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Gurney translate Spanish

927 parallel translation
Meet me, Gurney.
¡ Créeme, Gurney!
Joe Gurney has eluded us this night, but can not be far.
Joe Gurney se nos ha escapado esta noche, pero no puede estar lejos.
I've never been with Joe Gurney.
Nunca he estado con Joe Gurney.
What they present to Joe Gurney and to swear that they're innocent?
¿ Qué les presentes a Joe Gurney y que les jure que eres inocente?
Speaking of Joe Gurney...
Hablando de Joe Gurney...
"Two criminals captured in Wayne Center They could belong to Gurney band."
"Dos malhechores capturados en Wayne Center podrían pertenecer a la banda de Gurney."
Hopefully Joe Gurney appears this way.
Ójala que Joe Gurney aparezca por aquí.
suspected members the famous band Gurney the two men arrested will be processed tomorrow accused of assault and several robberies...
Sospechosos de pertenecer a la famosa banda de Gurney los dos hombres detenidos serán procesados mañana acusados de un asalto y de varios robos...
Joe Gurney, Public Enemy still on the run.
Joe Gurney, el enemigo público sigue fugado.
Is Joe Gurney!
¡ Es Joe Gurney!
Where I can find Joe Gurney?
¿ Dónde puedo encontrar a Joe Gurney?
How can you be interested Gurney, that murderer?
¿ Cómo puede estar interesada en Gurney, ese asesino?
But Gurney He is a dangerous man.
Pero Gurney es un hombre peligroso.
Gurney said it could be useful.
Gurney dijo que podría serle útil.
Mr. Stevens does not know where is Joe Gurney!
¡ El Sr. Stevens tampoco sabe en donde se encuentra Joe Gurney!
And do not know where is Joe Gurney.
Y no sabe tampoco en donde se encuentra Joe Gurney.
"The life and loves of Joe Gurney." How about?
"La vida y los amores de Joe Gurney". ¿ Qué te parece?
"Joe Gurney, the Napoleon of crime"?
"Joe Gurney, el Napoléon del crimen"?
"Joe Gurney, the Napoleon of crime"?
"Joe Gurney, el Napoleón del crimen"?
They work Joe Gurney.
Trabajan para Joe Gurney.
Two gangsters Joe Gurney band.
Dos gangsteres de la banda de Joe Gurney.
Bill is in danger and and I can corral Gurney.
Bill está en peligro y y puedo acorralar a Gurney.
The $ 100 bill comes a bank that struck Gurney and say you have dealings with him!
¡ El billete de 100 dólares proviene de un banco que Gurney asaltó y dicen que usted tiene tratos con él!
If it works, I'll capture Gurney and his entire band.
Si funciona, voy a capturar a Gurney y a toda su banda.
Listen, I'll explain Gurney where you are.
Escuchen, voy a explicarles dónde se encuentra Gurney.
Does your niece has returned to see Gurney to liberate that Stevens?
¿ su sobrina ha regresado a ver a Gurney para liberar a ese Stevens?
Exit, Gurney!
¡ Salga, Gurney!
- Be wary of Gurney.
- Desconfíen de Gurney.
Drop the gun, Gurney!
¡ Suelte el arma, Gurney!
Mr. Ames, here's Joe Gurney.
Sr. Ames, aquí está Joe Gurney.
I stole it this morning. The store in Gurney Springs.
Lo robé esta mañana en la tienda de Gurney Springs.
Meet another gypsy in the sky. That's the way I met Bud Gurney.
Conocí a otro gitano del aire, Bud Gurney.
I pushed the gurney.
Yo empujé la camilla.
Phantasms of the Living, by Gurney, Myers and Podmore, has already been title-indexed under "P" for Phantasms, and author-indexed under "G" for Gurney,
Los Fantasmas de los Vivos, de Gurney, Myers y Podmore, ya está clasificado por título en la "F" de Fantasmas, y por autor en la "G" de Gurney,
Smallwood, Ringwood, Gurney.
Smallwood, Ringwood, Gurney.
Then Brabham, Gurney and Scarfiotti.
... luego Brabham, Gurney, Scarfiotti.
The order's Barlini, Stoddard, Aron, Brabham, Gurney, Scarfiotti.
El orden es Barlini, Stoddard, Aron, Brabham, Gurney, Scarfiotti.
There's a splendid scrap for fourth place, with Tim Randolph in the second Yamura just ahead of Dan Gurney in the Eagle, and Bob Turner in the other BRM.
Y hay una espléndida lucha por el 4o. Lugar con Tim Randolph en el segundo Yamura apenas adelante de Dan Gurney en el Eagle y Bob Turner en el otro BRM.
He's passed Tim Randolph, now watch him go underneath Gurney in the Eagle.
Rebasó a Tim Randolph, ahora véanlo pasar debajo de Gurney en el Eagle.
Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney.'Hmm.
Ringwood, Smallbeer y Gurney. " Hmm.
The dead man's secret key, eh, Ringwood, Smallbeer and Gurney. Were these names of villages around here?
La clave secreta del hombre muerto, ¿ eh, Ringwood, Smallbeer y Gurney. ¿ Eran estos nombres de pueblos de por aquí?
And Gurney, what was he?
Y Gurney, ¿ qué era?
The Churchwarden set me a riddle which involved four names : Ringwood, Smallbeer, Gurney and Deadman, which should be on that wall, sir.
El mayordomo me puso un acertijo que involucró a cuatro nombres : Ringwood, Smallbeer, Gurney y Deadman, que debería estar en ese muro, señor.
Bring the gurney.
Traiga la camilla.
My lords, gentlemen, pray silence for Ralph Douglas Christopher Alexander Gurney, the 13th earl of Gurney.
Mi lores, caballeros, guardemos silencio para Ralph Douglas Christopher Alexander Gurney, el 13º conde de Gurney.
Not the Gurney tradition, no.
No es la tradición de los Gurney, no.
" I, Ralph Douglas Christopher Alexander Gurney... of Gurney House in the county of Bedfordshire, hereby revoke all former wills and codicils and declare this to be my last will.
" Yo, Ralph Douglas Christopher Alexander Gurney... de la Casa de los Gurney en el condado de Bedfordshire, por la presente revoco todos los testamentos anteriores y declaro éste mi último testamento.
"I devise and bequeath the remainder of my estate, both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever to which I might be entitled... or over which I have any disposing at the time of my death... to my beloved son, Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney... the 14th earl of Gurney, for his own use absolutely."
"Yo lego y doy el resto de mi hacienda, tanto real como personal, cualquiera o dondequiera a que tenga derecho... o sobre la cual disponga a la hora de mi muerte... a mi querido hijo, Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney... el 14º conde de Gurney, para su solo provecho".
Blast you, there's land at stake here, Gurney land!
¡ Maldita sea, hay tierra en juego aquí, tierra Gurney!
Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney, 14th earl of Gurney.
Jack Arnold Alexander Tancred Gurney, 14º conde de Gurney.

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