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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ H ] / He didn't see anything

He didn't see anything translate Spanish

298 parallel translation
Didn't you see every time he bought anything he paid for it with a $ 20 bill?
¿ No has visto que siempre paga con billetes de veinte?
I didn't see anything.
Yo no he visto nada.
Why, I didn't see anything unusual, no.
Yo no he visto nada raro.
But I didn't see anything.
Yo no he visto nada.
Well, I don't see that he's doin'anything that I didn't do.
¡ No veo que haga nada que no haya hecho yo!
- I didn't see anything.
No he visto nada.
But you didn't have anything to do with all this until he came to see you.
Pero usted no tenía nada que ver con esto hasta que él fue a verlo.
If there was anything underneath those trees, I didn't see it.
Si hay algo debajo de los árboles, no lo he visto.
Didn't he see anything?
¿ Que si no vio nada?
And then, I didn't see anything.
- Y, además, yo no he visto nada.
No, I didn't see anything.
No, no he visto nada.
I didn't see anything. - Well then.
Al fin, yo no he visto nada.
Actually, I didn't see anything, but they call me that.
En verdad no he "oculado" nada, pero lo llaman así.
Well, you see, in the rush I didn't put anything in my pocket... Why don't we change the thousand pesetas?
Pues verás, con las prisas no me he echado nada al bolsillo, y... ¿ por qué no cambiamos las mil pesetas?
- No, I didn't see anything.
- No, no he visto nada.
I didn't see anyone, and I don't know anything.
No he visto a nadie, no sé nada, ¿ entendido?
I didn't see anything.
No he visto nada.
- I didn't see anything.
- No he visto nada.
I didn't see anything... but I distinctly heard sounds.
Yo no he visto nada... pero oigo sonidos con nitidez.
I'm sure he didn't. Oh, well. The way I see it this lot's too busy arguing amongst themselves to do much about anything.
A mi modo de ver este grupo está demasiado ocupado discutiendo entre ellos para hacer mucho acerca de nada.
I can see they like each other very much that's why I didn't say anything
He notado que ellos se quieren mucho, por eso no le he dicho a mi hijo... que eres Shi Yong Shan.
I didn't see anything.
¡ No he visto nada!
And he didn't see anything- - good morning.
Y no ha visto nada. Buenos días.
How cute. I was sleeping, I didn't see anything. When he's eaten all the roots, he'll start digging his wa y out of the trap.
Cuando se halla comido todas las raíces se pondrá a cavar para salir.
Tomorrow you will say that he committed suicide, you were asleep and didn't see anything, got it?
Mañana vas a decir que se ha suicidado, que estabas dormido y no viste nada, ¿ entiendes?
I swear, I didn't see anything.
Lo juro, no he visto nada.
He didn't see anything.
Estaba de espaldas...
He didn't see anything drop, but he had Jersey plates. Oh.
No vio caer nada, pero tenía matrícula de Jersey.
- He was on top of it when it happened... but he still didn't see anything worth a damn.
Estaba casi al lado cuando ocurrió, pero igual no vio nada que sirva de algo.
He didn't see anything.
No vio nada.
I didn't see anything.
Yo no he visto nada...
I didn't see, I didn't read anything.
¡ No lo he visto ni lo he leído!
I didn't see anything I liked.
No he visto nada de mi agrado.
I've looked around the house, I didn't see anything.
He examinado la casa, No he visto nada.
What are we gonna tell the police? We didn't see anything. He did.
No podemos ir a la policía, nosotros no vimos nada.
- I didn't see anything, sir.
- Yo no he visto nada, señor.
I believe what he said, didn't see anything.
Creo en su palabra, no vió nada.
- I didn't see anything. What did he do?
- No vi nada. ¿ Qué hizo?
Well, he didn't say anything and it was difficult to get him on the phone so I went to see him, he said :
Él no dijo nada y luego no conseguía hablar con él por teléfono. Así que fui a verle y me dijo...
And you, don't tell me you didn't see anything'cause he saw it.
¡ Y Ud. no me diga que no ha visto nada porque él sí lo ha visto!
Didn't you see anything? He must've gone right past you, you waif-faced imbecile...
En mis pesadillas aún oigo el oleaje bramando en su costa.
Caine was first on the scene. He didn't see anything either.
Caine ha sido el primero en llegar, Tampoco ha visto nada,
That guy hit him! I didn't see anything.
Ese tipo le ha atropellado No he visto nada
Look, I didn't tell you this, but a few days ago, I came back, and the office door had been forced open. Now, I didn't see anything... Don't even start.
Esto no te lo he dicho, pero hace unos días, cuando volví a la oficina la puerta estaba forzada- ¡ No empieces siquiera!
But he didn't see anything.
- Pero no vio nada.
That's if he admits he was in the church in the first place. He hasn't. The priest didn't see anything.
Si es que reconoce haber estado en la iglesia, cosa que no ha hecho.
At first, he didn't see anything. But when he got used to the darkness, he saw another small door inside.
Al principio no vio nada, pero cuando se acostumbró... a la oscuridad, vio otra puertita adentro.
Believe me, I didn't see anything.
Creanme, yo no he visto nada.
But it was so fast, I didn't see anything.
Pero tan rápido que no he visto nada.
See, he didn't have anything to do with it.
¿ Ves? , él no tuvo nada que ver en todo esto.
He didn't even see anything.
No había visto nada.

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