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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ D ] / Don't you walk away from me

Don't you walk away from me translate Spanish

189 parallel translation
- Don't you walk away from me!
- ¡ No me des la espalda!
Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you!
¡ No te vayas cuando te estoy hablando!
You goddamn Mexican Indian, don't you walk away from me!
Tú, maldito indio mexicano. ¡ No te alejes de mí!
But don't you walk away from me!
¡ Pero no te alejes de mí!
Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you.
No te vayas cuando te hablo.
If I don't walk away from this, you promise me one thing.
Y de no salir vivo de ésta, prométeme una cosa.
Don't you walk away from me, boy!
No me levantes la mano, chico.
Don't walk away from me, you little pisher. If it wasn't for me, you'd be selling shirts at Barney's, you know that?
Si no fuera por mí, estarías vendiendo camisas de caballero.
Don't you walk away from me.
No te alejes de mí
Don't you walk away from me. You just gave up our life!
No te vayas. ¡ Lo que acabas de regalar es nuestra vida!
- Don't you walk away from me.
- No te escapes de mí.
Don't you walk away from me!
¡ No te vayas!
Don't walk away from me, you sniveling, West Point piece of- -
No se aleje de mí, llorón, pedazo de- -
Don't you walk away from me, you big talking walrus!
No te alejes de mi, morsa parlanchina!
You don't walk away from me ever.
Tú no te paras ni me dejas nunca.
Don't you walk away from me. Oh.
No te largues asi de mi vista.
Son, don't walk away from me when I'm talkin'to you.
¿ Josh? Hijo, no te vayas cuando te hablo.
Don't you walk away from me, God damn it!
No me des la espalda.
Don't you even try to walk away from me!
¡ No se le ocurra irse así!
Clark, ask me to scour the earth wake up every cop, knock on every door but please don't ask me to walk away from you.
Pídeme que busque por los mares despierte a los policías, toque todas las puertas pero no me pidas que me aleje de ti.
Don't you walk away from me, I wanna braid your hair.
No te alejes de mi, quiero trenzar tu cabello.
Don't you walk away from me.
No se atreva a darme la espalda asi.
Don't you walk away from me.
No te alejes de mí.
Don't you walk away from me, mister.
No escape de mí.
- Don't you walk away from me!
- ¡ No te escapes!
Don't you fucking walk away from me, Said!
¡ No me dejes con la maldita palabra en la boca!
Don't walk away from me, you sniveling, West Point piece of- -
No te alejes, llorón de West Point, pedazo de...
Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you.
No te alejes de mí cuando te estoy hablando.
Don't you fuckin'walk away from me.
No huyas de mi cabrón.
Don't walk away from me when I'm yelling at you!
- ¡ No te vayas cuando te grito!
Don't you walk away from me!
¡ No me rehuyas!
From here on out, if you walk across the street outside of a crosswalk, if you roll through a stop sign, if you use an aerosol can in a manner other than directed... I mean, I don't care, you make one slip, and I will put you away for good.
Si cruzas la calle fuera de la línea de peatones, si te pasas un alto... si usas una lata de aerosol sin seguir las instrucciones... quiero decir, no me importa, si cometes un error... te meteré a la cárcel para siempre.
Don't you walk away from me, boy!
¡ No me des la espalda!
But don't you walk away from me!
Pero no huyas.
Don't you walk away from me.
¡ No te atrevas a dejarme solo!
Don't you walk away from me.
No me ignore.
Don't you dare walk away from me.
No se atreva a ignorarme.
You don't just walk away from me.
No. Tú no te irás.
Hey. Hey, don't you walk away from me.
¡ Hey, hey, no se aleje de mí!
You just don't walk away from me!
¡ No me abandonarás!
I didn't know what I was gonna declare as a major but now, I don't know if it's the way you word things or it's the subject matter, but I walk away from class still thinking about it and I just look forward to the next time and I was just wondering how I could become more involved, you know.
No sabía en qué me iba a especializar pero no sé si será su modo de explicar las cosas o la materia el hecho es que no puedo quitármelo de la cabeza espero ansiosamente la próxima clase y quiero saber cómo hacer para involucrarme más.
That was my house! Don't you walk away from me!
¡ No huyas de mí!
Hey, don't you walk away from me.
Hey, no te vayas.
You don't walk away from me.
¡ No te escapes de mi!
Don't you walk away from me, sir!
No huyas de mí, señor.
Don't you walk away from me.
- No me des la espalda.
Don't you walk away from me when I'm talking to you.
Déjalo en paz. No me des la espalda cuando te hablo.
Hey. Hey! Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you.
No te vayas cuando te estoy hablando.
Hey, hey, don't you walk away from me.
¡ Oiga, no me deje hablando solo!
Don't you dare walk away from me when I'm shouting at you!
¡ No te atrevas a irte mientras te estoy gritando!
Don't you walk away from me!
- ¡ No me des la espalda!

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