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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't worry about him

Don't worry about him translate Spanish

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But once in the villages, he's safe. So don't you worry about him, miss.
Pero una vez que esté en los poblados, estará a salvo.
Why should I worry about him? I don't know, miss.
¿ Por qué debería preocuparme por él?
Don't worry about him, Baron.
No se preocupe por él, barón.
Ah, no te preocupes por él.
Now, don't you worry about finding him, honey.
- No te preocupes.
Don't worry about him, miss. He won't be found ground.
No se preocupe por él.
Do you think it's safe to leave her alone with him? - Don't worry about me. - Well, I don't know, Effie.
¿ Crees que es conveniente dejarla a solas con él?
- What will the other gentleman think? - Don't worry about him.
¿ Qué va a pensar este caballero?
CHIEF : Now, don't you worry about that, old man, we know he's one of the men who robbed the bank and we'll send him up the river for a long stretch.
Ya, no te preocupes por eso, viejo... sabemos que es uno de los hombres que atracaron el banco... y lo mandaremos río arriba durante un largo tiempo.
Well, don't worry about him.
No te preocupes por él.
- Don't worry about him, he's having a nap upstairs.
- No te preocupes por él, está descansando arriba.
Don't worry about him.
No te preocupes por él.
- You don't need worry about him.
- No se preocupen por él.
And don't worry about him, he has a Continental mind.
Y no se preocupe por él, tiene una forma de pensar muy europea.
Don't worry about him
No te preocupes por él.
- You worry about him a lot, don't you?
- Te preocupas mucho por él, ¿ no?
Don't you worry about him.
No te preocupes por él.
That's right. Don't worry about him.
Así es, no se preocupen por él.
Well, don't worry about him. I'll...
No se preocupe por él.
- Don't worry about him.
- No te preocupes por él.
But don't worry about him.
Pero no se preocupe por él.
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- No se preocupe.
Write him my greetings and tell him don't worry about the brass.
Escríbale mis saludos y dígale que no se preocupe por su placa.
- You don't have to worry about him.
- No hay que preocuparse por él.
- Yes, don't worry about him.
- Sí. No te preocupes por él.
Don't you worry about him catching cold
¿ No temes que se resfríe?
Don't you worry about him, now, and I'll call in again later on.
No te preocupes por él y llamaré más tarde.
Don't worry about me. I wouldn't lift a finger, Doc, to keep you from killing him.
No levantaré un dedo, Doc para evitar que le mates.
I think in a few minutes, it'll be perfectly safe to take Tommy home. Don't you worry about him.
Dentro de un rato, podrá llevarse a Tommy a casa.
Don't worry about him.
No se preocupe.
Oh, no se preocupe por él.
que va a venir a examinarnos.
We don't have to worry about him.
No tenemos que preocuparnos por eso.
- Don't you worry none about him.
- No te preocupes por él.
Don't worry about him, Father. Worry about me, I'm a poor man.
- No se preocupe por él, padre.
Aw, don't you worry none about him, honey.
No te preocupes por él, cariño.
Don't worry about him.
No te preocupes por el.
Don't worry about him.
- No se preocupe por él.
Don't worry about me, watch out for him!
Deja... Ten cuidado con él.
- Don't worry about him, he's gone.
- No te preocupes por él, se fue.
Oh, don't you worry about him.
No te preocupes por él.
We don't have to worry about him.
No te preocupes por él.
Don't worry about him
Me alegro.
Don't worry about him I'd call and get some help, we'll find him for you
Tranquilo, pediré ayuda, le encontraremos.
Don't worry about him.
Y no te preocupes.
I don't worry about them any more than you do shaking down a guy and then shooting him in the back to keep him from singing.
No me preocupo por ellos más de lo que tú lo haces zarandeando a un tipo y luego disparándole por la espalda para evitar que cante.
- Don't worry about him now.
- No se preocupe por él ahora.
Oh, that creature downstairs - oh, don't worry about him.
Esa criatura de ahí abajo No te preocupes por él. Yo lo cuidaré.
Don't worry about him.
No se preocupe por él.
Don't you worry about him.
Soy el mejor juez para eso. No te preocupes por él.
Don't you worry about him.
No os preocupéis.

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