Don't forget us translate Spanish
331 parallel translation
Take this cake in the other room, and when you hear us yell "surprise" bring it back lighted. Now, don't forget.
Lleva el pastel al otro cuarto, y cuando gritemos : "sorpresa" tráelo con las velas encendidas.
Don't forget us brother.
No nos olvides, hermano.
Besides, don't forget she gave us the dollar.
Además, no olvides que nos dio el dólar.
Do you want us to be late for work? Don't forget your lunch, Ollie.
No olvides el almuerzo, Ollie.
Don't forget us,
No nos olvides, te lo ruego.
You've been trying to make monkeys out of us for a long time but don't forget we got the advantage.
Nos has estado haciendo parecer tontos como monos mucho tiempo,... pero no olvides que tenemos ventaja.
Don't forget to visit us after you get married.
No te olvides visitarnos después de casarte.
Don't forget to spend some time with us, too!
¡ No te olvides de pasar más tiempo también con nosotras!
Now, remember, if you ever come to Flatbush, don't forget to look us up.
Recuerden, si algún día van a Flatbush, no olviden buscarnos.
Don't forget, a lot of us were pretty rough stuff when we came here, too.
No se olviden que muchos de nosotros éramos muy rudos cuando llegamos aquí.
Don't forget us, Jim.
No nos olvides, Jim.
Don't ever forget us. Not for one small minute.
No nos olvides nunca, ni por un solo minuto.
Don't forget to sue the railroad for all you give us, cos it's responsible.
Bonita cartera. Muy agradecido, señora.
Farewell, Grandmother, don't forget to call on us.
Adiós, abuela, no se olvide de llamarnos de nuevo.
And don't forget, you and he are dining with us on Thursday.
Y no olvide que el jueves cenan con nosotros.
Take this cross and don't forget... take this ring, endless is the light and it lights us, like gold
Toma la cuz. Y no olvides las piedras rojas del brazalete. Toma el anillo.
Cenas con nosotros el viernes.
Forget him, it'll only get us into trouble... and we don't know where he is.
Olvídalo. Nos meterá en problemas. Y ni sabemos dónde está.
Well, goodbye, Mr. Bigelow, don't forget to drop us a card.
Bien, adiós, Mr. Bigelow, no olvide enviarnos una postal.
Don't forget us. "
No nos olviden ".
And don't forget to send us a postcard with a camel on it!
¡ No olvides mandarnos una postal de un camello!
Two of us are waiting, please don't forget.
Nosotros dos le estaremos esperando, por favor, no falte.
Don't forget, you and Sue are having dinner with us tonight.
No olvides que Sue y tú cenaréis con nosotros esta noche.
Tell him to forget it. Tell him he don't owe us a thing.
Dile que lo olvide, que no nos debe nada.
If he don't want us, then let's forget about it and try something else.
Si no nos quiere, olvidémonos de esto e intentemos otra cosa.
Say, don't forget that plug in the paper about us.
No olvide darnos publicidad en su periódico.
We don't want you to forget us, Lili.
No queremos que te olvides de nosotros, Lili.
Don't forget us, Willy.
No nos olvide, Willy.
A car is waiting for us outside, don't you forget!
En la calle nos espera un coche, ¡ no lo olvides!
Never mind that, don't forget your visit this Sunday - and come to church with us.
No te preocupes. No olvides la visita del domingo y venir a misa con nosotros.
Don't forget, you introduced us.
No olvides que tú nos presentaste.
Eddy Duchin's special angel's with us all the time... and don't you forget it.
El ángel especial de Eddy Duchin está con nosotros siempre... y no lo olvides.
Don't ever forget what Larkin told us.
Nunca olvides lo que nos dijo :...
Don't you boys forget. You made us lose our reputations, and now the fashionable world is the only place we can eat.
Nos han hecho perder nuestra reputación, y ahora solo podemos comer con la buena sociedad.
Don't forget the guys are picking us up at 12 : 30.
No te olvides de que hemos quedado a las 12 : 30.
- Don't you forget us!
- No te olvides de nosotros.
Look, why don't you just come on and have a drink with us and join in the party and forget about your mood for a while?
Mira, ¿ por qué no vienes a tomar una copa con nosotros... unirte a la fiesta y olvidarte de tus preocupaciones por un tiempo?
Now, don't forget, we want you to spend at least a few days with us at the ranch house.
Adam, sus indicaciones son la más precisas. No se olvide, queremos que pase unos días con nosotros.
Goodbye, Joselito, and don't forget to us.
Adiós, Joselito, y no nos olvides.
Hey, don't forget you're gonna give us one of those sweet songs, right Nick?
Vamos a jugar. Recuerda que tienes que cantamos una canción griega.
Don't ask us to forget the affection that we, your brothers and sisters, feel for you.
No nos pida olvidar el afecto que nosotros, sus hermanos y hermanas, sentimos por Ud.
So, don't you want us to ask vice to forget the warrant?
¿ No te interesa que llamemos para que anulen la orden?
I'm so happy! Don't forget us when you get out
- ¡ Cuando salgas, no te olvides de nosotros!
Escríbenos! No olvides escribirnos.
Don't forget us, sonny.
No nos olvides, hijo.
Don't forget the whole world is watching us.
Que espectáculo están dando. No olviden que el mundo entero nos está observando.
But don't forget us on your next trip.
Cubberson. Pero no nos olvide En su siguiente viaje.
- Now, don't forget you told Apanatschi... she can come and visit us.
Soy feliz de tener a una apache por esposa.
You saved our lives, mister. We're very grateful. Don't think that we'll forget what you've done for us.
Salvó nuetras vidas, estamos muy agradecidos... no olvidaremos lo que hizo por nosotros.
when you're with a patient i can't keep an eye on you one phone call to the Police HQ and you're rid of us but don't forget one moment... leave your keys in the ignition
Cuando está con un paciente no puedo controlarle. Una llamada a la policía y se habrá deshecho de nosotros. Pero sabe que no debe de olvidarse de una cosa...
Don't you forget to come and visit us.
No se olvide de venir visitarnos.
don't forget me 61
don't forget 829
don't forget it 61
don't forget to breathe 22
don't forget about me 20
don't forget this 41
don't forget that 155
don't forget to write 25
used 73
usagi 51
don't forget 829
don't forget it 61
don't forget to breathe 22
don't forget about me 20
don't forget this 41
don't forget that 155
don't forget to write 25
used 73
usagi 51
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
use it wisely 19
us too 58
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
use this one 17