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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't look like that

Don't look like that translate Spanish

2,219 parallel translation
Don't look at me like that, there have been cases...
No me mires así, que se dan casos...
Don't look at me like that, Castilla. I admire you.
No me mire así.
Don't look at... Why are you smiling at me like that?
No te quedes con... ¿ Por qué me estás sonriendo así?
Don't look at me like that.
No me mires así.
Don't look at me like that.
No me mire gustarle eso.
No, you look like you don't care, and that's good.
No, parece que no te importa, y eso es bueno.
Who Doesn't Need To Know About Her Husband's Extras, Okay? Don't Look At Me Like That.
El tenía una esposa que iba a la iglesia y con senos reales la que no tiene que enterarse de la andanzas de su marido, ¿ está bien?
You know, I ain't no motherfuckin'booty call, so don't look at me like that.
Usted sabe, yo no soy un puto Hustler, por lo que no se ven de esa manera.
No, no, don't look at it like that ; it won't fit in the house, master.
No, no, no la mire tanto que no nos entra en casa, amo.
Look, I hate to be "that" person, but I just don't like the general spirit of music. I know, I know.
Mira, odio ser ese tipo de persona, pero simplemente no me gusta el espíritu de la música.
Look, you don't want them to see you looking bad like that, c'mon on?
Mira, no quiero que vean que estás buscando mal así, vamos?
Don't look at me like that ; I saw it with my own eyes.
No me mires así, que lo vi yo con estos ojos.
Bill? I've seen that look on your face before, and I don't like it.
Bill, he visto esa mirada en tu cara antes y no me gusta.
"Don't look like that and don't laugh."
No hagas esa cara y no te rias.
If you don't want every guy in this school to look at you, Then why do you... dress like that?
Si no quieres que todos en esta escuela te miren, ¿ por qué te vistes así?
But then how do you explain the fact that modern living Native Americans don't look like Luzia, they do look like East Asians?
¿ Pero entonces cómo explicas el hecho de que los aborígenes americanos modernos de hoy en día no se parecen a Luzia, se parecen a los asiáticos orientales?
Well, it sure don't look like that now, does it?
Pero parece que ya no es así, ¿ verdad?
Don't... don't look at me like that.
No... no me mires así.
Don't look at me like that.
No me mires de esa manera.
Wait, but... but... but... but they're only like this for two weeks until they get all sore, and you give me that "don't touch me" look.
Espera, pero.. pero.. pero.. pero son solo así durante dos semanas. Hasta que llegue todo el dolor Y me das esa mirada de "No me toques"
Hey, look, that's pure fiction, and, you know, as much as I'd like to stay here and help you finish writing your story, I don't think you could afford my quote, so... Ciao.
Miren, esto es pura ficción y ustedes saben cuánto me gustaría quedarme aquí y ayudar a terminar de escribir su historia pero no creo que puedan pagarme adecuadamente, así que ciao.
Don't talk to melike that.You look like a turtlewho lost its shell.
No me hables así. Pareces una tortuga que ha perdido su caparazón.
Look, I understand my blood type matched to Megan. The nurse said that doesn't necessarily mean that she's... I'd just like to ask if you don't mind...
Entiendo que mi grupo sanguíneo se corresponde con el de Megan, y... y la enfermera dice que eso no significa que sea necesariamente mi... lo que quiero preguntar Si puedo, ¿ Cómo podemos estar seguros?
I don't look like that.
Yo no soy así.
Don't look at me like that, Judy.
No me mires de esa forma, Judy.
If you're going to talk like that, don't ever look for me again.
Si vas a hablar así, no me busques nunca más.
Don't look at me like that, Star.
No me mires así, Star.
Look, I don't even like the Wolfman, but that don't mean you can come in here and beat up on a freak!
Ese Hombre Lobo no me simpatiza, pero eso no significa que pueden llegar aquí y golpear a un fenómeno.
He don't even talk like that. Look, look, we got company, dude.
Miren, miren, no es nada bueno.
- l know. Don't look at me like that, I know.
Lo sé, no me mires así, ¡ lo sé!
Don't look at me like that.
¡ No me mires así!
Well, don't look at me like that...
Bueno, no me mires así...
- Don't look at me like that.
- No me mires así.
Girls like you... Girls that look like you don't go and study medicine.
Las chicas como tú... con un aspecto como el tuyo, no estudian medicina.
Don't look at me like that, tell me what you want to say.
No me mires así, dime lo que quiera decir.
Don't look at me like that.
No me mires mal.
Come on, look, it's not that I don't like being at home with you, believe me.
Oye, no es que no me guste quedarme en casa contigo créeme.
Oh, man, don't look like that.
No te pongas así.
I don't know if you've seen me lately in the buff, but... that's about what I look like.
No sé si me ha visto últimamente desnudo... Es así como me veo.
Don't look like that.
No mires de esa manera.
And don't look at me like that!
¡ No me mires así!
But I don't want another child like that miserable boy. He's making me worse. I can't even look at him, I tell you.
No quiero otro niño como ese miserable, no puedo siquiera mirarlo.
You don't look like the kind of person that we deal with all the time.
No eres de las personas con las que tratamos siempre.
Don't look at me like that, Harris.
No me mires así, Harris.
No, don't look like that.
No te pongas así.
I don't know how you could talk to me like that when you look like Idi Amin with a propeller on your head.
No sé cómo me puedes hablar así cuando pareces Idi Amin con una hélice allá arriba.
- They don't all look like that, ladies.
- No todos son así, señoritas.
Don't even look at me like that.
No me mires así.
Listen listen, look, I don't talk with anybody about my wife like that.
Escucha, yo no hablo con nadie de mi esposa de ese modo.
These people don't look like they were that advanced.
Esta gente no parece que fueran tan avanzados.
Don't look at me like that, we're late.
No me mires así, llegamos tarde.

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