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Glug translate Spanish

88 parallel translation
Glug glug glug...
Glu glu glu...
I'll have a glug of gin, if you please.
Sirva a la señora, por favor. ¿ Grande o pequeña?
Like this - glug, glug, glug.
No, no, no, I cannot accept their rules : They just glug it down in one gulp, one after the other but like this, no, it's so uncivilized.
No, no, yo no puedo aceptar su reglamento, tragar de un golpe, uno a mí, uno a ti, así.
Gurgle, gurlge.
Glug glug glú.
Glu, glu, glu.
- Yes! - Glug-glug-glug-glug!
¡ Si!
Well, I'm off to glug a couple of yards of vindi sauce, then if we happen to chance across planet of the snooty sex sirens, I can't miss.
Bien, me voy a tomar un par de barriles de vindi-salsa, para que si pasamos por el planeta de las sirenas cachondas, ligue de fijo.
Glug, glug, glug.
Gluglú, gluglú.
When you see that juice being poured out onto spaghetti, that is good TV, glug, glug, glug.
Glug, glug, glug. Esa es una gran televisión. Voy a leer el libro de nuevo.
Glug glug glug and down the plughole.
A ver la cara que pones ahora. Hola.
Glug glug glug, and down the plughole.
A ver la cara que pones ahora.
Glug-glug, whoo-hoo! Come on, sweetie.
Venga, encanto.
"Glug-glug, whoo-hoo"? Offer up a little bit of yourself every once in a while.
Ofrece un pedacito de tí de vez en cuando.
Erupt into a bev-rage this summer with Glug.
Estalla en una beb-ira este verano con Glú.
And so Dan Halen flooded the market with Early's Glug.
Así fue que Dan Halen inundó el mercado con el Glú de Early.
Come on in and get your Glug on.
Pasen y llévense su Glú.
- Get your Glug on.
Consigue tu Glú.
Cash your Glug points for hats, coolers... canes, seeing-eye dogs, books on tape.
Cambia tus puntos Glú por sombreros, lazarillos y libros en casete.
And a Glug grand prize for a trip for two to Hawaii.
Y el gran premio de Glú, un viaje para dos a Hawai.
Would definitely not be a monster glug, right, and a bag of peanuts.
Definitivamente no sería un sorbete gigante, ¿ verdad? Y una bolsa de cacahuetes.
I'll have me three cases of Glug Lite Ice.
Me llevaré tres cajas de Glú Light.
"Check the cobbler." Glug, glug, glug.
"Revisar el pastel".
- Did you glug it, though?
- ¿ Pero lo engulliste?
Never glug.
No lo engullas.
Always sip a lovely wine. Never glug it.
Saborea siempre un buen vino, nunca lo engullas.
Can we stop saying "glug"?
¿ Podemos parar de decir "engullir"?
Tell him about your "glug-glug" trick.
Háblale de tu truco del "glu-glu".
Glug, glug. Vroom, vroom.
Gluglú, gluglú. ¡ Vrum, vrum!
La bebida.
Don't that glug down right good, then?
Esto sí que se deja tomar, ¿ no?
She's trying to cover up for the fact that she has a husband who likes to vroom-vroom-vroom-vroom and glug-glug-glug-glug-glug.
Janine está tratando de encubrir que a su esposo le gusta conducir y beber a lo loco.
a little glug glug, a little pow pow?
un poquito de glug glug, un poquito de pow pow?
Glug, glug, glug, glug.
Glug, glug, glug, glug.
¶ best, best, glug, glug, best, best ¶
Mejor, Mejor, glug, glug, mejor, mejor...
More Lard Glug, my sweet?
Más Lard Glug, cariño?
Did you know that Lard Glug contains neither lard nor glug?
Sabias que Lard Glug no contiene ni manteca de cerdo ni glug?
The best bit is the noise, "glug-glug-glug".
Lo mejor de todo es ese ruidito, "glu glu glu".
Drunk. Glug, glug, glug.
¡ Borracho!
Glug, glug, glug.
glup, glup, glup.
" one imperial glug - which he lifts and breathes over thinkingly.
" un gluglú imperial que levanta y respira racionalmente.
I'm Glug Datt.
Soy Glug Datt
Glug, glug. "
Glu, glu ".
- Glug, glug. Love a drink, yeah.
Me encantaría una copa, sí.
Uh, can I buy you more glug-glug-glug-glug?
¿ Puedo invitarte a más glu-glu-glu-glu?
Talk talk, glug glug.
Hablar, hablar, glu, glu.
Another glug of gin, if you please.
- Tenga
Glug! For once the forecast was right.
Por una vez, los del tiempo han acertado.
My dad--glug, glug, glug.
- ¡ Fred, cállate!
Glug, glug.
Glug, glug.

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