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Girlfriend translate Spanish

34,399 parallel translation
I know about your girlfriend.
Sé lo de tu novia.
Karen was Julien's Lemur School girlfriend.
Karen era la novia de Julien en la escuela.
His girlfriend even stabbed him.
Su novia incluso lo apuñaló.
Reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.
Me recuerdas a mi ex-novia.
I lived with my old girlfriend.
Viví con mi antigua novia.
And said, "Hi, I'm Sophie, and I'm gonna be your girlfriend."
Y dijo : "Hola, soy Sophie y voy a ser tu novia".
And do you have a job and do you have a girlfriend?
¿ Y tienes trabajo y tienes novia?
Oh, and I saw your girlfriend the other day.
Y vi a tu novia el otro día.
¿ Novia?
- and... - And said, "Hi, I'm Sophie, and I'm gonna be your girlfriend."
- Y dijo : "Hola, soy Sophie y voy a ser tu novia".
That message could've come from your girlfriend for all we know.
Ese mensaje podría ser de tu novia.
And Ram saw his girlfriend murdered in front of him and he still carried on living and he still cares about his future.
Y Ram vio cómo asesinaban a su novia frente a él y aun así sigue adelante y se preocupa por su futuro.
Plus, he's too busy hittin'on my girlfriend.
Además, está ocupado ligándose a mi novia.
" Hey, I'm a 51-year-old failed rock star who likes to drink and whose longtime girlfriend just broke his heart.
Soy un rockero fracasado y alcohólico de 51 años... cuya novia de toda la vida le ha roto el corazón.
He has the new girlfriend. Yes, I saw her.
Tiene nueva novia.
My girlfriend was Daisy Duke.
Mi novia era Daisy Duke.
Your girlfriend is gonna be pretty mad.
Tu novia se va a enojar bastante.
Don't have a girlfriend.
No tengo novia.
Out with your new Japanese girlfriend?
¿ Con tu nueva novia japonesa?
When I told a boyfriend something was "no big deal," it meant anything from "I just bought weed from your nephew," to "I secretly befriended your ex-girlfriend last year, things got out of hand, and now I'm her bridesmaid."
Cuando decía a un novio que algo "no es la gran cosa" significaba algo como, "yo sólo le... a" en secreto, me hice amiga de tu ex-novia el año pasado, las cosas se salieron de control, y ahora soy su dama de honor ".
I-I never even really had a girlfriend that I "loved."
Ni siquiera realmente tenía una novia a la que "amara".
This is a picture of Bashir's girlfriend before his last tour in Iraq.
Esto es una fotografía de la novia de Bashir antes de su último viaje en Iraq.
[announcer] Horton fled, kidnapped a young couple, stabbing the man and repeatedly raping his girlfriend.
Horton huyó, secuestró a una pareja joven, apuñaló al hombre y violó repetidamente a su novia.
[announcer] Stabbing the man and raping his girlfriend.
Apuñalar a un hombre y violar a su novia.
Maybe I'm just here cheating on my girlfriend with my secretary.
Tal vez estoy aquí engañando a mi novia con mi secretaria.
We found his girlfriend, Natalie.
Encontramos a su novia, Natalie.
I think your girlfriend's ex came over.
Creo que el ex de tu novia se presentó.
It'd be like fucking an ex-girlfriend who swears she's not crazy no more.
Es como la exnovia que te jura que ya no está loca.
You know, you might want to get a girlfriend first.
Sabes, quizá deberías conseguir novia antes.
You got a girlfriend out there, Doc?
¿ Tienes una novia allá afuera, Doc?
Our plane is rapidly approaching the boyfriend-girlfriend zone, and, I, for one, am preparing myself for landing.
Nuestro avión se acerca rápidamente a la zona de novio-novia y, yo, por mi parte, estoy preparándome para aterrizar.
So I'm just supposed to wait around until you think I'm worthy of being your girlfriend?
Así que supuestamente ¿ tengo que esperar hasta que decidas si merezco ser tu novia?
This is all pointless because he's going to meet his ex-girlfriend in New York.
Todo esto no tiene sentido.. .. porque él se verá con su ex novia en New York, cállense.
¿ Ex novia?
Yeah, you're the captain's, girlfriend.
Sí, eres la novia del capitán.
The doctor treats Paige, the captain's girlfriend, for her relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
El doctor trata a Paige, la novia del capitán, por su esclerosis múltiple remitente-recurrente.
I assume you took the case pro Bono considering she is the captain's girlfriend.
Imagino que aceptaste el caso gratis considerando que es - la novia del capitán.
And lying to your best friend about being on your A-game when you're clearly distracted by your former girlfriend's betrayal and consumed by a desire to hunt her down : also not great.
Y mentirle a tu mejor amigo sobre estar al máximo de tus condiciones cuando estás claramente distraído por la traición de tu exnovia y consumido por un deseo de darle caza, tampoco está bien.
That you've been boyfriend and girlfriend.
Que eran novios.
Your girlfriend would have to put out an APB.
Tu novia tendría que dar la alarma.
Her... Her girlfriend broke up with her.
Su novia ha roto con ella.
- I'm your girlfriend.
- Soy tu novia.
Maybe don't look for your ex-girlfriend on this one.
Tal vez no hay que buscar a su ex-novia en este caso.
I'm your girlfriend.
Soy tu novia.
So, are you seeing her, like girlfriend seeing her?
Entonces, ¿ la ves como si fuese tu novia?
Letters that our Pope wrote to his... Californian girlfriend over the years.
Cartas de nuestro papa escritas a su... novia californiana durante años.
Was that your girlfriend?
¿ Esa era tu novia?
I-I mean, she's not my girlfriend.
Digo, ella no es mi novia.
Tell your girlfriend to come at me.
Dile a tu novia que venga a por mí.
My girlfriend's headed out of town.
Mi novia se va fuera del país.
Googled Aram's new girlfriend.
Busqué en Google a la nueva novia de Aram.

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