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Get it off of me translate Spanish

267 parallel translation
Get it off of me, will ya?
¡ Sácame esto!
Well, get it off of me.
Get it off of me!
¡ Me escupió la mascarilla!
- Well, just get it off of me.
- Sólo quítemela.
Get it off of me! Get it off!
Quítamelo de encima.
- Get it off of me!
- Get it de encima!
Get it off of me!
Quitenmelo de encima!
Get it off of me!
¡ Quitenmela de encima!
Get it off of me!
Quitamelo, quitamelo!
Get it off of me! Get it off of me! Help!
OK. Get it off of me!
Pero quitame esto!
Get it off of me!
¡ Suéltame!
Get it off of me! Help!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Get it off of me, Max!
¡ Quítamelo, Max!
Get hold of it before he cuts a slice off me.
Cójasela antes de que me rebane.
But it's healthy. But you're not sick, those gambs of yours are my bread and butter. Now remember we get breakfast free here with our roommates, so we eat plenty of that to lay off on the other meals.
Verá, después de la última guerra, decidieron que esas montañas debían ser arrebatadas a mi país, y yo me fui con ellas.
The minute I get off that boat, I'm gonna grab a handful of that U.S.A. and eat it.
En cuanto desembarque, agarraré un puñado de EE.UU. y me lo comeré.
So as soon as I saw the crop was gonna be too big for us to handle, being President of the wheat growers association, I guess it was up to me to figure out a way to get the crops harvested and off to the market.
Como la cosecha será muy grande para manejarla, el presidente de la asociación triguera... me ha pedido que busque la forma de cosechar el trigo... y llevarlo al mercado.
I'd go on the same way, working my head off... living everybody's life but my own, and at the same time... lose the only thing I was lucky to get out of it.
Seguiría igual, sin levantar cabeza, viviendo la vida de otros y no la mía, y al mismo tiempo, perdiendo aquello que me haría salir de ahí.
Get off? So did Fulvius say that I have to take care of it?
Miedo. ¿ Conque Fulvio ha dicho que me debo esconder?
It took three of them to get me off you.
Fueron necesarios tres para evitar que te arrancara el pellejo.
As she knows that the Doric Star managed to get off a signal that she was being attacked, it's obvious that the raider will want to get out of that area as soon as possible.
Hasta el 30 de septiembre no atacó a ningún barco. Me imagino porqué : Hitler creyó después de la caída de Polonia... que Inglaterra y Francia pedirían la paz.
Oh, come off it, kid. This might have been a cut caper of yours to get back at your old man for being twice the man you are. Me?
Habría sido una buena oportunidad para ti de presentarte ante tu padre más hombre de lo que eres.
that's all right the gamble didn't come off but it also kills Mrs Jones of Tooting and her cousin Harold and they didn't feel big bold and generous, they just got killed they elected me to see that they didn't get killed
Bueno, que pena, el asunto no salió bien. Sin embargo, resulta que mueren inocentes que no se sentían fuertes, atrevidos y generosos, pero los matan. Ellos me han elegido para que no los maten.
I thought you'd come off it for a chance to get back a bit of what you chucked at me last night.
Pensé que cambiaría de idea para recuperar... algo de lo que me dio anoche.
I can't keep on going off to the ends of the Earth to get her back, it... it makes me a laughing stock.
No puedo seguir yendo a los extremos de los de la Tierra para obtener su espalda,... que me hace el ridículo.
Well, I wanna tell you, it sure feels good to get that goat hair off of me.
Bueno, te aseguro que se siente bien deshacerse de esa chiva.
And I had a nightmare of a ride, and I'm... I'm facing a responsibility that... a responsibility for the company that I do not want and I cannot for the life of me see how I'm going to chuck it, and would you please just get off my back?
Y tuvimos un accidente, y me cae encima una responsabilidad hacia la compañía que no deseo y no sé cómo quitármela de encima.
I'm not a troublemaker but I'm right It was yesterday they hit the window of my shed Jumped off my bed, pulled my knife and said "get out of here kid" leave some happiness to me My lady on the window says she's just kidding damn lady, you're as ugly as a monkey...
No soy de peleas, pero tengo razón ayer entraron por la ventana de mi cobertizo saltaron a mi cama, me sacaron el cuchillo y dijeron "fuera de aquí" deja la alegría a mi lado Mi niña en la ventana dice que está bromeando niña, eres tan fea que pareces un mono...
Get your hands off of me, it's my car.
¿ Y por qué tenían interes en hacerlo?
It used to really get me, you know, watching them come out of the pub well jollied up, then off home to their warm beds.
Solía afectarme mucho, sabes verlos salir contentos de los bares para ir a sus hogares de camas cálidas.
If I don't have an ass when I get out of this chair it's because the old man chewed it off.
Si no tengo culo cuando me levante es porque el viejo se lo ha comido.
Get this shit off of me. It was so damn real.
Quítame esta mierda de una vez.
I don't wanna get my butt blown off because of it. No biggie.
Y no quiero que me maten por eso.
Get off of it, Kenyon. I don't need you to tell me how to run this shift.
No necesito que me digas cómo manejar el turno.
Get it off of me!
¡ Quítamelo!
And I especially picked this music so I'd be forced to get out of bed and turn it off.
Escogí esa música para que me despertara.
If I complain about that clown Hammer ruining our shoot, then maybe it'll get him off of our backs.
Si me quejo de ese payaso de Hammer, tal vez me lo quiten de encima.
No sir, they found it in West L.A. get some prints off those and run'em through the computer yes sir let me know when you find the rest of'em sir!
Vamos a ver las impresiones digital en el ordenador. Al dar un tiempo, me dejas saber. Señor, hay algo más adjunta en la parte inferior.
I'd tell him to get off his big bucks... and start giving some of it back to its workers.
Me gustaría que sacara su fortuna y que les regresara parte a los empleados.
Now Carlos can get off of it.
Ahora me puedo quitar a Carlos de encima.
I'll swing by there in about an hour, when I get off my shift, and that way, neither one of us will have to worry about it.
Me daré una vuelta en una hora, cuando termine mi turno. De esa forma ninguno de los dos se tendrá que preocupar más de eso.
Goddamn it! Get this off of me!
¡ Maldita sea!
Get your mitts off of me. I can do it myself!
¡ Quíteme las manazas de encima!
Give me this. Get off of it.
Dame eso. ¡ Suéltalo!
The bottle had one of those safety caps, and I'd broken a nail packing my suitcase, and I couldn't get it off.
El frasco tenía tapa de seguridad... y yo me había roto una uña empacando y no podía abrirlo.
Get your hands off of me! Put it away!
- Oiga, suelte eso.
Every time Alice sees me in one of these monkey suits she can't wait to get me home and tear it off.
Cada vez que Alice me ve vestido así quiere llevarme a casa y arrancármelo.
Here I am, ready to charge forth in pursuit of my destiny and I can't get time off work to do it.
Aquí estoy, listo para ir en pos de mi destino mítico y no me dan tiempo libre para hacerlo.
I'm no expert here, but it seems to me that the pursuit of destiny isn't something you need to get off a $ 7 per hour job to do.
Yo no soy ningún experto en esto, pero me parece que la búsqueda de tu destino mítico no es algo que requiere que dejes tu trabajo de $ 7 por hora.
Stop it. Get off of me!
Detente. ¡ Suéltame!

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