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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't do that to yourself

Don't do that to yourself translate Spanish

128 parallel translation
Mitja with the ladies now you really belong to us don't trouble yourself, he's deaf and dumb why do you stare at me like that?
Mitja con las damas... Ahora eres de los nuestros... No te esfuerces, está sordo de la borrachera...
There are things that you just don't do... if you want to live decently with yourself afterwards.
Hay cosas que no se hacen... si uno quiere vivir decentemente con uno mismo después.
But if you don't know how yourself! - What's that got to do?
- ¡ Pero si tú tampoco sabes nadar!
Don't do that to yourself.
- No te hagas eso.
Oh, I'm afraid that's one thing you don't know how to do, not for yourself, anyway.
Me temo que eso es algo que no sabéis hacer... al menos, no para vos mismo.
But to copy from others, and then to lie that you did it yourself, don't ever do that again.
Pero eso de copiar de otros, y luego mentir y decir que lo has hecho tú, no vuelvas a hacerlo.
I don't believe that But you know, all I have to do is waltz you around for about seven days, at which time you'll belly stick yourself.
Yo no creo eso, pero usted sabe, todos los tengo que hacer es que el vals alrededor de unos siete días, momento en el que puedes encontrar vientre mismo palo.
"You don't believe it any more than we do... " but you want to make yourself interesting. " You think that being unusual will help your career...
Tampoco Vd. Cree en ello, pero quiere hacerse el interesante porque cree que lo insólito le empujará hacia arriba.
Don't do that to yourself!
¡ No te tortures!
It's him! Don't do that to yourself.
No tienes que ponerte así.
So don't ever do that to yourself, all right? Okay.
- No seas duro contigo, ¿ vale?
The sort of attitude there is to life nowadays that if you do a thing and you don't like it, you get yourself out of it as quickly as possible - - easy marriage, easy divorce - - I hate that.
Ese tipo de actitud no significa otra cosa hoy en día que si haces algo y no te gusta intentas quitártelo de encima lo antes posible. Matrimonio fácil, divorcio fácil. ¡ Detesto eso!
And you'd still have to deal with these same demons by yourself, and you don't have to do that.
E Igual tendrías que lidiar con esos mismos demonios por ti mismo y no tienes que hacerlo.
Then that's two minutes you didn't know about, Morry. You don't have to do this, Harry. You don't have to push yourself to the wire every time...
No tienes que hacer esto Harry, no tienes que presionarte a ese extremo.
And, Kris don't do anything that would draw any attention to yourself. Okay?
Y, Kris no hagas nada que atraiga la atención. ¿ De acuerdo?
Don't do that to yourself. This isn't your fault.
No te tortures, Anton, no es culpa tuya.
Don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas eso a ti mismo.
I mean you don't get chances like this all the time, if you don't meet her now, you're gonna be kicking yourself when your 80, which is hard to do, and that's how you break a hip.
Esto no se presenta a menudo. Ve a verla o querrás patearte cuando seas viejo lo cual será difícil y te romperás la cadera.
- Don't do that to yourself.
- No seas malo contigo.
Don't, man. Don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas eso.
Well, then, do you think it's your place to pass judgement on someone with a low self-image just because you don't have that problem yourself?
Vale, entonces, ¿ crees que tienes derecho a juzgar a alguien con mala imagen de sí mismo sólo porque tú no tengas ese problema?
Goddamn it, don't do that to yourself.
Maldita sea, no te hagas eso.
You don't want to admit that to yourself, do you?
No quiere admitirlo, ¿ verdad?
Don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas esto. Has sido un gran padre.
Don't do that to yourself.
No. No te castigues.
I loved him like a brother... and I don't believe that he would want you to be with him if it meant that you had to hurt yourself to do it.
Lo quería como un hermano y no creo que querría que estuvieras con él si eso significara que tengas que lastimarte para lograrlo.
Don't be, don't... don't do that to yourself.
No seas---no seas-- - no te hagas eso a ti misma.
