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He doesn't get it translate Spanish

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I don't see why it's so important that he doesn't get a map.
No veo la importancia de obtener un mapa.
But I don't know if it's really a curse because he shuts everyone out and doesn't let anyone get close to him.
Pero no sé si es realmente una maldición... porque se cierra a todo el mundo y no deja que nadie se acerque a él.
... and it would bet that if it doesn't get it, he / she will return very gotten worked up,.recuérdalo!
... y apostaría que si no la consigue, regresará muy cabreado, ¡ recuérdalo!
Again, he doesn't get it.
¡ Otra vez que no se entera!
And if he doesn't get it, he goes into bankruptcy and throws 900 men out of work.
Si no lo consigue, se arruinará... y dejará a 900 hombres sin empleo.
I don't know. I guess he doesn't get you more steamed up before it was set.
Quizá no querrá ponerte nervioso antes de tiempo.
If he doesn't get my letter, it's all over.
Lo echó. ¡ Igual que usted!
Mr. Chan, when a man works over a year to get a valuable confession like this... he doesn't leave it in a hotel room.
Sr. Chan, cuando se trabaja un año para conseguir una confesión valiosa... no se deja en un cuarto de hotel.
But I've always wanted a new way of life. Doesn't mean I can always get it.
Siempre he querido una nueva vida, pero no significa que pueda conseguirlo.
I say, I hope our chap doesn't get killed. It'll create an awful stink if he does.
Ojalá que no maten al chico ;
I do hope he doesn't kill us. He'd never get over it.
No se dará por vencido si no nos mata.
- He doesn't get it, does he?
Sí que lo entiendo.
Well, my editor doesn't have it, but he's going to get it.
Mi editor no la tiene, pero la tendrá.
Oh, but it says he doesn't think he'll get in the game.
Oh, pero él piensa que no estará en el juego.
But now, it's up to you guys to see that he doesn't get to the party to see Corinne.
Pero ahora, es a ustedes a ver que no llegar a la fiesta para ver Corinne.
Apparently, a man can get so close to his work That he doesn't see it.
Por lo visto uno se identifica tanto con su trabajo, que no ve todo eso.
He doesn't like me, but let's get it straightened out.
No le gusto, pero es mejor que lo remediemos cuanto antes.
It's our job to see he doesn't get out of our sight.
Es nuestro trabajo que no se nos pierda de vista.
Hello? - Ten to one he doesn't get it.
- 10 a 1 que no lo consigue.
You're right to think it, Lazarus, but here he doesn't come as I'm my mother's son and I do not tell my father's, because that I can not attest, com on, go get the meal.
Tienes razón para pensarlo, Lázaro, pero aquí no viene, como que soy hijo de mi madre y no te digo de mi padre, pues de eso no te puedo dar fe, anda, vé por lo de comer.
Why doesn't he shoot him and get it over with?
¿ Por qué no le dispara y acaba de una vez?
- No, if he doesn't go he won't get it back.
- No puede, si no va no puede.
He demands a great deal of cooperation and raises the dickens if he doesn't get it.
Exige alto grado de cooperación y recluta al Diablo si no lo consigue.
But the mule, he just doesn't get it.
Pero la mula... Ella no entiende..
Why doesn't he get it over with?
¿ Por qué no se acaba de una vez?
You got a job for a man to do, he doesn't do it, you get him to do it.
Tienes un trabajo para un hombre a hacer, él no lo hace, se obtiene lo haga.
It's useless if he doesn't get caught.
Si no es capturado, todo habrá sido inútil.
If he doesn't get started right away it won't be finished by the time we get back from our honeymoon.
Si no comienza ya mismo no terminará para nuestro regreso de la luna de miel.
- Then he doesn't get to eat it.
- No logrará comérsela.
You get a great idea, he doesn't like it.
Usted tiene razón, no le gusta.
A lot of people in this town don't come to hear it and Mr. Broyles would be the first to tell you he doesn't get 100 percent attention.
Mucha gente del pueblo no viene a escucharlo y Broyles será el primero en decirle que no todos prestan atención.
- He doesn't get it.
- No comprende. - Yo tampoco, jefe.
- He doesn't want you, get it?
Él no te quiere, ¿ entiendes?
Robbie, it's your job to get the president to activate a 7-12 immediately. If he doesn't, there's no guarantee anyone west of Piedmont will be alive in the morning.
Robbie, que el Presidente ordene un 7-12 inmediatamente... o no habrá vida al oeste de Piedmont mañana.
If he doesn't give it, then I'll get a warrant.
Si me lo niega, conseguiré una orden.
He's very unhappy if he doesn't get it on the first take.
Es muy infeliz si no lo logra en la primera toma.
He won't get a bean if he doesn't finish it, but I don't care!
¡ No cobrará nada si no la termina, pero no me preocupa!
As far as I can tell, given his low-life qualities which Mister Stanica has it, he doesn't need my help to get ahead.
Hasta donde yo sé, dada su habilidad para las malas artes, el Sr. Stanica no necesita para nada mi ayuda.
He doesn't get it from me.
Eso no le vino de mi.
- He doesn't need anything anymore. - It makes me feel... Well, I haven't decided what I'm going to get you yet.
Me hace sentir algo.
He just doesn't get it.
- Vamos, no entiende nada.
What if I put it into the contract... if he pokes you or spits at you, he doesn't get paid?
Qué tal si lo pusiera en el contrato... Si te empuja o te escupe, no se le pagará.
You told me how horny a man gets at 1 9. His balls ache if he doesn`t get it.
Dices que los tíos están salidos y si no lo hacen, se les hinchan las pelotas.
I just think it's better that he doesn't get around other influences and stuff.
Es que creo que es mejor que no tenga influencias y esas cosas.
He says there's a great chasm on the way that swallows the unwary. If that doesn't get you, he says the towering crags will. And in the Borgo pass the light suddenly divides and the land begins to rise towards the heavens and then it drops.
En el camino hay un profundo abismo que se traga al incauto... y que luego hay elevados riscos... y un desfiladero, el desfiladero Borgo... donde la luz se divide de repente... y que allí la tierra se eleva hacia arriba, hacia el cielo... y luego cae hacia donde nadie sabe.
We tried charades. He doesn't get it.
Intentamos jugar charadas, pero no lo entiende.
- He just doesn't get it.
- No entiende ese juego.
Why doesn't he just- - do it and get it over with?
¿ Por qué no- - lo hace y terminamos de una vez?
It doesn't matter. Something bad is bound to happen to you, and he'll get the blame.
No importa, algo malo te pasará y van a culparlo a él.
He doesn't get it, Bill.
- No lo ha pillado, Bill.
And that your father doesn't even have a bus fare to get to his work, that he's perishing — it's none of your business!
¡ Pero les importa un bledo que su padre no tenga en qué ir al trabajo, que él se consume!

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