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Encouraging translate Spanish

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- I haven't been able to get exact information, but they have gotten her stabilized which sounds encouraging.
- No he podido obtener información exacta, pero la tienen estabilizada lo que suena alentador.
We start encouraging it, how long until that broadcast lasts 48 hours?
Empezamos apoyándolos. ¿ Cuando durará la emisión las 48 horas?
Not a very encouraging prospect.
No es un prospecto muy alentador.
Thanks, Dad. That's really encouraging.
Gracias papa, es en verdad esperanzador.
Well, thanks, Weldon. That's very encouraging.
Gracias, Weldon, muy alentador.
Okay, well, yes... but encouraging them is different from discouraging them.
De acuerdo, sí... pero animarlos es diferente de desanimarlos.
Is someone able to give me some encouraging news?
¿ Alguien es capaz de darme alguna noticia alentadora?
He was a coach encouraging his players.
Era como el entrenador que alienta a sus jugadores.
You are encouraging me... to quit my job.
- Me alientas para que...
- How very encouraging.
- Qué alentador.
They made it seem like we were encouraging pregnant women to drink.
Como si alentáramos a las embarazadas a beber.
And there is only one person encouraging this.
Y sólo hay una persona que fomenta esto :
And you have one characteristic that's rather encouraging to me... and that's the fact that you are not easily persuaded by advertising.
Y tiene una característica que me resulta alentadora... y es que la publicidad no lo convence fácilmente.
Anna, he should be crazy about you, but he's just not encouraging you!
Ana, el debe estar chiflado por ti, pero, a el no le interesa ni nada
And people are real encouraging,'Oh be far out'.
Todos le animamos : ¨ Haz una genialidad ¨.
I was encouraging you, I was putting you through a test
Yo te animaba, yo te estaba poniendo por una prueba
You are spoiling the children by encouraging their unwanted habits.
Malcrias a tus hijos concediéndoles todo lo que te piden.
Retail giant Wal-Mart is encouraging its workers to go on welfare.
El gigante de la distribución Wal-Mart empuja a sus empleados a pedir préstamos.
These people say you're cool, encouraging that you are a great fireman. That's all, isn't it?
Esta gente dice que eres genial, dicen que eres un bombero valiente.
But my boss likes encouraging us to use new things, even though he has a nasty personality.
Pero a mi jefe le gusta alentarnos a hacer cosas nuevas... aunque tenga una personalidad desagradable.
I have been encouraging your supporters in parliament, and elsewhere, to speak their minds
He estado alentando Sus partidarios en el parlamento, Y en otros lugares, De decir lo que piensa
That's very encouraging.
Es muy halagador.
I am encouraging you to interpret your findings in a way...
Le animo a interpretar sus hallazgos de un modo a...
You realize you're just encouraging him.
Te das cuenta que le estás dando esperanzas.
- You were encouraging him.
- Lo estabas animando.
"by encouraging alien-human... " relations. "
"... alentando las relaciones humano-alien "
- Fuck you guys for encouraging him.
- Vayanse al carajo por alentarlo.
I'm not trying to confuse her, simply encouraging her to take her time.
No estoy intentando confundirla, solo digo que se tome su tiempo.
I don't want anyone encouraging Taylor on this.
No quiero que nadie haga Io que dice Taylor.
But still encouraging them to give a sizable donation to our boys.
Pero igual los aliento para hacer una donación considerable a nuestros chicos.
I won't be encouraging them to call you.
No los animaré a que te llamen.
She's encouraging us all to come and take a tour of your facilities. Oh.
No esta alentando para dar una vuelta a sus oficinas wow
Elliot isn't encouraging him to do it.
Elliot no lo está incitando a hacerlo.
Encouraging a kid to sneak away,
¿ Animar a un niño a largarse?
I was always encouraging Stephen to go, but he would always decline.
Siempre alenté a Stephen a que fuera pero el siempre se negaba.
That's really very encouraging
Eso es esperanzador.
That's encouraging.
Eso es alentador.
You're encouraging me to hit on your brother's girlfriend?
¿ Me estás alentando a que hable con la novia de tu hermano?
They say it took 500 years to complete Notre Dame. Is that supposed to be encouraging?
¿ asi que debería animarme?
Is that supposed to be encouraging? We're making a home together. We're making a home together.
Estamos haciendo un hogar, juntos. ¿ Qué importa cuanto tardemos?
Marge, are you encouraging me to be irresponsible?
Marge, ¿ Me estas incitando a ser irresponsable?
There's no sign of any irregularities, All of which is very very encouraging.
No hay señal de irregularidad alguna, todo lo cual es muy alentador.
All this time, trying to sto p the boys from breaking the law when I should've been encouraging it.
Todo este tiempo intenté evitar que los muchachos violaran la ley cuando debí haberlo alentado.
You know, from all the books I have read you should really be encouraging Shane and Silas to talk about Judah's death.
Sabes, de todos los libros que he leído realmente deberías estar animando a Shane y a Silas para que hablen de la muerte de Judah.
I know Freddie, I mean, even as early as Queen too, he'd been encouraging
Desde hacía tiempo,
Everybody's losing their confidence, and instead of encouraging more, we kind of just yell at each other.
Todos perdemos la confianza, y en vez de animarnos, nos gritamos.
To confirm that her taste is encouraging, he wipes his feet across his mouth.
para confirmar que su sabor es alentador el frota su pie por su boca
You're encouraging him to go.
Lo incitas a que se vaya.
Now you're encouraging her? Oh, no. I'm just here to observe and mock.
No, vine a observar y a burlarme.
That's encouraging, but look at you now.
Qué alentador. Mírate ahora.
Well, you're the one out there encouraging him advocating ass to mouth.
Bueno, tú eres quien lo anima, defendiendo los besos en el ano.

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