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He doesn't care about you translate Spanish

107 parallel translation
you're only angry because he doesn't take you seriously what do I care about him to me he's one of the most stupid men of the century bye bye
¡ Estás enojada porque no te toma en serio! ¡ A mí qué me importa! Para mí es uno de los hombres más estúpidos del siglo XX.
Irene's mean she's just furious at me because I think Philip's so stupid he doesn't care what you think about him now stop it make peace shake hands well?
¡ Qué mala es Irene...! Está tan furiosa conmigo... porque encuentro a Philip tan estúpido. ¡ A él no le importa nada lo que pienses de él!
For one thing, he doesn't care anything about you... or he wouldn't be chasing after that Brighton girl.
Para empezar, no le importas... o no andaría tras la joven Brighton.
He doesn't care about you.
Le eres indiferente.
He doesn't care about you.
A él no le importas.
No, he doesn't care about you anymore.
No, ya no está interesado en usted.
he doesn't care about you anymore, miss jessel.
No lo creo. Usted ya no le importa, Srta. Jessel.
He doesn't care about you.
Tú no le importas.
He doesn't care about you.
Usted no le interesa.
He doesn't care about you.
No le importas.
But everybody knows he doesn't care about you anymore.
Pero todo el mundo sabe que él ya no te quiere.
It's not because he's mean, or a bad guy, or that he doesn't care about you.
No es porque sea estricto o mala persona, y no es porque no se interese por ti.
He doesn't care about you, Albert.
- No le importas, Albert.
Because I know him better than you do, and he doesn't care about you.
Porque lo conozco mejor que tú, y tú no le importas.
I know I haven't treated you like I should but it doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Sé que no te he tratado como te gusta eso no quiere decir que No me preocupo por ti.
He doesn't care about you!
A él no le importa nada de ustedes!
He doesn't care about you but you chase him like a fool.
Él no cuida sobre usted pero usted lo persigue como un tonto.
He doesn't care about me. He cares about you.
Y no se preocupaba por mi, sino por ti
Do you get the feeling he doesn't care about us?
¿ No te parece que les traemos sin cuidado?
He doesn't care about you enough to fight with you.
Porque no le importas. No sabría ni cómo pelearse.
Well... he doesn't care about you like that.
Bueno... el no se preocupa por ti de esa forma.
Well, yeah, but just because God doesn't answer your prayers doesn't mean he doesn't care about you!
Bueno, solo porque Dios no contesta tus plegarias, no significa que no se preocupe por ti.
Impulsive, thoughtless, stubborn. But after everything can you honestly doubt for a second that he doesn't truly care about you?
lmpulsivo, terco e irreflexivo pero analizando todo lo que ha pasado este año ¿ puedes dudar que le importes de veras?
- He doesn't know you care about him.
- No sabe que lo quieres.
He doesn't care about you, or the amazon nation!
Tú no le importas, ¡ tampoco la Nación Amazona!
- He doesn't care about you!
¡ Tú ni le importas, Ox!
He doesn't care about you, or me, or anybody.
No le importamos ni tú, ni yo, ni nadie.
He doesn't care about you or your family.
ni tu familia.
The point is, if that guy doesn't know you, he doesn't care about who you really are.
Lo importante es que esa gente no te conoce, no les importa cómo eres
He's all you care about. But what if he doesn't return?
Tu corazón es solo para Du, pero ¿ Qué harás si no regresa?
I still think we should wait for Leo and find out what he knows about the demon. No, it doesn't matter. After we send them back, history will take care of them as long as you finish your ride.
"Buscamos para encontrar a un mal liberado, Trae al demonio ante nuestras manos."
I-It doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you.
N-no significa que no le importes,
He doesn't care about you, Emily.
No le importas, Emily. Date cuenta.
Who do you think he'll believe, his wife or his alcoholic daughter who doesn't care about anybody but herself?
¿ A quién le va a creer? A su mujer o a su hija alcohólica que sólo piensa en sí misma.
Forget about him, he doesn't care about you.
Ese no se acuerda de ti, es mejor que lo olvides.
He doesn't care about what you said, or what you did five minutes ago.
No le interesa lo que dices ni lo que has dicho cinco minutos antes.
In case you were wondering, he doesn't care about the medals.
Por si se lo está preguntando, en realidad no se preocupa por las medallas.
He doesn't care about what you want... he's mean and he - he dresses like someone Crockett and Tubbs should shoot.
No le importa lo que quieres. Es malvado y se viste tan mal, que Crockett y Tubbs deberían matarlo.
He doesn't even care about you.
Ni siquiera le interesas tú.
He certainly doesn't care about you.
Y obviamente nunca se preocupó por tí.
He doesn't care about you.
! A él no le importas.
- He doesn't care about you.
- Él no se preocupa por tí.
You realize he doesn't care about your music.
Te das cuenta que no le importa tu música.
I care about that animal, too, but he doesn't belong here and you can't help him.
Me preocupa tanto ese animal como a ti pero el no pertenece a este lugar y tu no puedes ayudarlo.
- He doesn't care about any of you.
- No le importa ninguno de ustedes.
If you stop the wedding, Bart's cow will die, and he really cares about that cow and Bart doesn't usually care about stuff, so help.
y a el realmente le importa esa vaca y a Bart normalmente no le importa nada, así que ayúdalo.
He doesn't care - not like how I do about you!
No le importa... ¡ como a mí me importan!
It's not right, but it... it doesn't mean he doesn't care about you.
No está bien, pero... no significa que no le importes.
He doesn't care about you.
A él no le importas. Acaba de conocerte.
'He doesn't care about you.
Tú no le importas.
He doesn't care about you at all.
No le importas.

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