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He doesn't have one translate Spanish

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his will is the law and who doesn't bend to his will he'll have to destroy a country breaks apart which isn't ruled by one will
Su voluntad es la ley. Y lo que no se le doblega tiene que destruirlo. Un país se rompe si no se rige por una voluntad.
When one doesn't have time he can phone from his own house!
¡ Cuando no se tiene tiempo se llama desde la casa de uno!
My son got land. He's an owner, while that one doesn't even have a shirt!
Mi hijo tiene campo y es propietario, mientras que ésa no tiene ni una camisa.
- He doesn't have a dime, that one.
- Ese no tiene un céntimo.
But he doesn't have one anymore.
- Ahora va afeitado.
My editor will have a fit if he doesn't get one.
Mi editor se enfurecerá si no la consigo.
One doesn't always have to have a clear reason for the things he does.
Uno no siempre tiene que tener un motivo claro para lo que hace.
Bet he doesn't have the nerve. It's one o'clock.
Oye, dime ¿ es la hora?
Doesn't he have a big one?
¿ Por qué? ¿ No la tiene grande?
The armour is one of his favourite targets. Naturally, when he doesn't have anything better to shoot.
La armadura es uno de sus blancos preferidos... obviamente, cuando no tiene nada mejor a qué disparar.
One of the inventors of the birth control pill up in Boston, a very eminent gynecologist, has said that he doesn't, he can't think of any good reason why women have to continue to menstruate if they don't want to.
Uno de los inventores de la píldora anticonceptiva, un muy famoso ginecólogo de Boston, ha dicho que no logra encontrar una razón válida... de por qué las mujeres tienen que tener el ciclo aunque no lo quieran.
Who's to say he doesn't have one on me, too?
¿ Quién dice que él no tiene uno de mí también?
Now, a guy should find his star out there unless he doesn't have one.
Uno tiene que encontrar su estrella ahí, en el infinito a menos que no la tenga.
He doesn't have one of those.
No tiene uno de ésos.
I have not let him take one step out of the house since 1812 so nobody doesn't know a thing about him.
Nunca lo he dejado alejarse un paso de la casa... por lo que nadie sabe... por lo que... dónde lo crié. " - Sabe. - Sabe, sí.
- He doesn't have one, captain.
- No tiene, mi capitán.
You know what, one doesn't have to be gay... just because he touches someone's shoulder.
¿ Sabes? Uno no es gay sólo por tocarle a otro en el hombro.
He'll have to do something about it one day. But right now he doesn't agree.
Algún día tendrá que decidirse a hacer algo.
- He doesn't have one.
- No nos la ha dado.
One thing it does mean... is that he doesn't have to walk around here being harassed by you.
Lo que sí significa... es que él no tiene por qué soportar su acoso.
Make sure he doesn't have one either.
Intentar que él tampoco pueda meter ninguna bola.
We've got one phony-bird colonel playing footsies... with one little Miss Know-It-AII... who's dodging tails with one faceless wonder... who's so anonymous he doesn't have any record or fingerprints.
Tenemos a un coronel falso que juguetea... con una señorita sabelotodo... quien, a su vez, evita nuestra vigilancia gracias a un héroe sin rostro... que es tan anónimo que carece de identidad y huellas digitales.
She said, "He probably doesn't have one, but eight."
Ella me dijo, "Seguro no tiene una, sino 8".
But if it doesn't break he'll have lost one more
Pero si no se rompe habrá perdido una más.
I can't tell you what his name is, because he doesn't have one yet.
Yo no te puedo decir cuál es su nombre, porque él no tiene uno todavía.
He doesn't have a gun. Where would he get one?
No tiene un arma ¿ Dónde la iba a encontrar?
That he doesn't have one.
No tiene ninguno. Al menos por ahora.
Not yet, anyway. - He doesn't have one what?
- ¿ Qué no tiene ninguna, ¿ qué?
Dr. Mayer doesn't have the answers, but he has one of these.
El Dr. Mayer no tiene las respuestas. Pero tiene una de éstas.
Because the one who doesn't have open hands I won't be surprised to know that he doesn't have an open heart, as well.
Porque el que no abre sus manos... no me sorprendería que tampoco... abra su corazón.
Mario doesn't have her working at one of his parties, does he?
No, ¿ por qué? Mario no la envió a trabajar a una de sus fiestas, ¿ o sí?
If he doesn't have one, he can get one from you.
Si no la tuviera, podría tener la tuya, ¿ no?
But there's one thing I know my dad doesn't have, and it's something he could share with you, Jackie.
Pero hay una cosa que sé que mi papá no tiene y es algo que él podría compartir contigo, Jackie.
He doesn't have one.
Trabaja desde su casa.
- He doesn't have one now.
No tiene.
He doesn't have one unique thought in his little, puny brain.
No tiene un solo pensamiento en su cerebrito de paja.
What? He doesn't have one appointment this whole month?
¿ No tiene ni una cita durante todo el mes?
Well, he doesn't have a partner at the moment, you know, if he had one.
Por ahora no tiene pareja. Si tuviera una...
He doesn't have one.
No tiene nombre.
I've known the man for months and he doesn't say word one about a life outside this place and I'm thinking he just doesn't have one.
Hace meses que lo conozco y no dice ni una palabra sobre una vida afuera... y yo pienso que simplemente no la tiene.
He carries one around in him, but he doesn't have much choice in the matter.
Lleva uno con él, pero no le queda más remedio.
He sees all the angles, but he doesn't have the balls to play one.
El ve todas las posibilidades, pero no tiene los huevos de jugar una.
But I have always believed that the pain that doesn't find the words through which to be expressed is the most cruel one, the deepest.
Pero yo siempre he creído que el dolor que no encuentra palabras para ser expresado es el más cruel. El más hondo.
But he doesn't have one problem, he's got a thousand.
Pero tiene miles de problemas. Es un psicópata.
He doesn't have to know about the one time you failed.
Puedes cambiar. Él no tiene que enterarse de la vez que has fallado.
- Apparently he doesn't have one.
Aparentemente, no pone ninguna.
Doesn't he have one?
¿ No tiene polla?
If one day you don't feel so proud about your son... tell him that he doesn't have to ask the workers. That's the union's job.
El día que no estés tan orgulloso de tu hijo... explícale que no tiene que consultar a las bases.
- He doesn't have one.
- No tiene oficina.
Dude, my mom and dad keep fighting all the time, and everyone says it's because he doesn't have an erection, so I wanna get him one.
Mis padres pelean todo el tiempo, Y todos dicen que es porque él no tiene una erección, asi que quiero darle una.
No wig. If you can con him and he doesn't realize you're wearing a wig, He'll have to buy one.
Si no nota que lleváis peluquín, seguro que os compra uno.

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