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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ G ] / Glad to hear that

Glad to hear that translate Spanish

970 parallel translation
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Bueno, me alegra oír eso.
Glad to hear that.
Me alegra oír eso.
I'm glad to hear that.
Me alegro de oír eso
I'm glad to hear that.
Tanto mejor.
I'm glad to hear that you kept to the same sex.
Me alegra saber que mantienes las mismas costumbres.
- glad to hear that, than ks. Enjoy!
- Cuanto me alegro, gracias. ¡ Diviértanse!
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Me alegro mucho.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Me alegra escucharlo.
I am glad to hear that you are so firm, Herr von Katte because a heavy ordeal still awaits you
Me alegro... de que esté tan firme, sr. von Katte. Porque está ante una prueba difícil.
Then, you'll be glad to hear that you've found it.
Entonces le gustara oír que lo he encontrado.
Well, I'm very glad to hear that, Mr. Schultz... because I'm too busy to bother with incidentals.
Bueno, me alegra oír eso, Sr. Schultz... estoy muy ocupada para que surjan gastos imprevistos.
- Well, I'm glad to hear that. I thought I was seeing things.
Me alegra saberlo, creía que estaba soñando.
I'm glad to hear that.
- Me alegra oír eso.
I'm glad to hear that, father.
Me alegro, padre.
I'm glad to hear that because we got a pretty bad problem in this state.
Me alegro que nos entendamos, porque hay un problema.
I'm glad to hear that, but about Achaben.
Me alegra oir eso, pero sobre Achaben.
I was glad to hear that. I said to myself, "That Leeson's just the man for Lucy."
Me alegré por la noticia. Y me dije : "Ese Leeson es el hombre ideal para Lucy."
Me alegra oír eso.
Gee, I'm glad to hear that, Hazel.
Me alegro, Hazel.
My bowery boys will be glad to hear that.
- Sólo porras y mangueras.
Well, I'm glad to hear that anyway.
Bien, me alegro de oír eso.
Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Bien, me alegra oír eso.
And I'm quite sure you all will be glad to hear that tomorrow we're going to have a quiz on the past two weeks'work.
Sin ninguna duda, Ies aIegrará saber... que mañana habrá un examen sobre Ios temas de estas dos semanas.
Glad to hear that, teacher.
Me alegro de oír eso, maestro.
Fine, I'm glad to hear that.
Bien, me alegra oír eso.
I'm glad to hear that.
Me alegra escuchar eso.
I'm glad to hear that.
Me alegra oír eso.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Me alegro de oír eso.
Well, I'm mighty glad to hear that, sir.
Cuánto me alegra oírlo, señor.
Well, I'm mighty glad to hear that, Jeeter because I'm out this morning to run all the sin off Tobacco Road and I got a good start.
Me alegro de oír eso, Jeeter porque quiero limpiar de pecados la Ruta del Tabaco y este es un buen comienzo.
I'm glad to hear that
Me alegro de oír eso
" Dear Drake, glad to hear that you're feeling good
" Querido Drake : me alegra saber que te sientes bien...
I'm certainly glad to hear you say that, Mr Leeds.
Me agrada oírle decir eso.
Very glad. Hoy old pal, that's nice to hear from someone, even though you are slightly simple-minded.
Menos mal que se alegra alguien aunque seas un poco tarado.
I'm glad your father ain't alive to hear a Jessop talkin'like that.
Me alegra que tu padre no viva para oír a un Jessop hablar así.
"And you'll be glad to hear." "That he's going to put the Hartland firm out of business."
Y estarás encantado de oír que va a poner a Hartland en pérdidas.
Oh, me alegra oírle decir eso.
Glad to hear you say that, because we want your help.
Me alegro de oírle, porque queremos su ayuda.
I'm glad to hear your voice, sir. I was very worried when the car returned with that Masterson person without you, sir.
Estaba preocupado, no me gustó que el Sr. Masterson volviera sin usted.
- I'm glad to hear you say that.
Me alegra oírle decir eso, amigo.
That's swell. I'll be glad to hear them some time.
Me las cuentas otro día, ¿ vale?
I'm glad to hear you say that.
Estoy cansado de oírte decir eso.
I'm glad you're not deaf, cos you wouldn't be able to hear. That would be terrible.
Me alegra que no sea sordo, porque si lo fuera... no podría oír nada y eso sería algo terrible.
- I'm glad to hear you say that.
- Me alegra oírte decir eso.
Bells'll be glad to hear that. - Bells?
- ¿ Puedo hacerte una pregunta?
You know, I've been expecting to hear all fall that you'd been married, but I'm glad now you weren't,'cause now when you are, I can be there.
Llevo todo el otoño esperando vuestra boda. Pero mejor así, podré estar cuando os caséis.
No doubt Mr. Lincoln will be glad to hear... that she was not the only eyewitness... to the murder of Scrub White.
Sin duda al Sr. Lincoln le alegrará oír que ella no ha sido la única testigo del asesinato de Scrub White.
Of course. And you tell your father for me that we may be on opposite sides of the fence, but I'm always glad to hear of a man who holds to his own opinion.
Por supuesto, y dile a tu padre de mi parte, que aunque tengamos... opiniones distintas, siempre me alegra saber que hay gente... que defiende sus ideas.
Oh, Mike, I'm so glad to hear you talk like that.
Mike, me alegra oírte hablar así.
I'm glad to hear you say that, sir.
Me alegra que diga eso, señor.
If it was only to hear what you've just said, Mrs Applegate, I'm terribly glad I brought that frog.
Señora Applegate, sólo por escuchar lo que ha dicho me alegro de haber venido a traer esa rana.

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