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Hates translate Spanish

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The only person he hates more than Abe is Hewlett.
La única persona a la que odia más que a Abe, es Hewlett.
- Pussy hates a loser.
Las chicas no se acuestan con perdedores.
- Pussy hates a loser. - Pussy hates a loser.
Las chicas no se acuestan con perdedores.
- Pussy hates a loser. - Okay.
Con los perdedores.
He says according to everyone, I mean everyone, he's nasty and hates him.
Dice que todos, realmente todos... Dicen que es una mierda nadie lo soporta.
She just hates excuses. Why didn't you tell me first?
Odia las excusas. ¿ Por qué no me lo dijiste primero?
I mean, she hates me.
Quiero decir, ella me odia.
He pretty much hates me.
Me odia bastante.
Because, as much as your fragile fucking ego hates to admit it, you've never been more successful than when the two of you have worked together.
Porque, por mucho que tu frágil ego odie admitirlo, nunca has sido más exitoso que cuando ustedes dos trabajaban juntos.
There's been some pretty extreme things written about us, especially my wife,'cause she thinks everybody hates her now.
Han estado escribiendo cosas muy duras acerca de nosotros Especialmente sobre mi mujer. Ahora ella cree que todos la odian.
And she hates you.
Y ella le odia.
And the other bomber hates you and now he wants to outdo you.
Y el otro que pone bombas le odia y ahora quiere superarle.
Harry hates my book.
Harry odia mi libro.
She usually hates strangers.
Normalmente odia a los desconocidos.
Alvis hates the company.
Alvis odia la empresa.
Because... he hates me... and doesn't trust me.
Porque... él me odia. y no confía en mí.
For instance, there might be something Britta hates doing, but Annie loves doing.
Sinergia. Puede ocurrir que Britta odie hacer algo que Annie adora hacer.
Or there might be something that Annie hates doing, but she does it anyways, because what she really loves is to feel useful.
O puede que haya algo que Annie odie hacer pero lo hace de todas formas, porque lo que ella realmente odia es sentirse inútil.
She was my one chance at having a girlfriend, and now she hates me.
Era mi única oportunidad de tener una amiga, y ahora me odia.
He hates me.
Me odia.
He hates him that would upon the rack of this tough world
Mucho lo odia el que pretenda retenerlo amarrado a las torturas...
Everyone hates me, even Cyndee.
Todo el mundo me odia, incluso Cyndee.
You know, my mom would never let me be in a band or anything because she hates show business, but she told me that once I moved out, I could do whatever I wanted.
Sabes, mi madre nunca me dejaba estar en un grupo... ni nada porque ella odia el mundo del espectáculo, pero me dijo que cuando me fuera de allí, podría hacer lo que yo quisiera.
- She hates Gaga.
- Odia a Gaga. - Me apunto.
Trevor hates baseball.
Trevor odia el Baseball.
- Um, he hates taking them.
- Odia tomarlas.
So, your dad hates lobbyists.
O sea, que tu padre no soporta a los lobbies.
My dad hates me.
Mi padre me odia.
I need to make an alliance with a baron who hates me less than he hates the others.
Necesito aliarme con un Barón que me odie menos que al resto de Barones.
She hates me!
¡ Me odia!
She hates me now, Dylan, and it's all your fault!
¡ Ella me odia ahora, Dylan, y es por tu culpa!
She hates me.
Me odia.
- Because Mother hates you.
- ¡ Porque madre te odia!
- I mean seriously, his mother hates me.
En serio, su madre me odia.
- She hates me.
Ella me odia.
And Alex hates me because of it.
Y Alex me odia por eso.
You sure married into the right family for a guy who hates dogs.
¿ Seguro que estas en el lugar adecuado? Tú que odias a los perros.
Trey totally hates me now.
Trey me odia totalmente ahora.
It doesn't mean he hates you.
No quiere decir que te odie.
The guy who hates to cut in line?
¿ El tipo que odia colarse?
My father hates roads.
Mi padre odia las carreteras.
I gotta get going'cause Georgie hates it when I keep her waiting.
Tengo que irme porque Georgie odia cuando guardo su espera.
He didn't write back, so he hates it.
No me contestó, así que lo odia.
She hates you, Ernie.
Te odia, Ernie.
It's not my fault her baby hates me.
No es mi culpa su bebé me odia.
Now he hates my guts, and you know how that makes me feel?
Ahora me odia a muerte, y ¿ sabes cómo me hace sentir eso?
She hates to disappoint you.
No soporta decepcionarte.
Danno says the only thing he hates more than swimming is running.
Danno dice que lo único que odia aún más que nadar es correr.
For someone who hates Wolfe so much, you're a regular compendium of his words.
Para alguien que odia tanto a Wolfe, tienes un repertorio bastante amplio de sus frases.
She hates this shit.
Ella odia estas cosas.
Everyone at work hates me.
Todos en el trabajo me odian.

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