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Don't look at them translate Spanish

323 parallel translation
Pick him up on Sunday at 1 : 00 and bring him back by 6 : 00. Look at these photos, it's a small part of what you missed and will never get back. Don't lose them, they're precious.
Ven a por él en un domingo y para volver a los seis ver estas fotos una pequeña fracción de los perdidos nunca se puede compensar y esperamos no perder, porque quiero
"I don't want to look at them!"
¡ No quiero mirarlas!
Don't look at them.
- No les mires.
Take a look at those match. You don't see any callouses on them, do you?
Mírelas bien, ¿ ve algún callo?
Well, I didn't ask you to look at them. Oh, don't be angry.
- No te he pedido que las mires.
I don't like to look at them.
No me gusta verlas.
We want to have them just the same, day in and day out, and you don't see what the president's about, and mother declares she'd just as soon not look at a paper, there's so many murders,
Queremos que estén igual, día sí, día también, tú sin ver lo que el Presidente va a hacer, y mamá diciendo que pronto va a dejar... de leer el periódico, ¡ hay tantos asesinatos!
You don't have to look at them.
No tienes que mirarlos.
- But he don't look at none of them.
- Pero no mira a ninguna de ellas.
- ¿ Ve algún callo en mis manos?
Don't look at me, I'm not wearing them.
No me mire a mí, yo no los llevo.
maybe the name is false too don't look at me like that, that won't work anymore with me that innocent look the spots you have in your face one can see them clearly all the dirt, the meanness
¡ A lo mejor el nombre también es falso! No me mires así... eso ya no funciona conmigo. ¡ Esa mirada inocente!
I like to look at them, but I don't want to own one.
Me gusta mirarlos, pero no quiero tener uno.
- Why don't you take a look at them.
- ¿ Por qué no vas a verlos?
I don't want to look at them.
No deseo mirarlos.
Gee, I don't know. I thought of a lot of things to say on the way down here but.. But when I look at you, you're so beautiful I can't say any of them.
No lo sé... de camino aquí pensé un montón de cosas para decirte pero cuando te veo, tan preciosa, no consigo decir nada...
- I don't want to look at them!
- No quiero verlas.
But you don't want to look at them.
Pero usted no quiere verlos.
If you dont like my ivy and my hearts, then just don't look at them.
Si no le gusta mi bonita hiedra y mis corazones, mire para otra parte.
They want to look at me but if you don't let them but if you don't let them not even let them blink.
ellos me quieren mirar pero si tú no los dejas pero si tú no los dejas ni siquiera parpadear.
I don't want to look at them.
¡ No quiero ni verlas!
- Don't you wanna look at them?
- ¿ No quieres mirarlas?
You can look at them, but don't touch.
Elijan a la más bonita para que sea la ganadora.
Why don't you let the Doctor have a look at them?
¿ Por qué no dejas que la doctora les eche un vistazo?
Can I look at them? I don't know...
- ¿ Puedo verlos?
- Don't look at them.
- No hagas caso.
Don't it thrill you just to look at them hills?
¿ No te emocionan todas esa colinas?
If you do, one fine day, whether you're wearing three stars, three stripes or nothing at all, the men are going to look to you and when they do, I hope to heaven you don't let them down.
Si lo hace, un buen día, si lleva tres estrellas, tres rayas o nada en absoluto, los hombres le mirarán y cuando lo hagan, pido al cielo que no los defraudará.
Nobody has to look at them. Not much, they don't.
No, no demasiado.
I don't know what it is about them pigs but they always look better at night.
No sé que tienen estas fulanas, pero siempre están mejor por la noche.
They don't want anybody to look at them.
No quieren que nadie los vea.
I don't have to listen at keyholes. Just look at them!
No hay que fisgar por las cerraduras.
Why don't you go and look at them?
¿ Por qué no va usted y los mira?
¤ They want to look at me but you do not let them,... ¤ you don't even let them blink.
# Ellos me quieren mirar pero si tú no los dejas, # pero si tú no los dejas ni siquiera parpadear.
Cause I don't hear them when I look at you either.
Porque tampoco los escucho cuando te miro a ti.
No face, they don't speak. I don't look at them, I don't speak to them.
Ningún mire, no hablan no miro a ellos, no les hablo con
Don't look at them.
No miren a ellos.
- No, I don`t need to look at them now.
- No, ya no necesito mirarlos.
At this point the only incompetent ones in school are those... that lose them and don't look back for them... and not us, who look for them in fields and factories and know them closely.
En este punto, los únicos incompetentes de la escuela son ellos, que los pierden y no vuelven a buscarlos, no nosotros, que los buscamos en los campos y en las fábricas cercanas.
Oh, don't bother to look at them now.
- No te molestes en leer.
I don't want to look at them, at least for 10 years.
Yo no quiero verlos al menos por 10 años.
Don " t look at them like that!
¡ No los mires!
Don't look at them, it's useless!
¡ No las mire, es inútil!
We often look at them, don't we, love?
A menudo los miramos, ¿ no?
Don't look at them.
¡ No les mires!
I don't know, they've given us the name of some places... where the kids hang out in town, we're gonna go look at them.
No sé, que he dado nosotros el nombre de algunos lugares... donde los niños pasar el tiempo en la ciudad, vamos a ir a buscar a ellos.
But I look at my children now... and, uh, I don't know what would happen if, uh... uh, what I would think about if someone napalmed them.
Pero ahora miro a mis niños... y... no sé qué ocurriría si... qué pensaría si alguien los atacara con napalm.
Why don't you have a look at them?
Tuve que quemarlos. - ¡ Embustero!
- Then don't look at them!
- ¡ Pues no las mire!
And he said, "Don't look at them."
Y él me dijo : "No los mires".
I don't even look at them
Ni siquiera les miro.

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