He came to us translate Spanish
591 parallel translation
The evening he came to us, he was drunk.
Aquella noche que vino a mi casa, estaba borracho.
- Yes. He came to us by chance before we were sold into slavery.
Él apareció por casualidad antes de ser vendidos como esclavos.
When he came to us we were thieves, despised... and feared by the people.
Cuando él llegó éramos ladrones, odiados y temidos por la gente.
He came to us a couple of weeks ago.
Uno que vino hace un par de semanas.
Now remember, long ago he came to us and asked us, and we said :
Te empeñaste en hacerle boxeador.
He came to us by way of the Scots Guards, but he's our best engineer.
Llegó aquí con la Guardia Escocesa, pero es nuestro mejor ingeniero.
But he came to us of his own accord.
Pero él vino a nosotros por su propia voluntad.
He came over here to knock us off, but we convinced him he was wrong.
Vino aquí a dejarnos K.O., pero le convencimos de que estaba equivocado.
He came by this morning, asking us to put him up.
Vino esta mañana y nos pidió quedarse en nuestra casa.
Well, you see, as I said, he'd been working for us for some time, when one day he came to me and said, "Mr. Gray, I trust my work has always been satisfactory."
Como os decía llevaba algún tiempo aquí cuando un día se acercó y dijo señor Gray, dijo, espero que mi trabajo haya sido satisfactorio, dijo.
You're not sorry you came back to visit us?
¿ No lamenta haber vuelto a visitarnos? Durante cinco años he estado destinado en Languedoc en un pozo hediondo como el que más. No.
Well, he'll know you just came along to chaperone us.
Se dará cuenta de que lo haces para echarme una mano.
You called us back, and you've done nothing but try to get rid of us ever since we came. - Hasn't he, Elvira?
Tú nos llamaste y no has hecho nada más... que intentar deshacerte de nosotras, ¿ verdad Elvira?
As I told your brother when he came to me... I want to break all ties between us.
Como ya le comenté a su hermano... quiero romper todo vínculo entre ambos.
Yeah, but when he died you told us he came down to Earth and got inside people ´ s bodies.
Sí, pero cuando murió dijiste que había vuelto al mundo, en el cuerpo de otras personas.
It was almost midnight when he came to the end and none of us had noticed.
Era casi media noche cuando llegó al final y ninguno de nosotros lo notó.
He came here to rob us.
Él no es mi hermano, Vino para estafarnos.
Well, he's hardly said a word to us since we came back from that first raid.
Casi no nos ha hablado después del ataque.
Father told us that he came to see him at the jute works.
Papá nos dijo que vino a verle donde se trabajaba el cáñamo.
He asked us to come, we came.
Nos pidió que viniéramos y hemos venido.
A mother came to beg us to help her somehow.
Lo he leído hoy en el periódico. Ha venido una madre a la redacción suplicándonos que hiciésemos algo para ayudarla.
And Mr. Slade came to us the night of the other murder... and all he had with him was a little black bag.
El Sr. Slade llegó la noche del otro homicidio... y lo único que traía era un maletín negro.
I've loved you since you first came to us.
Te he amado desde que llegaste a nosotros.
Remember that night when he came to visit us in Marseille?
Recuerdas aquella noche cuando vino a visitarnos en Marseille?
- What if he came to ask us money?
- ¿ No habrá venido a pedirnos dinero?
He finally came to see us.
Finalmente vino a vernos.
"A year ago," he went on, "you and your friends came to us with the claim " you knew Her Highness was somewhere in Berlin.
Luego agregó : " Hace un año, usted y sus amigos vinieron a decirnos que sabían que Su Alteza estaba en algún lugar en Berlín.
And when he came to visit us in an ordinary suit, I... I didn't know him.
Cuando vino a visitarnos, con un traje sencillo, no lo reconocí.
He came there that night to make up a lie about us.
Vino para inventarse una mentira.
He was scheduled to fly out in a couple days... but a special plane came, and Col. Crawford told us to get him on it.
Se suponía que iba a partir mañana, pero vino un avión. El Coronel Crawford ordenó embarcarlo.
