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Evolet translate Spanish

22 parallel translation
To our people, she was Evolet, the promise of life.
Para nuestra gente, ella era Evolet la promesa de vida.
You will never be alone, Evolet.
Nunca más estarás sola, Evolet.
Evolet, come here.
¡ Evolet, ven acá!
And for many moons, Evolet and D'Leh looked at each other, and the love in their hearts grew stronger.
Y durante muchas lunas Evolet y D'Leh se protegieron mutuamente y se fortaleció el amor que había en sus corazones.
She thinks Ka'ren will win the White Spear and claim Evolet.
Piensa que Ka'ren ganará la Lanza Blanca y reclamará a Evolet.
I hunt to win Evolet.
Yo cazo para ganarme a Evolet.
I claim the White Spear... and with it my woman... Evolet.
Reclamo la Lanza Blanca y con ella, a mi mujer Evolet.
And though Old Mother was pleased in her heart to see Evolet so happy, she feared in her soul, that the one who had slayed the mighty beast, did not have the courage for what was to come.
Y aunque vieja Madre estaba complacida de ver a Evolet tan feliz en el fondo de su alma creía que aquel que había matado a la poderosa bestia no tendría el valor para lo que se avecinaba.
If I give up the White Spear, I give up Evolet.
Si renuncio a la Lanza Blanca, debo renunciar a Evolet.
Because I did not kill the Mannak, Evolet.
Porque yo no maté al Mannak, Evolet.
Evolet, remember what I told you about our light?
Evolet, ¿ recuerdas lo que te dije acerca de nuestra luz?
The place where the four-legged demons killed Evolet's people.
Donde los demonios de cuatro patas mataron a la gente de Evolet.
¡ Evolet!
Evolet, you are well?
Evolet. Estás bien.
Where is Evolet?
¿ Dónde está Evolet?
To have journeyed so far, to have walked to the end of the world, to bring down the one they called the Almighty, only to return without Evolet.
Haber viajado tan lejos haber caminado al fin del mundo para vencer al que llamaban Todopoderoso solo para regresar sin Evolet.
Evolet and D'Leh!
¡ Evolet y D'Leh!
Evolet had brought the promise of life to our people.
Evolet había traído la promesa de vida a nuestro pueblo.
And as the ones who walked with the Fathers, looked down on them and guided their way, so the Yagahl looked to Evolet and D'Leh to guide their people.
Aquellos que caminaban con los ancestros los cuidaban y guiaban su camino y los Yagahl confiaban en que Evolet y D'Leh guiarían a su gente.

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