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Estaban translate Spanish

64,010 parallel translation
Jarrod and his friends were hanging out at weather top.
Jarrod y sus amigos estaban pasando el rato en Weather Top.
It went snail mail'cause she thought that her phone and her computer were both hacked.
Fue por correo ordinario porque pensaba que su teléfono y su ordenador estaban hackeados.
You think the Brits were watching her?
¿ Crees que los británicos estaban vigilándola?
You just happened to be in the wrong neck of the woods at the wrong time.
Sólo estaban en el lugar equivocado de los bosques... en el momento equivocado.
We're taking them from everyone who was there.
Los estamos tomando de todos los que estaban allí.
Who else was about when you were setting up?
¿ Quién más estaba cuándo se estaban preparando?
They were arguing.
Estaban discutiendo.
What were Cath and Jim arguing about?
¿ De qué estaban discutiendo Cath y Jim?
They were all there, they all saw Trish, they all had an opportunity.
Todos estaban allí, todos vieron a Trish, todos tuvieron una oportunidad.
How many men were at your party?
¿ Cuántos hombres estaban en tu fiesta?
- They were there, weren't they?
- ¿ Por qué tienen que ser mis colegas? - Ellos estaban ahí, ¿ Verdad?
My hands were tied behind my back and he was on top of me.
Mis manos estaban atadas a la espalda y él estaba sobre mí.
Florist cards identical to the one that was on the flowers left at Trish's house.
Tarjetas de floristería idénticas a las que estaban en las flores que dejaron en casa de Trish.
He's at the scene, just had a scrap, clothes are covered in grass and mud.
Estaba en la escena, tenía un trozo de cuerda, las ropas estaban cubiertas de hierba y barro.
He helped me through a lot when my mum and dad were splitting up.
Me ayudó mucho cuando mis padres se estaban separando.
Some of the stuff wasn't her bag.
Algunas de las cosas no estaban su bolso.
They were at the party.
Estaban en la fiesta.
In the explosion, he saw the face of a childhood friend who died after falling from a tree they were both climbing.
En la explosión vio a un amigo de la infancia que murió al caer de un árbol que estaban trepando.
When we nabbed him, his hands were covered in ink, his shirt was covered in his breakfast.
Cuando le pillamos, sus manos estaban cubiertas de tinta y su camiseta cubierta de su desayuno.
I, uh... Thanks.
Creo que estaban en la mesita pequeña, al lado de la mesa más larga...
They were delicious.
Estaban deliciosos.
The children were too hysterical to be left here alone.
Ellos estaban histéricos, y no pude dejarlos solos.
And those two women were in Count Olaf's play.
Esas mujeres estaban en la obra del Conde Olaf.
They were there before.
Ya estaban ahí antes.
No, they were actually ill, just not from your product.
- No, sí estaban enfermos, pero no por tu producto.
These trees were by the church, so that means the bikes must be that way.
Estos árboles estaban por la iglesia, así que significa que las bicis deben estar por allá.
- Where have you been?
¿ Dónde estaban?
- Damn. I'm sorry, I know you were dating, that's really messed up.
Lo siento, sé que estaban saliendo, eso es realmente muy jodido.
Dusty, Randall, I know you've been worried sick about Helen.
Dusty, Randall, sé que estaban muy preocupados por Helen.
Various prescription medications, a laptop computer and then the silverware in here.
Medicamentos que requieren receta, una computadora portátil y los cubiertos de plata que estaban aquí.
They're parked in the middle of nowhere with ninja weapons, precisely where and when their girlfriend happens to get assaulted?
¿ Estaban en medio de la nada con armas ninja, justo en el momento y el lugar donde atacan a su amiga?
The walls of the cell were oxidized green, which means it was made of...
Las paredes de la celda estaban oxidadas de verde, que significa que están hechas de...
I thought they were bullshitting me.
Pensaba que me estaban tomando el pelo.
Were so impressed, they threw in this baby.
Estaban tan impresionados que me regalaron esta belleza.
At the preview for Kiss Me Deadly, the canisters got switched.
En el preestreno de El Beso Mortal, las latas estaban cambiadas.
Chops were nice.
- Las chuletas estaban bien.
- They were already dead...
- Ya estaban muertos.
A soldier's vitals are written on a slip of paper inside.
Los datos vitales de los soldados estaban escritos en un papel dentro.
He's supposed to be up for reelection in six weeks, but I guess he didn't like how like the polls were tracking because he decided not to risk it.
Se suponía que sería candidato a ser reelegido en seis semanas, pero supongo que no le gustó cómo estaban dando las encuestas, porque decidió no arriesgarse.
He and Kevin were in the same preschool class...
Él y Kevin estaban en la misma clase en preescolar...
He and Matias Solomon were on the plane together.
Matias Solomos y él estaban juntos en el avión.
That first month, our bellies were full and our feet were warm.
Ese primer mes, teníamos los estómagos llenos y nuestros pies estaban calientes.
Everyone in the crew was in the same unit except Braddock.
Todos en el grupo estaban en la misma unidad menos Braddock,
I downloaded data from an NSA surveillance program to see if they were targeting Americans.
Me descargué datos sobre el programa de vigilancia de la Agencia de Seguridad para ver si estaban dirigidos a estadounidenses.
They were siphoning images from everyone in the place... phones, laptops, iPads.
Estaban extrayendo imágenes de todos en ese sitio... de teléfonos, ordenadores, tabletas.
He told you I was being held.
Le dijo que me estaban reteniendo.
I'm not interested in where they were.
No me interesa dónde estaban.
Weaknesses these bankers hijacking our economy were hoping to exploit to blackmail you, to force you to drop your case against them.
Las debilidades de estos banqueros que secuestran nuestra economía estaban esperando para chantajearte, para forzarte a abandonar el caso contra ellos.
And what were they doing in...
¿ Y qué estaban haciendo en...?
They were having an extremely heated, intimate discussion.
Estaban teniendo una conversación sumamente acalorada e íntima.
They were faking?
- ¿ Estaban fingiendo?

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