I remember soon after Father came back, he took us to the zoo
Un día, poco después de que volviera, papá nos llevó al zoo.
While we were there having our ice cream and the band was playing a young man came seated close to us and he also ordered an ice cream.
y, mientras estábamos allí, sentados tomándonos el helado... la música sonaba, y llegó un joven. Se sentó cerca de nosotros, y se tomó un helado también él.
You see, my pa wasn't much for fancy when it came to giving out names, so he just named us by the numbers and let it go at that.
Mi padre no se molestó en buscarrnos nombres, entonces él nos dio a cada uno un número.
He came to give us some advice and assist? INSTANCE.
Viene a darnos consejos y ayuda.
His Majesty had come to salute us, and when he was about to leave, he turned quickly, came towards me, shook my hand and said softly :
Su Majestad vino a saludarnos, y mientras estaba a punto de irse, se volvió rápidamente, vino a mi encuentro, estrechó mi mano y me dijo en voz baja :
Maybe he came here to ask us to join his Party all together.
Tal vez a venido ha proponer una inscripción colectiva a su partido.
He is a man who came to us not packing a gun, but carrying instead a bag of law books.
Es un hombre que no vino con armas, sino con una bolsa llena de libros de leyes.
Can you tell us how he came to be shot?
¿ Puede decirnos cómo es que le dispararon?
So when Julian came home he told us yours and said that Anna was going to have the best room of the hospital and who had called to the great Dr. Clash of Philadelphia and that she was already on a plane on the way here.
Así que cuando Julian vino a casa nos contó lo vuestro y dijo que Anna iba a tener la mejor habitación del hospital y que había llamado al gran Dr. Clash de Filadelfia y que ya estaba en un avión de camino hacia aquí.
Za told one of us to watch and guard them until he came out of the Cave of Skulls!
Za ha puesto a un vigilante hasta que salga de la Caverna de los Cráneos.
He came to spend the night us after work.
Él venía a pasar la noche con nosotros, después de trabajar.
He soon came out of prison and took us to the city, although Grandfather protested, and said that it would be better for us not to grow up among the ruins.
Él volvió pronto de la prisión y nos llevó a la ciudad. Aunque el abuelo se quejó de que no era bueno crecer entre ruinas.
During the too-short time of his being with us as a man, and as a commander, he endeared himself to all who came into personal contact with him,
Durante el poco tiempo que estuvo entre nosotros, como hombre y como comandante, se ganó el cariño de todas las personas con las que tuvo trato.
Boy, when I think about it... When he came to give us a piece of his mind...
Chico, cuando pienso en eso... cuando vino a cantarnos las cuarenta...
He owes us money and we came to get a guaranty.
Nos debe dinero y hemos venido a por una fianza.
He's been very good camouflage for us ever since he came here and started to rebuild our church.
Ha sido una buena fachada desde que reconstruye nuestra iglesia.
The writer was inspired by a historical figure of the seventeenth century, Father Diego La Matina of Ragalbuto, who came from his hometown, to describe how this friar was condemned to the stake, for having asked for and wanted justice, and to he p us understand how these customs have been continuously recurring overthe centuries.
El escritor se inspiró en un personaje histórico del siglo XVII, fray Diego La Matina de Ragalbuto, de su ciudad natal, para describir cómo este fraile acabó en la picota por pedir justicia, y para hacernos comprender cómo esto se ha venido repitiendo durante siglos.
We don't know about before he came to see us.
No tenemos información previa al momento en que vino a vernos.
He went ahead to start things for us, and if he came back for us, it would just... be a waste.
Fue primero para empezar antes y si viniera a buscarnos, sería una pérdida de tiempo. Espero que no venga. Sería una tontería.
In the old days we used to say, "He came to redeem and save us."
Antiguamente solíamos decir : "Para redimirnos y salvarnos".
Well, the other day, he came to New Yorkjust to tell us... someone had gone to him with a deal concerning his place.
Bueno, el otro día vino a Nueva York sólo para decirnos que alguien le había planteado un problema que concernía a su puesto.
he came 86
he came to me 86
he came at me 30
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
to us 492
he came to me 86
he came at me 30
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
to us 492
he can't swim 20
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19