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Get him in the car translate Spanish

243 parallel translation
Get him in the car.
- ¡ Mételo en el coche!
Get him in the car!
Mételo en el coche, rápido.
It's a tanker, but it's unloaded. Get him in the car.
- Es un tanque, pero no está cargado.
Get him in the car.
Metedlo en el coche.
Let's get him in the car.
Metámosle en el coche.
Let's get him in the car.
Metámoslo en el auto.
Rumyantsev, get him in the car!
Rumyantsev, ¡ mételo en el auto!
Come on, get him in the car!
Vamos, mételo al auto.
Get him in the car, quick.
¡ Rápido, al coche!
Let's just get him in the car.
Vamos a meterlo en el coche.
Vamos al coche.
Get him in the car!
¡ Métanlo! ¡ Métanlo! ¡ Rápido!
Stacy, help me get him in the car. STACY :
Stacy, ayúdame a meterlo al auto.
Help me get him in the car!
¡ Ayúdame a meterlo al auto!
I got to piss! Get him in the car, Lane.
Mételo en el auto, Lane.
We have witnesses who saw him get in the car.
Dos testigos lo vieron en el coche.
He's a darling, Vivian. Get in the car and I'll tell you about him.
Sube al coche, hablaremos.
Would you mind holding him till we get in the car?
¿ Podría sostenerlo hasta que entremos al auto?
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Traeremos el coche. Cuando estén dormidas, lo meteremos por la ventana.
I'll take care of him. Get Scheherazade in the car.
Le daré un poco de.
- You heard him. Get in and turn the car around.
- ¿ Está sordo?
Well, I think I'd get Phillip to help me carry him out of the room, down the back stairs, and the two of us would put him in the car.
Le diría a Phillip que me ayudara a sacarlo de la habitación, lo bajaríamos por las escaleras y lo colocaríamos en el coche.
Why don't you jump in the car and get'em real quick? I'll stay here with him and maybe figure something out.
Yo me quedaré aquí con él y pensaré en algo.
I can take him in the car and when we get to a very lonely spot hit him on the head with a hammer, pour gasoline over him and the car and set the whole thing ablaze.
Lo puedo meter en el coche y en un lugar apartado le doy en la cabeza con un martillo, Io rocío de gasolina y le prendo fuego a todo.
Give me a hand, let's get him in the car.
Échame una mano, llevémosle al coche.
I saw him get in the car.
Le vi subir al coche.
We'll get him there, stick him in the back of the car
Vamos a llevarlo, lo meteremos detrás en el coche.
Get him his case, Sergeant. Send the car in please.
El maletín está en el coche.
And the driver, sir, the chap in the other car, did you get a look at him?
No sé de qué marca era.
So I got on the telephone and sent a car up to the ranch, had to get tickets for Hitch and Alma at the airport in San Francisco, then I called Hitch and told him he had to be in Jack's office the next morning,
Así que llamé por teléfono y envié un coche al rancho, tuve que conseguir billetes para Hitch y Alma en el aeropuerto de San Francisco. Llamé a Hitch y le dije que debía estar en la oficina de Jack a la mañana siguiente y que tenía que ver con la escena que habíamos cortado.
I said to him, "Ben, get in the car."
"Ben, sube al coche."
If Dave gets you home before I get there, sit in the car and wait with him, okay?
Si Dave te lleva a casa antes de que yo llegue, quédate a esperar con él en el coche, ¿ ok?
I'll get him, 99. You follow me in the car.
Tú sígueme en el automóvil.
It took four of us to get him in the car one night.
Tuvimos que ser 4 para meterlo en un auto.
You get him out of the truck, put him in your car and take him -
Sácalo del camión, mételo en tu coche y llévatelo...
I would then get the pet out of his car... lay him out in the driveway, and proceed to clean him up... brush him out, make him as presentable as possible.
Yo bajaba la mascota del auto... la extendía frente al garaje y la lavaba... y la cepillaba, para que luciera lo mejor posible.
Well, get in your car and drive down to the goddamn pier and get him!
Bueno. ¡ Suba a su auto y maneje hasta el maldito muelle y tráigalo aquí!
I wasn't expecting him, and here he is. Get in the car. Here we go.
No lo estaba esperando y ahora está aquí.
And you gotta get in the car with him.
Y tienes que meterte en eI coche con éI.
Just get him down in the squad car.
Tú sólo tráelo en el patrullero.
grabbed his gun... and put two rounds in him before our guys could get out of the car.
tomó su arma... y le dio dos tiros antes que los nuestros pudieran salir del coche.
lynnie, let's get in the car... drive around the neighborhood one more time... and see if we can find him.
Lynn, vamos al auto... Conduzcamos por el vecindario una vez mas... Y ver si lo encontramos.
- Get in the car and run him over.
- Atropellarlo con el coche.
Get in the car and get after him!
Entra en el coche y obtener de él!
Get in the car! - Get him!
¡ Cogedle!
Let's get in the car and go look for him.
Cojamos el coche y vamos a buscarle.
I was on our way, some ice bought the car in a ditch came back. And it took forever for him to get out of there.
Ya iba en camino, cuando mi auto patino en el hielo y caí en una zanja me llevo una eternidad poder sacarlo de ahí.
You just ask him for a lift, then you get in the car and take out your revolver.
Le harás autostop... entrarás al coche y sacarás la pistola.
- Right. Get him in the car.
Llévenle al coche.
I'll get in the car go around the block a few times to find him.
Voy a entrar en el coche dar vueltas a la manzana un par de veces
Get him all the way in the car.
Métanlo en el carro.

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