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For both of them translate Spanish

432 parallel translation
"equal right for both of them!"
¡ Tiene que haber justicia!
Why don't you sign for both of them?
- Pues firma por Ias dos.
That rope's strong enough for both of them.
Esa cuerda es lo bastante fuerte para los dos.
"Wear both of them, for both of them are thine."
"Úsalos ambos, ya que ambos son tuyos."
Here's the fine for both of them.
Aquí tiene la multa de los dos.
I keep feeling sorry for both of them.
Me dan pena las dos.
is this little gift for both of them?
Este regalito es por los dos?
- There's room for both of them...
- Hay sitio para los dos...
Tenía que ser ambiciosa por las dos.
Elwood buys theatre tickets and rail road tickets for both of them.
Elwood compra entradas en el teatro y billetes en el tranvía para los dos.
I'm very happy for both of them.
Me siento muy contenta por ellos.
Wear both of them... for both of them are thine.
Usad ambos, pues los dos son para vos.
It could be the solution for both of them.
Creo que podría ser la solución para ambos.
It's worked out very well for both of them.
Todo ha resultado bien para los dos.
He'll have to speak for both of them.
Como el otro se fue, este hablará por dos.
I feel sorry for both of them.
Me dan lástima los dos.
- I'm upset for both of them, Alice.
- A mí me preocupan los dos.
For both of them really.
En realidad lo siento por ambos.
Still, if that's what Francesco wants, we'll find enough money for both of them, hey, Pica?
Aún así, si eso es lo que Francisco quiere, ganaremos suficiente dinero para ambos, ¿ eh, Pica?
I don't have enough for both of them.
No me alcanza para pagar las dos resmas.
Which is neither country nor soul. Christina : Interesting for me to have the both of them on my team
Es interesante, para mi, tenerlas a las dos en mi equipo juntas y cantando este tipo de canción que tiene mucho rango vocal en ella, y algunas notas altas a las que llegar.
I need to explain things and for that it is necessary to have a meeting with both of them.
Necesito explicarme y para ello, una reunión con ambas es indispensable.
As I said, there are two things I haven't any use for, and jail is both of them.
Hay dos cosas a las que me niego, una es la cárcel.
{ mm the face oi the ground, both man and beast, and creeping things, and the birds of heaven, for it repenteth me that I have made them. "
Arrepentíos, arrepentíos delante de Mí. Todos deben arrepentirse.
Carlo's eating enough for both of them.
Carlo ya come por los dos.
That's freedom - to escape from the world entirely and to be up there with infinity to fly through and eternity to fly it and both of them yours for the taking.
Eso es libertad para escapar de todo el mundo y para ser capaz de estar arriba para volar por la infinidad y la eternidad. Y las dos son tuyas para cogerlas.
Both of them knew too much for somebody's safety so they had to be silenced. Right? - No...
Ambos conocían demasiado así que había que callarlos. ¿ Verdad?
Cheer them both, for even though They're slightly out of step
Anímalos, porque aunque No lleven el compás
Cheer them both, for even though They're slightly out of step
Anímalos, aunque No lleven el compás
Man : both of them. You know, you're jolly lucky only to wait 6 months For your plane's reservation.
Sabes, estás alegre, tienes suerte sólo esperaste 6 meses por tu reserva de avión.
I'd like to roll them for both of us.
Quiero tirarlos para nosotros dos.
He bought both of them a tourist camp in McMasters for when his brother gets out of jail.
Ha comprado para los dos una casita en McMasters.
For the prison ward. Shot in the leg, both of them.
- Les han disparado en la pierna.
Got a nice, big river big enough for the both of them.
En el río hay sitio para ellos dos.
I'm sitting on a crossfire, with the cops on one side, Smiley Freeman on the other, and the both of them gunning for me.
Estoy sentado en un fuego cruzado, con la policía de un lado, y Smiley Freeman en el otro y soy un blanco para los dos.
Now if I was you and you was me, I'd mosey up them stairs... and I'd get a rig and drive around to the back... and wait there for both of us.
Si yo fuera tú y tú fueras yo, subiría esas escaleras, cogería un carro, lo llevaría detrás... y esperaría a los dos.
After Yvonne testifies, we'll miss both of them for a long, long time.
Después de que Yvonne testifique, extrañaremos a los dos por mucho tiempo.
Cheer them both, for even though They're slightly out of step
Anímalos, por aunque No lleven el compás
For, both Froy and Lord Sorrington confessed to a murder that only one of them could have committed.
Tanto Froy como Lord Sorrington confesaron haberlo asesinado,... pero sólo uno pudo hacerlo.
So I had a notion of what was like between Daddy and Henrietta I loved them both-- - there is nothing I would have done for one of them ln a few days Henrietta came up to live in the big house
Vi una rendija de luz sobre la cabaña. Había dos personas juntas en la habitación. Así fue como me enteré de lo que pasaba entre papá y Henrietta.
"You need both of them for the fatherland."
"Tú necesitas de ella por la patria".
Both of them. Won't I meet the one for whom I'm fighting?
Con ambos. ¿ No voy a querer conocer a la persona por quien he estado luchando?
Tell them it's best for both of us.
Que es lo mejor para los dos.
You kill both of them for me.
Mátalos a los dos por mí.
Shall it, for shame, be spoken in these days, or fill up chronicle in time to come, that men of your nobility and power, did gage them both in an unjust behalf?
¿ Dejaréis que se hable hoy con vergüenza, y así se escriba en el futuro, que hombres tan nobles y poderosos... ¡ Que Dios os perdone tan gran error!
Then we should catch both of them and execute them for the people.
Debemos atraparlos a ambos y ejecutarlos en nombre del pueblo.
However, don't forget that dissensions between two cities are not good for the both of them.
Sin embargo, quiero recordaros que las discordias entre dos ciudades no benefician a ninguna de las dos. Y con su actitud,.
I myself advised him to do it, for the good of both of them.
Yo mismo se lo aconsejé por el bien de los dos.
And now, for the honor of the great lady whom we both serve is for you to see that she receive them in time.
Ahora, por el honor de la gran mujer a quien ambos servimos, ha de procurar usted que los reciba a tiempo.
She picked up visas for the both of them.
Ha recogido visados para ambos.
For all I know he's sent them after both of us. Well...
No me extrañaría que los mandase contra nosotros dos.

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