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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't do this to me

Don't do this to me translate Spanish

1,930 parallel translation
Come on. Please, Alex, don't do this to me.
Vamos por favor Alex, no me hagas esto.
Spencer, please don't do this to me.
Spencer, por favor no me hagas esto.
If you leave me down here like this, you're only going to be in the same trouble as Wyatt, so why don't you do the right thing, ok?
Sí me dejas aquí abajo, tú sólo vas estar en el mismo problema que Wyatt, así porque no haces lo correcto, ¿ Ok?
Look, I really appreciate this, but you guys don't have to do this for me.
Mira, realmente aprecio esto, pero no necesitan hacerlo por mí.
( Woman ) Don't do this to me, Graham, he's your son.
No me hagas esto Graham, es tu hijo
Don't do this to me. All right?
No me haga esto, ¿ de acuerdo?
You do this stuff to make me crazy, don't you?
Haces esto para volverme loca, ¿ no?
I am outta here,'cause I don't need to see what you crazy girls are gonna do while I'm gone, but just remember this is a residence and should be treated as such.
Me iré, no necesito ver qué hacen mientras no estoy recuerden que es una casa de familia y deben respetarla.
But I'm gonna need hour help, too, and this is something that you're not gonna want to do and I don't want you to do this, but I need you to do this and if you don't, I will have Kacee arrested again, and I will have Dede's medical care stopped and I will hate myself, and it will make me sick, but I swear to God...
Pero necesito tu ayuda también y esto es algo que no vas a querer hacer y que no quiero que hagas pero tienes que hacerlo, porque de otro modo arrestaré a Kacee de vuelta y cancelaré la ayuda médica de Dede y me odiaré a mí mismo y me enfermaré, pero juro por Dios...
You know, I don't usually do something like this, but I'd love to have you over when the little one's asleep.
Sabes, nunca hago estas cosas, Pero me encantaría que vinieras a casa a verme cuando la niña se duerma.
You know, I don't know who this Suzi-Q bitch is, but no wonder she wants nothing to do with you.
Sabes, no sé quién es esa zorra de SusieQ, pero no me extraña que no quisiera hacer nada contigo.
Don't--don't do this to me right now.
No... no me hagas esto ahora.
- Do you think this is funny? - Don't talk back to me.
¿ Piensas que esto es gracioso?
You know, you don't have to do this, pretend to be nice to me.
No tiene que hacer esto, fingir ser amable conmigo.
Look, I would really love to do this again some time, but I don't think it's a good idea.
Mira, me encantaría hacerlo otra vez, pero yo... No creo que sea una buena idea.
Nah, I don't want a big to-do About this, you know?
- Noh, no quiero hacer nada grande por esto, me entienden?
Don't do this to me.
No me hagáis esto.
Don't do this to me now.
No me hagas esto ahora.
hey, Danny i don't know come on trust me one ok final I trusting on you if we're going to have to rush to do something i think this is the one to do it
Oye, Danny. No sé- - Vamos, confía en mí una vez.
I don't understand... if somebody's telling me to go faster, this is a pretty strange way to do it... pulling me off the road.
Quién eres en realidad.
Don't you do that to me, I need this job so bad.
No me haga esto. Necesito mucho este empleo.
Estoy acá para resolver esto lo más rápido posible... y realmente me alegra que esté aquí para ayudarme... pero no quiero tener que explicar mi forma de hacer las cosas.
Don't do this to me. What are you doing?
No me hagan esto. ¿ Qué hacen?
And you do know how you're gonna make this up to me, don't you?
Y supongo que sabes cómo es que me vas a compensar, ¿ verdad?
I'm not a quitter.I don't need you to rescue me.Let's just do this.
No soy una rajada. No necesito que me rescates. Sólo hagámoslo.
don't do this to me..
No puede hacerme eso.
- Don't do this to me. - Ryan.
- No me hagas esto.
Don't do this to me.
No me hagas esto.
Nico, please don't ask me to do this.
Nico, por favor, no me pidas que haga esto.
And I bet you think I don't care enough about this job to actually fight back, but you're wrong, because I do, and I will.
Y apuesto a que crees que no me importa este trabajo como para luchar por él pero te equivocas, porque si me importa y lo haré.
Please Don't Do This To Me.
Por favor, no me hagas esto.
Cheryl, please don't do this to me.
Cheryl, por favor no me hagas esto.
- Don't do this to me. - Spit it out.
- No me hagas esto.
ROXY : Please don't do this to me. Please.
Por favor no me hagas esto.
If you're not gonna do this for me, Michael, then I don't know what to say.
Si no haces esto por mí, entonces no sé qué decirte.
– Please don't do this to me.
por favor ayudeme.
Trust me, you really don't want to do this.
Créanme, no les conviene hacer eso.
- Don't do this to me tonight, Nec.
- No me hagas esto, esto noche, Nec.
Don't fuckin'do this to me!
- No sé qué- - - ¡ No me hagas esto, maldita sea!
Don't do this to me, Tommy.
No me hagas esto, Tommy.
Don't do this to me, Junior.
No me haga esto, Júnior.
You don't have to do this to prove anything to me.
No tienes que hacer esto para probarme nada.
Please don't do this to me.
Por favor no me hagas esto.
- Don't do this to me, Orson.
- No me hagas esto, Orson.
Don't do this to me, Kenneth.
No me hagas esto, Kenneth
Kunal, please don't do this to me right now.
Kunal, por favor no me hagas esto ahora.
Don't do this to me, Chuck.
No me hagas esto, Chuck.
I do remember once... I don't know why we're talking about this, but I do remember once... I wanted to dance with this guy - this guy, Matteo Shoro.
Me acuerdo una vez, no sé por qué hablamos de esto, pero me acuerdo de querer bailar con un chico, Matteo Shoro.
Shawn, don't do this to me.
Shawn, no me hagas esto.
You don't have to do this, man.
No me engañaron.
Don't do this to me.'
No me hagan esto a mí.'

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