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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / He didn't

He didn't translate Spanish

95,332 parallel translation
I didn't take it.
Yo no la he cogido.
He was rushed and didn't elaborate.
Tenía prisa y no lo especificó.
I didn't think he'd go for it.
No creí que fuera a hacerlo.
And, like you, I didn't believe he'd actually do it.
Y al igual que tú, no creí que realmente fuera a hacerlo.
He didn't have to do that.
No tenía por qué hacerlo.
I didn't tell her anything.
No le he dicho nada.
I didn't kill anyone.
Yo no he matado a nadie.
He didn't deserve her.
No la merecía.
How do you know he didn't just take it with him when he left?
¿ Cómo sabes que no se lo llevó con él cuando se fue?
He learned from Tabor, didn't he?
Aprendió de Tabor, ¿ verdad?
I didn't come here to fight.
No he venido aquí a luchar.
He didn't have an aunt.
No tenía ninguna tía.
Do you know that when Four downloaded his old memories, he started avoiding me, almost like he knew something about my past and he didn't want to put himself in a position so he'd have to tell me.
¿ Sabes que cuando Cuatro descargó sus antiguos recuerdos, empezó a evitarme? Casi como si supiera algo sobre mi pasado y no quisiera estar en la posición de tener que decírmelo.
He didn't build'em to sleep forever.
No los construyó para que duerman por siempre.
Point is... I think we all know he didn't build them to send them out to do charity work.
El punto es... creo que todos sabemos que no los construyó para que realicen tareas de caridad.
No, he didn't.
No, él no lo hizo.
Guy said he bought it because it was a bugout vehicle, you know, so old it didn't have a circuit board, in case aliens or whatever came and fried our technology.
El tipo dijo que lo compró porque era viejo, ya sabes, tan viejo que no tenía tablero de circuitos, en caso de que los alienígenas o algo viniera y friera nuestra tecnología.
He didn't wanna be here.
No quería estar aquí.
He hurt him, and I didn't do anything.
Lo lastimó y yo no hice nada.
But it wasn't right how he loved him, and I didn't do anything.
Pero no fue correcto cómo lo amó y yo no hice nada.
I didn't get through the first tape.
Ni he terminado la primera cinta.
He didn't make it all the way around.
No logró dar toda la vuelta.
Because he didn't tell you the real story.
Porque no le contó la verdadera historia.
I didn't wake you, did I?
No te he despertado, ¿ verdad?
I get out of bed one morning and find overnight I'm jammed up with licenses and unions and taxes and he's found a dozen other ways to hurt me I didn't see coming.
Me despierto un día y veo que tengo problemas con mis licencias con sindicatos, impuestos y ya tiene otra docena de maneras de dañarme de las cuales no sé aún.
I'm willing to bet he didn't give it a moment's thought, while you've been thinking about it every second of the day, suffering from something you've never felt before.
Apuesto que ni siquiera lo pensó mientras que tú lo has pensado durante cada segundo del día sufriendo por algo que nunca habías sentido antes.
He could have taken credit for my work. He didn't.
Pudo haber tomado el crédito por mi trabajo, y no lo hizo.
I guess he just didn't want a witness anymore.
- No. Supongo que dejó de interesarle tener un testigo se llamó a sí mismo un "exterminador".
He didn't do anything to deserve the fate you gave him.
Él no hizo nada para merecer lo que le hiciste.
Yeah, he told me you almost didn't bring it to me out of some worry about... conflict?
Aún así, me dijo que no dudaste en recomendarlo por no sé qué conflicto.
Mafee's not dumb, he's not soft, but he didn't understand or wasn't willing to put on paper what you needed him to put on paper.
Mafee no es tonto ni débil. Pero no comprendió cómo o no quiso hacerlo plasmar en papel lo que querías que ponga.
I didn't say that.
Bueno, yo no he dicho eso.
I didn't say shite.
No he dicho una mierda.
Well, at least he didn't have to see you grow up.
Bueno, al menos no tuvo que verte crecer.
I didn't dump him.
Yo no le he arrojado.
Today, I didn't see the man at all.
Hoy, no he visto al hombre que estaba allí.
He didn't quit on you, Troy.
Él no se dio por vencido contigo, Troy.
He didn't want to do that, did he?
No quería hacerlo, ¿ no?
Alicia didn't come he last night.
Alicia no volvió anoche.
He didn't.
Y no lo hizo.
- I think he means you really didn't seem to know much about their camp when we asked.
- Creo que se refiere que realmente no parecías saber mucho sobre su campamento cuando preguntamos.
But what he didn't know, what he never could learn... was when to turn down a drink.
Pero lo que no sabía, lo que nunca pudo aprender... fue cuándo dejar la bebida.
Yeah, and he was away with his secretary when he died, so I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to him. Mm-hmm.
Y estaba afuera, con su secretaria, cuando murió así que no pude despedirme de él.
He didn't like her Broadway show.
No le gustó su show en Broadway.
I didn't do anything! Well, he threatened to not rape the president.
Amenazó con no violar a la presidenta.
Skipper, I promise you, I didn't touch it.
Capitán, se lo prometo, no la he tocado.
- I didn't hear any contact either.
- Yo tampoco he oído ningún contacto.
I didn't score many at the cricket, but I certainly had the runs last night.
No marqué mucho en el cricket, pero ciertamente, he hecho muchas carreras anoche.
I didn't think he'd actually kill him.
De hecho, no creo que lo matara él.
He didn't fit.
No encajaba.
He... He didn't belong.
No... no era de los nuestros.

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