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Fredericks translate Spanish

181 parallel translation
- I should like to see Dr. Fredericks.
- ¿ El Dr. Fredericks, por favor?
So I understand. Nevertheless, instruct Fredericks that we are putting arrangements in hand at once.
Eso creo. sin embargo, informe a Fredericks... de que nos estamos preparando.
the venue of past triumphs of the Fredericks and the Wilhelms, the Prussian kings and the German emperors.
el lugar de celebración de los triunfos pasados de la Fredericks y la Wilhelms, los reyes de Prusia y el emperador alemán.
Darling, I want you to meet Mr. Fredericks.
Querida, déjame presentarte al Sr. Fredericks.
- Oh, do show him in, Fredericks.
Hágale pasar, Fredericks.
Oh, just put those over there, Fredericks.
Póngalo por ahí, Fredericks.
Dutch, get me Lieutenant Fredericks.
Dutch, llama al Tte. Fredericks.
- Fredericks on the line.
- Fredericks al teléfono.
Oh, well, anthony, you remember the last time some kids came over to play - the little fredericks boy and his sister?
Ni uno solo. Y quiero alguien con quien jugar. Oh, Anthony, recuerdas la última vez que vinieron chicos a jugar?
- The Fredericks'car.
- El de los Fredericks.
- You ain't Mrs. Fredericks.
- Usted no es la Sra. Fredericks.
- Lt. Fredericks.
- Teniente Fredericks.
Thank you, Mr. Fredericks.
Muchas gracias, señor Fredericks.
Sergeant Fredericks, get a razor and water.
Sargento, traiga una cuchilla y agua.
Where is the regular man, Fredericks?
¿ Dónde está el de siempre, Fredericks?
The number for Amy Fredericks, please.
- El número de Amy Fredericks, por favor.
Sir, I see no listing for an Amy Fredericks.
Señor, no hay ninguna Amy Fredericks en el listado.
Well, I've been serving time down in Prairie City at George Fredrick's.
Trabajé en Pradera City, con George Fredericks.
Hey, man, ain't that Sonny Fredricks over there? Yeah.
Eh, tío, ¿ no es ese Sonny Fredericks?
Expect you don't remember me, but I was up here a little while back... with ol'Jim-Bob Fredericks of Houston.
No creo que me recuerde, pero estuve aquí hace algún tiempo... con el viejo Jim-Bob Fredericks de Houston.
* But we took our look from a book by Fredericks *
* Pero hemos copiado nuestra apriencia de un libro de Fredericks *
Medics, get this thing out of here now.
Llevénse esta cosa de aquí, Fredericks.
Also, notify Fredericks that... something unusual has happened.
Además, notifiquen a Fredericks que ocurrió algo inusual.
Welcome aboard. Arlo pear. Oh, Helen Fredericks.
Name's Helen. Helen Fredericks.
Su nombre es Helen.
Adams, Attersham, Bennet, Connor, Fredericks, Hodson...
Adams, Attersham, Bennet, Connor, Fredericks, Hodson...
Fredericks, take the conn.
Fredericks, a navegación.
Oh, Al, can I buy a bra at Fredericks of Hollywood?
Al, ipuedo comprar un suietador en Fredericks de Hollywood?
- I'm Lisa Fredericks.
- Soy Lisa Fredericks.
I'm here to see Dr. Fredericks. There's a slight problem in Personnel.
La Dra. Fredericks está con un problema en el Departamento de Personal.
Did you know Miss Fredericks?
Conocía a la Srta. Fredericks?
Jack, would you believe nothing was in the paper about Lisa Fredericks?
Jack, el diario no dice nada sobre Lisa Fredericks?
Ehey, how come Lisa Fredericks'murder wasn't on TV, wasn't in the newspapers, nothing?
Por qué ni la televisión ni los diarios dicen nada del asesinato de Lisa Fredericks?
You questioned me last night about Lisa Fredericks'murder.
Usted me interrogó sobre el homicídio de Lisa.
Lisa Fredericks.
Lisa Fredericks.
Lisa Fredericks is going to be murdered today at 6 : 15.
Lisa será asesinada hoy, a las 18 : 15.
Oh, excuse me, Dr. Fredericks.
Dra. Fredericks, disculpe.
Ohh... Dr. Fredericks, I am so sorry.
Dra. Fredericks, lo siento mucho.
Fredericks is working with someone.
Fredericks está trabajando con alguien. No sé!
They'll have their passes back by lunch time. Dr. Fredericks was so nice to explain the whole thing to me.
La Dra. Fredericks me explicó todo, no es así?
I am Robert Denk and this is Dr. Fredericks.
Soy Robert Denk, y ésta es la Dra. Fredericks.
- Dr. Fredericks?
- Dra. Fredericks.
I'm Dr. Fredericks.
Soy la Dra. Fredericks.
David Warner, Kyle Davidson, Julie Fredericks...
David Warner, Kyle Davidson, Fredericks Julie...
You sent Molly to stay with the Fredericks?
¿ Dejaste a Molly con los Frederick?
The Fredericks residence.
La residencia Fredericks.
- Fredericks.
Fredericks, the door.
Fredericks, la puerta.
Dr. Fredericks, please.
La Dra. Fredericks, por favor!

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