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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / Have you heard from her

Have you heard from her translate Spanish

116 parallel translation
Have you heard from her?
¿ Tienes noticias de ella?
Have you heard from her lately?
¿ Supiste de ella últimamente?
Have you heard from her lately?
¿ Has sabido algo de ella últimamente?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Has sabido de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Sabe algo de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Alguna noticia de ella?
- Have you heard from her?
- Has oido de ella?
Germaine. Have you heard from her?
Germaine. ¿ La conoces?
Greta's missing. Have you heard from her?
Greta ha desaparecido. ¿ Has podido hablar con ella?
Have you heard from her?
- ¿ Ha oído de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Has hablado con ella?
That was over a year ago, have you heard from her?
Eso fue hace un año. ¿ Ha tenido noticias suyas?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Has oído algo sobre ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Has sabido algo de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Ha sabido algo de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Sabes algo de ella?
- Henry, have you heard from her?
¿ Supiste algo de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Tiene noticias?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Te llamó ultimamente?
Have you heard from her?
- ¿ Ha oído hablar de ella? - No, yo no.
Have you heard from her since Mexico City?
¿ Has tenido noticias suyas desde de México City?
- Have you heard from her?
- ¿ Has sabido algo?
Have you heard from her?
Ya se sabe algo?
- Have you heard from her?
- ¿ Has sabido algo de ella?
Have you heard from her, had she been to visit you?
¿ Escuchaste de ella, ella te visitaba?
- Have you heard from her?
¿ Sabes algo de ella?
- Have you heard from her yet?
- ¿ Aún no te ha dicho nada?
so have you heard from her?
¿ Ya sabes algo de ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Escuchaste sobre ella?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Ha tenido noticias de ella?
Have you heard from her since?
¿ Y luego ha tenido noticias?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Has escuchado de ella?
Have you heard from her? No.
- ¿ Has oído hablar de él?
Have you heard from her yet?
¿ Sabes algo ya?
Oh.. have you.. heard from her lately?
¿ Tienen noticias de ella?
In addition, you have heard from Mrs. Courtney senior That her daughter-in-law was addicted to alcohol.
Además, han oído de labios de la madre del Sr. Courtney,... que su nuera era adicta al alcohol.
Madame Mahieu told me you're from Paris, you must have heard her sing often.
Usted viene de Paris. Ha debido escucharla a menudo.
If she was that bad, you wouldn't have heard from her in six years.
Si fuera mala, habráan pasado 6 años sin que tuvieras noticias.
First : have you heard about Marisa from her relatives in case?
Primera : ¿ tiene noticias sobre Marisa?
I thought maybe she was with you or at least you might have heard from her.
Pensé que estaría contigo o sabrías de ella.
Don't you think we'd have heard from her by now?
¿ No crees que ya se habría puesto en contacto?
I have heard of you from Mrs. Farintosh, whom you helped in the hour of her sore need.
He oído hablar de usted gracias a la señora Farintosh, a quien usted ayudó cuando se encontraba en un grave apuro.
You have heard from her then.
Entonces, ha recibido noticias suyas.
You haven't heard from her since she left, have you, sir?
No ha sabido nada de ella desde que se fue, verdad?
Have you heard anything from her?
¿ Has sabido algo de ella?
When she said that from what she's heard I'm the one to talk to that I have the ear of the president, you told her to say that, right?
Cuando dijo que escuchó que yo era la persona idónea que tengo acceso al Presidente, ¿ tú le dijiste que lo dijera?
But you know, that would have been in self-defense, and if that's the case, why hasn't anyone heard from her yet?
- Chica atrevida. Pudo hacerlo en defensa propia. Pero si fue así, ¿ dónde está?
Have you heard from her?
Los últimos días me he preguntado si esto vale la pena.
That's what I've heard from people that have known her a lot longer than you have.
Me lo ha dicho gente que la conoce desde hace mucho más tiempo que tú
Yeah. You haven't heard from her, have you?
No has oído de ella, ¿ no?
Have you heard anything from her?
¿ La has sentido?

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