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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Has he said anything

Has he said anything translate Spanish

247 parallel translation
Has he said anything?
- ¿ Ha dicho él algo?
Has he said anything more about that assistant that left?
¿ Ha dicho algo sobre el asistente que se marchó?
Why, has he said anything?
- ¿ Por qué?
- Has he said anything?
- ¿ Dijo algo?
Has he said anything to you?
¿ Ha dicho algo?
Why, what do you know about it? Has he said anything to you?
Así que perdí la tierra firme bajo mis pies.
Has he said anything?
Bien. ¿ Ha dicho algo?
- Look, has he said anything at all?
¿ Ha dicho algo? No, nada.
Has he said anything?
Lo electrocutaran.
- Has he said anything to you?
- ¿ Te ha dicho algo?
Er... has he said anything...
- ¿ Dijo algo...?
Has he said anything to you in Sweden?
Seguro que le habló de eso cuando estuvo en Suecia. ¿ No?
Has he said anything interesting?
No. ¿ Escuchaste algo interesante?
Has he said anything to help?
¿ Ha dicho algo que nos ayude?
But has he said anything directly? .
¿ Pero ha hablado directamente?
Has he said anything?
- ¿ Ha dicho algo?
Has he said anything to you?
¿ Te dijo algo?
Has he- -? Has he said anything to you?
¿ No te dijo nada?
Has he said anything more to you about the Goya he wants to view?
¿ Dijo algo más de Goya, que quiere ir a la ver en España?
Has he said anything?
- Ha detto niente lui?
- Has he said anything?
- ¿ Ha dicho algo?
- Has he said anything?
- ¿ Ha dicho algo? Mucho.
That man, has he said anything?
Ese hombre, ¿ ha dicho algo?
No. Has he said anything to you about it?
No lo he notado. ¿ Te ha dicho él algo?
Agent. Has he said anything?
Scully. ¿ Ha dicho algo?
Has he said anything to you about her being here?
Él le ha dicho algo sobre usted aquí?
- Has he said anything?
¿ Dijo algo?
He hasn't said anything about Miss Fiske, has he? ─ No.
¿ Mencionó a la Srta. Fiske?
Has he said anything?
¿ Ha dicho algo?
Haven't you said anything at all to her about the way he died? No..
¿ No le has dicho nada sobre a la muerte de él?
don't do anything, you can't believe what she has said.
No he hecho nada, Comisario. No irá a creer lo que le ha dicho.
He has not said anything.
No ha dicho nada de eso.
You just said he could eat anything.
Has dicho que come lo que le eches.
Has he ever said anything about Catholics?
¿ Ha dicho alguna vez algo acerca de los católicos?
Has not he said anything
Dejó su regimiento?
And what has become of me... amid this appalling collapse - this shipwreck... which I believe was necessary, and which it could even be said that I have worked for, since it is certainly true that I have avoided working... at anything else?
¿ Y de mí, qué ha sido... en medio de este naufragio desastroso... que me parece necesario, y al que incluso cabe decir que he contribuido con mi trabajo, ya que lo cierto es que me he abstenido de trabajar... en cualquier otra cosa?
Red, ain't you heard anything I said?
Red, ¿ has oído algo de lo que he dicho?
He already knows that you haven't said anything.
Si ya lo sabe, que no has dicho nada.
Si alguna vez he dicho algo que la ofenda...
Oh, he has never said anything, he is a perfect gentleman, but, a girl always knows.
Oh, nunca ha dicho algo, es un perfecto caballero, pero, una mujer lo sabe siempre.
He has not said anything.
Pero si no ha dicho nada.
Haven't you heard anything that I've said?
¿ No has escuchado nada de lo que he dicho?
If anything I've ever said or done has meant a damn to you, then stop this.
Si algo de lo que he dicho o hecho significa algo para vosotros, detened, detened esto.
- He has never said anything like this before.
- No sé qué intenta.
I asked Andy if he could see anything, and that's when he saw the parachute and said : "It looks like he has an SOS." Well that... gave us both the clue that... someone was down there, and the fact that you were there after three passes...
Él vio el paracaídas y dijo que parecía un SOS. Entonces entendimos que ahí abajo había alguien. Por el hecho de que siguieses allí.
In four years he has never said anything and suddenly he says'quack-quack. "
No ha hablado en su casa en 4 años y ahora dice "cuac". !
When you do talk... has he ever said anything about our sessions?
Y cuando hablan ¿ te menciona nuestras reuniones?
Has he ever said anything to you about this at all?
¿ Le ha dicho algo sobre esto?
I've known you for seven or eight years, and this is the first time you've ever said anything that's made sense.
Te he conocido durante siete u ocho años, y esta es la primera vez que has dicho algo que me haga pensar.
You really didn't hear anything I said earlier, did you?
realmente no has oido nada de lo que te he dicho antes, verdad?
Until now, He has not said anything that the Germans can take as a hostile act.
Hasta el momento... no ha dicho nada que pueda ser tomado por Alemania como hostil.

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