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Gifford translate Spanish

267 parallel translation
Allow me. I'm Gifford Middleton, Boston.
Gifford Middleton, de Boston.
Gifford, that's lovely.
¡ Muy hermoso, Gifford!
I'm sorry, Gifford.
- Disculpe, Gifford.
I didn't mean to hurt you, Gifford.
- No he querido ofenderle, Gifford.
Does – does it make any difference, Gifford?
¿ Eso le hace cambiar en algo, Gifford?
His name happens to be Gifford Middleton.
Se llama Gifford Middleton. ¿ Te dice algo?
I'm going to meet his mother and father tomorrow. By the time you're lying in some gutter where you belong, I'll be Mrs. Gifford Middleton.
Y pasaré a ser la Sra. Gifford Middleton, y viviré en un sitio tranquilo, con gente que me comprende.
I'm trying to see which one of you two Gifford takes after.
¿ A quién se parece más Gifford? Nosotros creemos que se parece a los dos.
Why, that's natural, isn't it? Gifford told us that your father and brother are in California.
Gifford nos dijo que su padre y su hermano están en California.
Of course, when Gifford told us about you this morning.
Cuando Gifford habló con nosotros, fue una sorpresa, claro.
- Shall I –? - No, Gifford.
No, Gifford, ahora vuelvo.
- Who to? He's Gifford Middleton from a fine old Boston family.
Se llama Gifford Middleton y es de una excelente familia de Boston.
- Hiya. - And this is Gifford.
Y éste es Gifford.
Gifford, my boy? Gifford never touches alcohol.
Gifford nunca bebe alcohol.
Oh, just this once, Gifford. Please. All right.
Sólo esta vez, Gifford.
Gifford, didn't you tell them?
Gifford, ¿ no les has contado? - Aún no.
Gifford, have you read the papers recently?
Gifford, ¿ has leído los periódicos?
Let's go back to my hotel and wait. Gifford was right. He can handle everything.
Gifford se ocupará de todo.
I saw Gifford give you the high and mighty chill over there. If there is anything I can do, I –
Si hay algo que yo pueda hacer...
Gifford didn't say whether that little difficulty had been all worked out.
¿ Ya dijo Gifford si ha resuelto la situación? No.
I'll have you know, sir, that one of my ancestors stood with Christopher Columbus on the poop deck of the Mayflower!
¡ Y mis antepasados vinieron a bordo del "Mayflower"! - ¿ Qué dices tú, Gifford?
Gifford, you see, is a Middleton.
Gifford es un Middleton.
That's what Gifford is. I give him away with a strain of horseradish.
¡ No me hace ninguna falta!
- What do I think, Dr. Gifford? I think it's one of the worst things that could happen to this patient.
Opino, Dr. Gifford que eso sería muy malo para esa paciente.
What I'm trying to say, Dr. Gifford, is that until the treatment Mrs. Cunningham... is now getting brings out the causes of her unconscious rejection and resolves them... we can't send her to Illinois or any state without the least chance of her getting well.
Lo que trato de decir es que hasta que el tratamiento revele las causas de su rechazo y las resuelva podemos enviarla a Illinois o a cualquier otro estado sin la menor posibilidad de que se cure.
Miss Seiffert? - Uh, yes, Dr. Gifford?
- Srta. Seiffert.
- I want you to continue the investigation... of this patient's release and report directly to me.
- ¿ Sí, Dr. Gifford? Investigue la alta de esa paciente e infórmeme.
Will you see that Dr. Gifford gets this as soon as possible?
Que se la entreguen al Dr. Gifford lo antes posible.
Virginia, I was going to tell you. Dr. Gifford says you're going to staff.
Virginia, el Dr. Gifford dice que hablarás con el personal.
Dr. Gifford thinks you're well enough to go to staff.
El Dr. Gifford cree que debes hacerlo.
I knew from the way Dr. Kik looked at me, and then I heard Dr. Gifford say "recovered."
Lo supe por cómo me miró el Dr. Kik y dijeron "curada".
- Dr. Gifford, this must be stopped before it's too late.
- Nos ayudará a todos. - Eso debe cesar inmediatamente.
Where is Cmdr. Gifford?
¿ Y el comandante?
Cmdr. Gifford, we've been wondering what to say after "thank you."
No sabíamos qué decir además de gracias.
- Capt. Gifford of the Thunderfish, sir.
- El capitán Gifford del Thunderfish.
Arrange transportation for Capt. Gifford to the States.
El capitán Gifford irá a los Estados Unidos.
My mother said one of us kids had to be called Gifford.
Mi madre quería que alguno se llamara así. Perdón.
- I'm Gifford, the Club Officer.
- Gifford, oficial del club.
Hamp, 10 Gifford Street, Islmgton, London :
Hamp, Gifford Street no 10, Islington, Londres.
Two troopers, Gifford and Harcourt, will be here directly.
Dos soldados, Gifford y Harcourt, vendrán aquí.
- Doc Gifford's out of town.
- El Dr. Gifford no está aquí.
"and then returned to Broughton Gifford on the 2 : 40 train, " disguised as Sir Mortimer Turret's valet, Burton, " making sure his arrival was noted by the ticket inspector.
Pero volvió a Broughton en el tren de las 2, 40, disfrazado de Sir Mortimer Valot-Burton, y procurando que el revisor se fijara en él.
Anyway, it's the ball Frank Gifford signed. That's the signature he really wants.
Lo que quiere es el balón que firmó Frank Gifford.
Where did Frank Gifford sign? Right there under the laces.
- ¿ Dónde está la firma de Frank Gifford?
Mess Sergeant Gifford fixed it for you when he heard you belted Frank.
EI Sgto. Gifford lo preparó al saber que golpeaste a Frank. ?
They're the ones who kidnapped Mary Ann Gifford three weeks ago.
Son los que secuestraron a Mary Ann Gifford hace tres semanas.
You – you mustn't, Gifford.
No, Gifford...
Gifford, what do you say? What can I say?
- ¿ Qué puedo decir yo?
Gifford's a sap!
¡ Sólo es un necio!
- No, Dr. Gifford.
- No.
Gifford is a family name.
Gifford es común en la familia.

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