At Globo Gym we that understand "ugliness" and "fatness" are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it's only your fault if you don't hate yourself enough to do something about it.
Aquí entendemos que la fealdad y la gordura son desórdenes genéticos... Y solo es su culpa si no se odia lo suficiente como para hacer algo al respecto.
Don't do that to yourself.
¡ No lo hagas!
There is something about yourself that you don't know, something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it.
Hay algo de ti que no conoces, algo que negarás que existe hasta que sea demasiado tarde para hacer algo al respecto.
Don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas esto.
Imagine that, when you downloaded this little girl... I was sitting by your side saying, "Stop. Don't do that to yourself."
Lmagina, que cuando bajaste a ese niña yo estuviera sentada a tu lado y dijera :
Don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas eso.
You know, I don't mean to impose, but do you have a picture of yourself... that I could tape to the back of Lois's head?
¿ tiene alguna foto suya la cual pueda pegar detrás de la cabeza de Lois?
How do we know that you're not making this up so you don't have to sacrifice yourself?
¿ Cómo sabemos que no está inventando esta historia para no tener que sacrificarse usted?
Just - they don't think like that, alright, so all you have to do is be yourself.
Es sólo que... ellos no piensan así, ¿ vale? Así que todo lo que tienes que hacer es ser tú misma
I don't care how you do it, I don't care where you go, but if you tell me that you are committed to getting yourself sober and you really work at it, then I'll find a way to keep the police out of this.
No me importa cómo lo hagas, no me interesa dónde vayas. Pero si me dices que te vas a comprometer a permanecer sobrio y de verdad lo intentas, entonces hallaré la forma de que la poli no se entere de esto.
No, don't do that to yourself.
No, no te hagas esto.
Bree, don't do that to yourself.
No te hagas eso.
zlook, brother, I don't know what's goin'on inside that trailer... but I suggest you do like I'm about to do and distance yourself from these people.
Mira, hermano no sé lo que sucede en esa casa rodante pero te sugiero que hagas lo que estoy a punto de hacer y aléjate de esta gente.
Since you're enthusiastically drying yourself off... You don't have to do that.
Déjalo, no hace falta que lo hagas.
I'm not athletic, I can't cook, you don't even want to hear me try to play the piano. But I do think I'm a pretty good judge of character, and I know that you would never sacrifice an innocent man, not even if he was a complete stranger, to save yourself.
No soy atlética no puedo cocinar y ni siquiera querrás oírme intentar tocar el piano pero creo que soy bastante buena juzgando el carácter y sé que tú nunca sacrificarías a un hombre inocente ni aunque fuera un completo extraño para salvarte lo que significa que la única razón por la que lo sugieres es por mí.
The reason that coach sent you over here by yourself is'cause he knows he don't do nothing but tell these boys in this neighborhood that they can make it to the pros.
La razón por la que ese entrenador lo envió aquí solo es porque él sabe que no hace nada más que decirle a todos los chicos del barrio que pueden llegar a ser profesionales.
Don't just do that to punish yourself.
No lo hagas para autocastigarte.
Don't you do that to yourself, young man.
No te hagas eso, jovencito.
Why don't you just tell them to go to hell and do something. Something that you really love, something for yourself?
¿ Por qué no les dices que se vayan al diablo y haces algo... algo que realmente te guste, algo para ti mismo?
Come on, don't do that To yourself.
Vamos, no te hagas eso.
Don't do that to yourself.
No, no te hagas eso.
I'm trying to do something that people, yourself included, don't understand. And I'm not going to give up without a fight.
Trato de hacer algo que la gente como Ud. no entiende y no me voy a rendir sin pelear.
But you don't have to do that by yourself.
Pero no debe hacerlo solo.
I don't know everything about you, but I do know that you work really hard to understand yourself.
Tienes razón. No lo sé todo acerca de ti, pero lo que sí se es que trabajas muchísimo para llegar a entender cómo eres.

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