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Fairmont translate Spanish

116 parallel translation
Blah, blah, blah.
"Entrevistada hoy en su suite en el Fairmont".
It was just after the night she met Frenchy Fairmont.
La noche que conoció a Frenchy Fairmont.
- It's Frenchy Fairmont!
- Es Frenchy Fairmont.
Frenchy Fairmont. The fastest draw in the West.
¡ Frenchy Fairmont, el tirador más rápido del Oeste!
In Wyoming, I heard that no jail had ever seen Frenchy Fairmont.
En el camino de Wyoming se dice que no hay celda, que conozca a Frenchy Fairmont.
- Fairmont's loose!
- ¡ Cuidado! ¡ A tu espalda!
Frenchy Fairmont and a man that helped him break jail, Vern Haskell, came this way a couple of days ago.
Verá. señorita Keane,... Nos han informado de que Frenchy Fairmont... y Vern Haskell, que le ayudó a huir de la cárcel, pasaron por aquí hará un par de días.
Let's say "Fairmont" at 9 pm.
Nos vemos en "Farmont", a las 9.
Fashion is in FAIRMONT
La Moda es casa FAIRMONT
We can go to the Fairmont...
Podemos ir a Fairmont...
Can't do worse for myself at the hospital than I'm doing at the Fairmont.
No puede irme peor en el hospital que en Fairmont.
Probably the end of the Fairmont as a first-class hotel.
Será el final del Fairmont como hotel de primera categoría.
I could undress in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel and... he'd never turn a hair.
Yo podría desvestirme en el vestíbulo del Hotel Fairmont... y él no movería ni una pestaña.
Well, a certain clean-living family man rolled all the way down the main staircase in the Fairmont Hotel last night.
Bueno, cierto hombre de familia decente rodó por la escalera principal del hotel Fairmont anoche.
The 28th of February at 7 pm, at the Fairmont Bar?
El 28 de febrero a las 7 pm, en el Fairmont Bar?
One guy got out at the Fairmont.
Uno se bajó en Fairmont.
Room 401, Fairmont.
"Habitación 401, Fairmont".
Jack's parents are still in Fairmont.
Los padres de Jack permanecen en Fairmont.
Checked out abandoned factories in Fairmont.
He comprobado las fábricas abandonadas en Fairmont.
I've moved to the Fairmont, and I'm registered as Diane Glucksman.
Me instalé en el Fairmont, bajo el nombre Diane Glucksman.
Top of the Fairmont Manor.
En lo alto de la mansión Fairmont.
So, me and the boys have rented these two the Ambassador Suite at the Fairmont Hotel for the whole weekend.
Así que los chicos y yo les hemos alquilado la suite Ambassador del hotel Fairmont para todo el puñetero fin de semana.
- Fairmont.
- En Fairmont.
By the time he got back to Fairmont, he was three days absent without leave.
Para cuando volvió a Fairmont, llevaba tres días ausente sin permiso.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Francisco, and welcome to the Fairmont Hotel.
Damas y caballeros, bienvenidos a San Francisco... y al Hotel Fairmont.
That'll teach you to take on the Fairmont Boys snap champion.
Eso te enseñará a enfrentarte con un campeón.
I know about the Fairmont Towers, sometimes your office.
Conozco la suite en la torre Fairmont, a veces tu oficina.
I want a suite in the Fairmont Hotel.
Quiero una suite en el Hotel Fairmont
Then it's the Fairmont Hotel.
Entonces es el Hotel Fairmont.
All right. Call the Fairmont.
Esta bien.Llama al Fairmont.
- The Fairmont.
- El Fairmont.
- Bob Fairmont.
- Bob Fairmont.
"A Fairmont home, you'll never roam"?
"Una casa Fairmont es para siempre".
I'm gonna go to the hospital and talk to Fairmont's wife.
Voy al hospital para hablar con la esposa de Fairmont.
Bob Fairmont was staying in room 292T.
Bob Fairmont se alojaba en la habitación 2927.
Mr Fairmont was staying in Murder Central.
El Sr. Fairmont se alojaba en la sede de homicidios.
Hey Cath? Are you on this Fairmont case?
Cath, ¿ trabajas en el caso Fairmont?
Why? The Fairmont house was one of my first calls three years ago.
Fue uno de mis primeros casos hace tres años.
Body of Robert Fairmont released at 0400 hours to the Desert Haven Mortuary.
Cuerpo de Robert Fairmont, salida a las 4 : 00 horas... -... hacia la funeraria Desert Haven.
His wife, Julia Fairmont.
Su esposa, Julia Fairmont.
The only way I can get an accurate barometer of the poison in Mr Fairmont's system is through one of his organs.
Es la única forma de saber la cantidad de veneno que había en el organismo del Sr. Fairmont.
Excuse me, I'm Claudia Gideon, Bob Fairmont's secretary.
Perdone, soy Claudia Gideon, la secretaria de Bob Fairmont.
Did you work for the Fairmonts three years ago when Mr Fairmont was shot?
¿ Trabajaba para los Fairmont, cuando Bob recibió un disparo?
I'm gonna ask you again. Were you in that hotel room with Bob Fairmont?
Volveré a preguntarle. ¿ Estaba en ese hotel con Bob Fairmont?
Mr Fairmont told me earlier that day to meet him in his hotel room at nine to pick up some papers.
El Sr. Fairmont me dijo que fuera a su cuarto a las nueve a buscar unos documentos.
- Who was Fairmont partying with in that room?
¿ Con quién estuvo Fairmont en esa habitación? - Entonces no le importará que hallamos en la habitación del Sr. Fairmont. - No lo sé.
In this re-enactment Fairmont snot himself while cleaning his gun
En esta reconstrucción, Fairmont se disparó al limpiar su arma.
The person who brought Fairmont in on the accidental shooting was you
Quien acompañó a Fairmont debido al disparo accidental fue Ud.
"Interviewed today in her suite at the Fairmont."
Bla, bla, bla...
- That's Frenchy Fairmont.
Es Frenchy Fairmont.
I got a 1975 Fairmont.
Tengo un Fairmont 1,975.

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