He didn't care translate Spanish
816 parallel translation
I didn't care about that, but I lost the bit you loaned me.
Eso me da igual, pero he perdido la brida que me prestó.
He didn't care nothing about himself.
No le importaba lo que le pasase.
Bueno, lo siento mucho pero dijo que ha tenido muchas... preocupaciones a lo largo de todo el día, y que tenía mucho sueño y no le importaba verte.
But that doesn't mean he didn't care.
Pero eso no quiere decir que no le importaba.
I could have kept him out of it... only when he didn't hear from his sweetheart, he didn't care what happened to him.
Al no saber nada de ella, no le importó qué le sucedía a él.
Made her think he didn't care much about her!
Parece muy sensata para ser tan atractiva.
I don't care what the law says. I brought those cattle through, I didn't pay a penny... I ain't gonna pay, and nobody's gonna make me!
Me da igual lo que diga la ley, nunca he pagado un centavo por pasar... no pagaré por pasar y nadie me obligará a pagar.
I didn't care what he had or who he was, a Baron or a gutter sweep.
No me importaba quién o qué fuera. Barón o pocero.
But he didn't care.
Pero se reía de ellos.
Made her think he didn't care much about her.
Le hizo pensar que ella no le importaba mucho.
He said he didn't know where you were that he didn't care.
Él no sabía dónde estabas y no le interesaba.
And you didn't care if he was dead.
Y que no le importara si estaba muerta.
A man who'd never done me any dirt, except... he was married to a woman he didn't care anything about.
Un hombre que nunca me había hecho nada, pero que... se había casado con una mujer que no le importaba.
He gave me $ 100 to take care of him and I didn't.
Me dio $ 100 para que lo cuidara y no lo hice.
No. The little man with the glasses took care of that, didn't he?
No, el hombrecito de gafas se encargó de él, ¿ verdad?
Mr. O'Neil, Walter's father, he sort of took care of everything didn't he?
Quiso que me fuera durante un tiempo. El padre de Walter lo supervisaba todo, ¿ verdad?
Yes, he took care of everything. - You didn't like that?
Sí, se encargaba de todo.
I didn't forget and I've taken care of the boys.
No os olvidé y he tenido cuidado de los muchachos.
Her lease is up, he's got a big hangover and her feet are killing her, but there they are up there, floating through the air as if they didn't have a care in the world.
A ella le vence el alquiler y los pies la están matando, él tiene resaca, pero ahí están, flotando en el aire como si nada en el mundo les importara.
He didn't care that I'd been in prison.
No le importaba que hubiera estado en prisión.
Now, he weren ´ t too bright, but he didn ´ t much care,
Ahora, él no era muy brilante, pero no le importaba mucho.
I thought that if you didn't mind waiting, I'll take care of my business first.
He pensado que no te importaría esperar un poco hasta que yo arregle mis asuntos personales.
Said that he didn't care what happened to me if I left.
Dice que le da igual que me vaya. ¡ Pues figúrate a mí!
Because he didn't care how worried we were.
Porque no se plantea lo preocupados que estábamos.
Captain rails didn't care to come? Said he wasn't hungry.
¿ El capitán Ralls no ha querido venir?
Well, he didn't seem to care how much it cost, so I just yawned a little to get things started and he gave me $ 300.
Bueno, a él no pareció importarle cuanto costara, así que abrí la boca un poco para bostezar y me dió 300 dólares.
He could talk, I didn't care, I had to come back.
Podía hablar, no lo hacía.
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care... she kept saying.
Margo no sabía dónde estaba y le daba igual... o eso decía.
He didn't care if you talked to Sybil, the desk clerk or Arno.
No me importa si habló con Sybil, o con el recepcionista, o con Arno.
I didn't care who he was or what he had.
Ni me importaba quién era o lo que hacía.
He didn't care about saving his little matey's life, not him.
A él no le preocupaba salvar la vida de su amigo, no.
He lost a grand or so, but he didn't care.
Perdió unos 1.000 dólares, pero no se alteró.
No I didn't. I'm not too concerned about him. He'll take care of himself.
No he venido a eso, él sabe cuidar perfectamente de sí mismo.
- I just meant he didn't care for me.
- Es que no les importa que esté aquí.
The letter was from Naples, it was from Antonio, but again he didn't name you! He doesn't care, he's in Naples with a lady,..
Venía de Nápoles, era de Antonio y esta vez tampoco te ha mencionado,... porque no piensa en ti.
I ain't never talked to you a whole lot, snuggy, and i ain't gonna start spouting now, but if i didn't think you could take care of yourself, i wouldn't let you go.
Nunca te he echado sermones, cariño, y no voy a empezar ahora. Pero si no tuviese confianza en ti, no te dejaría marchar.
I told the doctor I didn't care what he had to do or about the pain... only I didn't want my face scarred.
Le dije al médico que no me importaba el dolor... sólo me importan las cicatrices de mi cara.
I heard the rumours that people were spreading about me but I didn't care
Más de una vez he oído comentarios, pero no me importaba,
He didn't seem to care if I knifed him or not.
A él no parecía importarle si lo acuchillaba o no.
A minute ago, you said you didn't care if he drinks.
Hace un minuto dijiste que no te importaba que bebiera.
It was your boy trying to get a medal. He didn't care who he shot.
Fue tu matón el que trató de ganar una medalla, sin importar a quién disparaba.
He knew, of course, that this rather unique system of betting... Would more than likely result in a loss, but he didn't care.
El sabía, por supuesto, que ese particular sistema de apostar... resultaría mas probablemente en una pérdida, pero no se cuidó.
He didn't seem to care when I told him... that the man said he had something very important to talk to him about.
No pareció importarle cuando le dije que el hombre dijo que tenía que hablarle sobre algo muy importante.
He didn't care.
Que no le interesa nada.
That he didn't care...
Que no le importaba...
I've been longing for her. I didn't care what time it was.
Los extrañaba y vine a verlos. ¿ Para qué debo escoger la hora en que he de venir?
I thought he didn't care.
Creí que no le importaba.
Jake. I never asked you anything about your past life because I didn't care about anything that happened before we met each other.
Jake, nunca te he preguntado nada sobre tu vida pasada porque no me importa lo que pasara antes de conocernos.
I mean, he didn't care, Tony.
No le interesaba, Tony.
- No, but he didn't care about me.
No, pero no me ha dado importancia.
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Al principio no se llevaban muy bien. Ella pensaba que él lo había hecho por el dinero. A él parecía que le daba igual una cosa u otra.
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't show up 29
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he didn't want to 25
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't show up 29
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't mean it 77