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Get that away from me translate Spanish

395 parallel translation
Get that away from me.
Que la aparte de mí.
If I see that you're turning away from me even in the least... I won't show you any mercy. I will just get rid of you.
Si te inclinas sólo un poco... voy a deshacerme de ti sin miramientos.
Get that guy away from me.
Mantenga a ese tipo lejos de mí.
Just a minute, you think I'd let you get away from here without paying that bill?
Un momento. ¿ Me creéis tan incauto que os dejaré marchar sin pagar?
Roy here tells me that you were in an awful hurry to get away from that cemetery.
Roy me dijo que tenías mucha prisa... de irte del cementerio.
When we went on that picnic to the desert this afternoon... I managed to get the child away from her mother... and she told me she was going to see her father tomorrow morning.
Cuando fuimos al almuerzo en el desierto esta tarde... logré alejar a la niña de su madre... y me dijo que iba a ver a su padre mañana por la mañana.
Well, I can only say that if you think you can get her away from the Salvation Army... by talking to her as you've been talking to me, then you don't know Barbara.
Sólo le diré que si creer poder alejarla del Ejército de Salvación... hablándole como me acaba de hablar, es que no conoce a Barbara.
Get that thing away from me!
¡ No se me acerque con eso!
Is that ladylike? ─ Get away from me!
- Tenemos que hacerlo.
- Get away from me with that!
¡ Aleje eso de mí!
When she snatched that kid away from me... she was asking for trouble, and that's what she's gonna get.
Cuando se llevó al niño... se buscó problemas y ahora los tendrá.
With this money I can get away from every rotten thing that makes me think of this place or you!
¡ Con este dinero puedo alejarme de lo que me recuerda a ti!
If you can only get me away from here for a few hours, that's all I ask.
Sólo le pido que me saque de aquí durante unas horas.
Yes, that's why I left right after the trial, to get away from their snooping.
Sí, por eso me fui después del juicio, para escapar de su curiosidad.
That's one reason I enlisted, to get away from her.
Me enlisté en el ejército para alejarme de ella.
Get that filthy thing away from me!
¡ Quite esa cosa asquerosa lejos de mí!
That's more important than Palinov. If I've got a choice between preventing 4 people from being chewed up, bitten by snakes, or dying of exposure or picking up a couple of smugglers, well, it's ok with me if they get away.
Si tengo que escoger entre salvar a 4 personas, o pillar a un par de contrabandistas, no me importa que se escapen.
Then believe me, it's very important to me and to you that I get away from here.
Entonces créeme, es muy importante para nosotros... que yo me aleje de aquí.
I'm making arrangements as quickly as I can to get away from Berlin altogether. That'll be the end of it.
Me iré lo antes posible de Berlín y así se acabará todo.
Take that thing away from me, otherwise I'll get it stuffed!
¡ Mire, si no se va, esta noche voy a comerme al perro! - ¿ Por qué?
That's it, isn't it? You want to get away from me because I'm all washed up.
¿ Por eso te marchas con él?
Get that snake away from me.
Aléjame esa serpiente.
- Get that thing away from me!
- ¡ Apártala de mí!
I was thinking that you want to get away from your wife.
Me parecía que quería escapar de su mujer.
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
Get that ferocious beast away from me.
Aparte esa bestia de mí.
I'm just about an hour away from a hanging and i've been lying there and i have been thinking that i would like to rip these bars apart and get out of here.
Estoy casi a una hora de la horca y he estado tirado allí y he estado pensando que me gustaría quitar esos barrotes y salir de aquí.
- That's only to get me away from Sanju.
- Sólo para alejarme de Sanju.
I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?
Soy consciente, por supuesto, que no soy rival para los Dalek así que si se lo entrego, usted me ayudará y a mis amigos a salir de este planeta?
Bubber, let Jake walk forward and if he's all right I'll give you my car and see that you get away from here without anybody bothering you.
Bubber, deja que Jake salga y si està bien te daré mi coche y me aseguraré de que puedas irte sin que nadie te moleste.
I don't intend to let that gold get away from me.
No pienso dejar que me quiten ese oro.
Not because I'm looking for anything really, but...'cause I'm getting away from things that get bad... if I stay.
No porque esté buscando algo, en realidad, sino... porque tengo que alejarme de las cosas que se pondrían mal... si me quedara.
I was trying to get away from a world that I had known, because I don't think it was very good for me, and I found myself looking up its ass...
Estaba tratando de salir de... un mundo que había conocido... porque no creía que era bueno para mí, y... me hallé a mí misma... vencida y humillada.
You tear your finger opening your brougham door, you borrow a piece of court plaster from me, and you're careless enough to let a thread of it get carried away by a nut on that chair which you pitched onto the track!
Se lastimó su dedo, al abrir su puerta nueva. Tomó prestado una curita de mí. Y fue lo suficientemente descuidado... como para dejar una hebra, enganchado en una tuerca... de esa silla que puso sobre la pista.
Damn, get that horse away from me!
¡ Maldita sea! ¡ Libradme de este caballo!
You mean to tell me that I have to travel all the way to East Jesus and back... before I can get in some club downtown less than five minutes away from here?
o sea que tengo que recorrerme todo el país para luego volver... y poder cantar en un club a menos de cinco minutos de aquí?
That son of a bitch jumped off the cliff to get away from me.
Ese hijo de perra saltó del precipicio para escaparse de mí.
Get away from me! Come near me with that again, you'll need a pair of them!
¡ Si vuelves a acercarte con esa muleta necesitarás dos, no una!
It was me who got you a parole to get you away from that Arkansas prison farm or you'd still be rotting there.
Yo te conseguí la libertad condicional para salir de esa cárcel de Arkansas si no aún te estarías pudriendo allí.
People say that Tiberius didn't mind being banished because he was glad to get away from me. But that wasn't it.
Por ahí dicen que a Tiberio no le importó tener que marcharse porque deseaba alejarse de mí pero no fue sólo eso.
Get away from me with that deformed worm!
¡ Apartaos de mi... tu y ese gusano deforme!
- You get away from me with that.
- No te me acerques con eso.
Get away from me with that thing!
¡ Apartaos de mí con esa cosa!
And you want to get away from me, too. Is that it?
Y también quieres huir de mí, ¿ verdad?
It seems to me that you have to get away from anything that looks tough.
Me parece que huyes de todo lo que aparenta ser difícil.
Seems to me you all were in such a hopped-up hurry to leave the city that you turned your kids into exactly what you were trying to get away from.
Todos tenían tanta prisa por salir de la ciudad que convirtieron a sus hijos en aquello de lo que escapaban.
Get away from me Stop talking me that rubbish.
Váyase y déjeme en paz.
Get that thing away from me!
Aleja esa cosa de mí.
And if that didn't relieve me I'd try to get away... from that woman and never see her again.
Y si eso no trajera alivio a mi corazón trataría de alejarme de esa mujer. Y de no verla nunca más.
If there was some way that they could get you away from me...
Si tuvieran alguna forma de separarnos...
Get away from me with that thing!
¡ Aléjate de mí con esa cosa!

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