No, no hace falta que me lleves.
- Don't ask me to do that.
- No me pidas que haga eso.
Do me a favor, why don't you make copies of that, give it to your staff.
Haga copias de la foto y déselas a sus empleados.
You don't really expect me to believe that you've just been saving the best for last, do you?
No esperará que crea que dejó lo mejor para el final, ¿ verdad?
You don't expect me to believe that... our little Juliette, came up with that one on her own, do you?
No esperarás que me crea que nuestra pequeña Julieth, salió con esas por si sola o ¿ si? .
He don't want to see me, he won't, but if he do, it's you that made it happen.
Si él no quiere verme, no me verá pero, si lo hace, serás tú el que lo haya logrado.
I really don't like the linens, and I think we need to rent new ones... because they do not go with the color scheme that I picked out.
No me gustan los manteles y creo que debemos alquilar otros... porque no combinan con los colores que elegí.
I cannot believe Phyllis roped me into this. Like I don't have enough to do without spending the day with Molly, babysitting. Showing her that lesbians can be respectable, stable, accomplished people, or whatever the hell it is I'm supposed to be doing.
No puedo creer que Phyllis me haya metido en esto, como sino tuviera nada que hacer, como para pasar el día con Molly cuidandola, enseñándole que las lesbianas pueden ser gentes respetables, estables, con logros ;
Remind him I don't like to do things that I'm not good at.
Recuérdale que no me gusta hacer cosas que me salen mal.
Why do we want to be a model then? and don't say the money because I'm telling you now very few girls get rich or famous. The ones that do are the exception.
Por que quieres ser modelo y... no me digas que por dinero por que te lo advierto muy pocas chicas llegan a hacerse ricas y famosas las que lo consiguen son especial
Since that night, whenever I feel lost, whenever I don't know what to do,
Desde esa noche, siempre que me siento perdida siempre que no sé qué hacer, robo calcetines para ti.

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