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He can't do this translate Spanish

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I have spent my whole life escaping to far-off places, and it's only recently, like, now, like, literally this second that I realize, like, I can't do that!
Me he pasado la vida escapando a lugares remotos, y no ha sido hasta recientemente, o sea, ahora, literalmente este momento, cuando me he dado cuenta de que ¡ no puedo hacerlo!
He can't do this to me.
No puede hacerme esto.
You can't do this, sir.
No puede meterme a la cárcel. No he hecho nada.
But he can't come right over here and fetch it so what they do is this...
Déjaselo en la consigna de Piccadilly Circus...
He can't do a thing like this to a daughter of mine.
No puede hacerle un cosa así a una hija mía.
He can't do a thing like this to a daughter of mine.
Ése es mi problema. No intervengas.
He can't do this. If I lose my cast, I'll sue him.
Lo demandaré si pierdo al reparto.
He can't do this!
¡ No puede hacer esto!
I can't raise Hank anywhere. He'll never believe I didn't have anything to do with this.
No encuentro a Hank. ¿ No creerás que tengo algo que ver?
He may think I've a mouthful of clover and can't preach... but even the Bishop wouldn't do a thing like this to me.
Puede que me crea un carcamal que no sabe predicar, pero ni siquiera el obispo me haría algo así.
I don't wish this young man anything but... success in what he can do best. - But what can he do best?
Lo único que le deseo a este muchacho es éxito... en lo que puede hacer mejor, pero ¿ qué es?
Rusty can say this a lot better but what can I do if he doesn't feel like writing.
Rusty lo expresaría mejor, pero no le da la gana escribir.
Our Fabius can't do this act of wisdom and he won't do it.
Este acto tan cuerdo de nuestro Fabio no puede hacerlo, y no lo hará.
I've been paid nothing, there are some things you don't do for money I'm going up to my office and phone the District Attorney to get him to release this man, today so he can go home and finish his planting
Voy a llamar al fiscal para que pueda volver a casa hoy mismo.
But if he doesn't do that, all this is pure guesswork. We can't prove a thing.
Si no lo hace y son todo adivinanzas no probaremos nada.
You can't do this! He's...
No puedes hacerlo.
Él... él no puede hacer tal cosa!
He can't do this.
no se puede portar así.
I said " He can't do this to me.
Me dije : " No puede hacerme esto.
Tell me, Sergeant, in your professional opinion, do you really believe you can catch this man if he doesn't want you to?
Dígame... En su opinión profesional, ¿ cree que podrá detenerle... - si él no quiere que Io haga?
No, he can't do this to me.
No, no puede hacerme esto.
- Well, he can't do this to me. - Mm-hmm.
- Él no puede hacerme esto.
Don't you pay any attention to him, he can't do this.
- He dicho adiós, señor Harperson. - No le hagas caso, Teddy.
If anyone feels he can't do this, let him step forward!
¡ Si alguno cree que no podrá hacerlo, que dé un paso adelante!
But he can't do this.
Pero no puede hacer esto.
I can't do nothing with him, he's got my cap this time
- No logro controlarlo. - Ha tomado mi gorra.
there ain't a thing we can do to keep Charlie Gant from going where he wants to in this territory.
Escucha, no hay nada que podamos hacer para impedir que Charlie Gant vaya donde quiera en este territorio.
But he can't do this alone.
Mas el no puede hacer esto solito.
He's what he is because he can't do anything like anybody else, and because he hates this town as much as you do.
Es como es porque no hace nada como los demás y odia este pueblo tanto como usted.
He can't do this.
No puede hacer esto.
He can't do this to me.
No me puede hacer esto.
He can't do this work anymore.
Él ya no puede hacer este trabajo.
Lieutenant, you can take Alessi's piece away from him, you can even lift his shield, but you can't keep him off this case, because he wants to clear Tom's name and nail the killer worse than you do.
Puedes quitarle el arma a Alessi, puedes retirarle la placa, pero no puedes dejarle fuera de este caso. Porque él quiere limpiar el nombre de Tom y coger a su asesino aún más que tú.
But they can't do in this little brain.
Siempre he querido tener esa tierra.
I don't see what I can do for this boy, Tom. He....
No veo qué pueda hacer por él, Tom.
You can't do this to me. You don't know what I've been through today.
No sabes por lo que he pasado hoy.
I haven't done any good in this world, and I can't do any.
No he hecho nada bueno en este mundo, ni soy capaz de hacerlo.
I stopped, I thought about how much you mean to me, and I said, " I can't do this.
Me detuve, pensé acerca de cuánto significa para mí, y he dicho, " No puedo hacer esto.
- What can you do? This week, he can't come, he has a headache.
Esta semana no viene porque tiene jaqueca.
You can't do this to me. He's not just a lunatic, he's a pervert, too.
No solo es un lunático también es un perverso.
You can't do this. You know what he's like.
No puedes hacerlo, sabes como es.
I can't talk to Rousseau like this. Do you know who he is?
Mañana estaré echo polvo para discutir con Rousseau. ¿ Sabes quién es?
He's gonna hurt me, I know it Well fuck you, I don't need you anyway I can do this on my own Sunny
se que se vengara de mi no te necesito lo puedo hacer sola sunny
Me neither, I didn't get into this thing so I can have one more boss to tell me what to do.
- A mí tampoco. No me he sindicado para tener un jefe que me diga qué hacer.
He can't do this.
Esto no puede ser.
he can't dance. all right. i know he can't do this.
Seguro que no puedes hacer esto.
He can't do this.
No sabe tocar esto.
I can't believe he would do this to me.
¿ Por qué me hace esto?
I can't do anything... In actual fact he did not like this castle.
- De hecho no le gustaba ese castillo.
You sure this paper says you can do that even when he ain't here?
¿ Seguro que este papel dice que pueden hacer eso aún cuando él no esté aquí?
I do everything I can for him, and he don't come home. He must be crazy. He don't pay no bills around this house.
hago todo lo que puedo por él, y no vuelve a casa tiene que estar loco no paga las facturas le voy a dar un minuto más y ya

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