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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have you ever been there

Have you ever been there translate Spanish

156 parallel translation
- Have you ever been there before?
- ¿ Has estado allí antes?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Ha estado allí?
- Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Has estado alguna vez?
- Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Has estado ahí?
have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado allí?
- Have you ever been there before?
- ¿ Has estado alguna vez?
# Have you ever been there? #
¿ No has estado nunca?
# Have you ever been there? #
¿ Nunca has estado?
It helped me. Have you ever been there?
A mí me sirvió. ¿ Ha estado allí?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Ha estado alguna vez allí?
Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Has estado allí?
Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Ha estado ahí?
- Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Ha estado usted?
- Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Has ido al menos una vez?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Estarás tú también?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Habéis estado alguna vez en la finca?
Have you ever been there before? "
¿ Ha estado alli antes? "
- Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Alguna vez estuviste allí?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado allí alguna vez?
- We went to the Cadillac Bar. Have you ever been there?
- Fuimos al Bar Cadillac.
Have you ever been there, to the coast?
¿ Alguna vez llegaste a la costa?
And have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado en su casa?
- Idaho. Have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado alguna vez?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado antes ahí?
Have you ever been there?
¿ Ya has estado allí?
Have you ever been there, Roz?
- ¿ Has ido alguna vez, Roz?
Have you ever been there?
Has estado allí alguna vez?
- People are punished for their colour. - Have you ever been there?
- Las personas son castigadas por su color.
Have you ever been there?
¿ Alguna vez estuviste ahí?
Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Ha estado allí alguna vez?
Well, have, have you ever been there?
¿ Has estado allí alguna vez?
Have you ever even been there?
¿ Alguna vez fueron a Troy?
Hasn't there ever been anyone close to you, Miss Hilton, for whom you would like to have done that?
¿ Ha tenido a alguien cercano, Srta. Hilton, por quien le hubiera gustado hacer eso?
Have you ever been to Paris? Well, there's a lovely restaurant on the Boulevard Montparnasse... ANNE :
- Sí.
And what did she mean by boasting that she had got you to give your name, your support, to a thing I have heard you describe as the most dishonest and fraudulent scheme there has ever been in political life?
¿ Y qué quería decir al jactarse de haberte convencido de que apoyarías un asunto que tú habías tildado...
You see, none of us have ever been there.
Ninguno de nosotros ha estado ahí.
You know, my friends, down through the corridors of time, as mankind has emerged from the Dark Ages, toiling, ever striving upward, there have been turning points, inspirational milestones, and we remember the great names of science.
Amigos míos, a lo largo de la historia, a medida que el hombre ha ido saliendo del oscurantismo, siempre luchando por superarse, siempre ha habido momentos de cambio, hitos que nos inspiraron. Recordamos los grandes nombres de la ciencia.
... ¿ ha existido alguna ocasión en la que haya habido...
Then carefully... remove absolutely everything... that might subsequently remind me that you had ever been there... including that yellow thing with the blue bulbs... which you have such an affection for.
Luego cuidadosamente saca absolutamente todo lo que pueda recordarme que has estado ahí incluyendo esa cosa amarilla con focos azules por la cual sientes tanto afecto.
I don't think you've ever been there, have you?
Ahora que lo pienso, nunca has estado allí, ¿ verdad?
Have you ever walked into a strange room and it's like you've been there before?
¿ Has entrado alguna vez en un sitio y te ha dado la sensación de que ya habías estado allí?
Did you ever think what it would have been like if you hadn't had any children? Well, there were some times when I thought it would be a blessing.
Bueno, resulta que Stanley Babcock, bueno, lo ve a mi manera, y va a parar la investigación y a concederme el permiso inmediatamente.
Come see the pictures of my salon in America. - Have you ever been there?
- ¿ Usted ha estado alguna vez allí?
Lorraine... have you ever... been in a situation where you knew you had to act a certain way, but when... you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it?
Lorraine, ¿ alguna vez has estado... en una situación en la que sabes que debes actuar de una manera, pero cuando... llega la hora, no sabes si lo podrás hacer?
Have you ever been in there?
- ¿ Entraste allí?
Have you ever been there?
- ¿ No ha estado? .
Have you ever been standing there and you're watching TV and you're drinking the exact product that they're advertising right there on TV?
¿ Han estado alguna vez viendo la TV mientras beben exactamente el mismo producto que están anunciando justo en ese momento en TV?
Have you ever actually been there?
¿ Alguna vez ha estado realmente allí?
- Have you ever been in there?
- Has estado ahí dentro?
There's something about Sunday night... that really makes you want to kill yourself... especially If you've just been totally made a fool of... by the only person you'll ever love... and you have a geometry midterm on Monday... which you still haven't studied for because you can't... because Brlan Krakow has your textbook... and you're too embarrassed to even deal with It.
Hay algo en las noches del domingo... que hace que te den ganas de suicidarte... especialmente si has hecho el ridículo... con la única persona que has querido siempre... y tienes un examen de Geometría el Lunes..., para el cuál no has estudiado porque no puedes... porque que Brian Krakow tiene tu libro de texto... y estás demasiado avergonzada incluso para tratar con él.
Let me ask you in the years ex-presidents have had Secret Service protection has there ever been even one assassination attempt?
Dejenme preguntarles en todo el tiempo que el Servicio secreto ha cuidado de los ex-presidentes ha habido algun atentado de asesinato?

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