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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Has she said anything

Has she said anything translate Spanish

101 parallel translation
Has she said anything?
¿ Ella dijo algo?
- Has she said anything?
- ¿ Algo grave? - Tiene un rasguño en el brazo.
Has she said anything to you about him?
¿ De verdad? ¿ Sabes algo de él?
- Has she said anything?
- ¿ Ha dicho algo?
Has she said anything to you?
¿ Ha dicho algo? Nada.
Has she said anything about...?
¿ Te ha contado algo sobre...?
Has she said anything?
Me preocupan más sus sentimientos.
Has she said anything?
¿ Dijo algo?
Has she said anything to you?
Ti ha detto qualche cosa lei?
Has she said anything to you about us?
Ha detto niente di noi 2 tua moglie?
Has she said anything to the president?
¿ Le dijo algo al presidente? No, y no dirá nada.
Has she said anything to you?
- Te dijo algo?
Has she said anything about being in a rut... or wanting to experience new things?
¿ Ha dicho algo acerca de estar en una rutina... o que quieran experimentar cosas nuevas?
- Has she said anything?
- ¿ Dijo ella algo?
Has she said anything since she woke up?
¿ Dijo algo desde que se despertó?
Has she said anything to you?
¿ Te ha dicho algo a ti?
Has she said anything to you about what she's wearing?
¿ Te dijo algo de qué se pondrá?
Has she said anything to you?
¿ Te ha dicho algo?
Well, has she said anything? You know, who these demons might be, when they're coming...?
¿ Ha dicho algo sobre quiénes podrían ser esos demonios cuándo vendrán?
Has she said anything to you?
¿ Ella te ha dicho algo?
Has she said anything about a videotape?
¿ Ha dicho algo sobre un vídeo?
Has she said anything?
Ella ha dicho algo?
So has she said anything to you?
Entonces, ¿ ella te dijo algo?
Has she said anything about McCallister?
¿ Dijo algo de McCallister?
L... has she said anything?
L. ¿ ha hablado?
Has she said anything about the fires?
¿ Ella dijo algo sobre los incendios?
Has she said anything about what happened?
¿ Dijo algo sobre lo que ocurrió?
Has she said anything about her... or maybe her and Nicki being... maybe being upset at me?
¿ Ha dicho ella algo acerca de ella... o quizás de ella y Nicki de estar... quizás molestas conmigo?
Has she said anything about me?
¿ Ha dicho algo sobre mi?
has she said anything to you?
- Te ha dicho algo a tí?
Has she said anything at all today?
¿ Ha dicho algo hoy?
Has she said anything to you?
¿ Te dijo algo?
Has she said anything about her mother's murder?
¿ Ha dicho algo desde el asesinato de su madre?
Has she said anything at all to you?
¿ Te ha dicho algo a ti?
Has she said anything?
¿ Ha dicho algo?
Has she said anything about who put her up to this or why?
¿ Ha dicho algo acerca de quién le puso eso o por qué?
Has she said anything?
- Sí. ¿ Ha dicho algo?
Susanna is a merry girl, she hasn't said anything harmful, has she?
¿ Qué ha dicho de malo?
don't do anything, you can't believe what she has said.
No he hecho nada, Comisario. No irá a creer lo que le ha dicho.
Has she ever said anything about it to you?
¿ Alguna vez te habló ella de esto?
Well, what I mean is, has she ever said anything to you that might indicate that she... thought of me as more than a friend?
Me refiero a si le ha comentado algo que indicara que... piensa en mí como más que un amigo.
Has she ever said anything she doesn't mean?
¿ Alguna vez dijo algo que luego no cumplió?
So, has she ever said anything to you about diet pills?
¿ Alguna vez te habló sobre pastillas de dieta?
I'm off to do meredith'S... hemiglossectomy. oh, hey.Hey, has george said anything to you... she's faking.
Soy de hacer la hemiglosectomía de Meredith oh, hey, george te ha dicho algo.... ella está fingiendo
Sweetie, has she... said anything to you about problems getting pregnant?
Cariño, ¿ ella te dijo algo sobre tener problemas para embarazarse?
Hey, Jenny... if she has done or said anything to hurt you...
Jenny, si ha dicho o ha hecho algo que te hiciera daño...
Did you hear anything she just said?
¿ Has oído algo de lo que ha dicho?
Has she ever said that she was depressed about anything?
¿ Por qué? ¿ Alguna vez te comentó si algo la deprimía o algo así?
She hasn't said anything to you, has she, about finding it?
No te ha dicho nada, ¿ verdad? , ¿ Acerca de encontrarlo?
Has Emily said anything more about how she was hurt?
¿ Ha dicho Emily algo más de cómo se hirió?
She hasn't said anything to you, has she?
Ella no te ha dicho nada, ¿ verdad?

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