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He doesn't like it translate Spanish

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Let's face it, he just doesn't like me.
Tengo que aceptarlo, ¡ me estoy engañando!
Low in calories, good tasting and it doesn't even spot. And he doesn't like it.
Es delicioso, no mancha... y a el no le gusta.
Just because he looks like a spy and acts like a spy, it doesn't mean he is a spy, does it?
Sólo porque parece como un espía y actúa como un espía, que no quiere decir que es un espía, ¿ no?
It's one of my personal favorites and I'd like to dedicate it to a young man who doesn't think he's seen anything good today.
Es una de mis preferidas... y quisiera dedicársela a un joven... que piensa que hoy no ha hecho nada interesante.
He doesn ´ t know what it ´ s like.
No sabe lo que es eso.
- When they come, he doesn't like it. - [Growling]
No le gusta que vengan.
Doesn't it bother you that he watches things like that?
- ¿ No te molesta que mire esas cosas?
I used to take Fabien with me, but... he doesn't like it there.
Al principio iba con Fabien pero me sentía muy a gusto.
If he doesn't like it, he'll leave!
Si no le gusta, ya se irá.
Now don't take it personally if he doesn't like you right away.
Ahora, no lo tomes como algo personal si no le agradas de inmediato.
He doesn't like it here.
No le gusta estar acá.
He doesn't like to talk about it.
No le gusta hablar de ello.
It seems he doesn't like the water very much.
Parece que no le gusta mucho el agua.
If he doesn't like it, let him go.
Si no le agrada, dejen que se vaya.
what if he doesn't like it?
En este punto, ¿ Qué tienes que perder?
Doesn't look like he's let it slow him down.
No parece que se deja su característica velocidad.
PAUL : He doesn't like it when you handle him right after he's eaten.
No le gusta que le mantenga después de haber comido.
He doesn't act like it too much either.
Tampoco actúa como si lo fuera.
- He doesn't like it.
- A él no le gusta.
I know he doesn ´ t look it, but we were like rabbits.
Sé que él no parece. Pero éramos como conejos.
If it doesn't work if he comes back and he's like Jud said Timmy Baterman was I'll just put him back to sleep.
Si no funciona si él regresa y es como Jud describió a Timmy Baterman lo pondré de nuevo a dormir.
- He doesn't like it.
- No le gusta.
I'm sure your brother would love to be like you... but it doesn't sound like he is.
Seguro que a tu hermano le encantaría ser como tú... pero no suena a que lo es.
It's like he doesn't even know who I am.
Ni siquiera sabe quién soy.
My God, it doesn't matter what he looks like.
¡ Dios mío, su apariencia es lo de menos! .
- Snappy dresser. I wish he wouldn't hang around Myrtle, she doesn't like it.
Desearía que no rondara a Mirta, a ella no le gusta.
He doesn't know where we are now, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Ahora no sabe dónde estamos... y será mejor que así sea.
It's like he's giving her information she doesn't even ask for.
Le dio información que ella ni siquiera le había pedido.
Forget it. He doesn't look like me.
Olvidémonos, no se me parece.
Fred just doesn't like baby food. He never liked it.
A Fred nunca le ha gustado la comida para bebés.
I know I haven't treated you like I should but it doesn't mean I don't care about you.
Sé que no te he tratado como te gusta eso no quiere decir que No me preocupo por ti.
He doesn't like to eat anymore. He just likes to smell it.
El ya no come, sólo le gusta olerlo.
We're interrogating the suspect now, but it doesn't look like he'll crack.
Interrogaremos al sospechoso, pero no creo que se quiebre.
Ok, leave it... If he doesn't feel like...
Ni modo... si no quiere...
It is with Kangaroo that they were the most pleasant... they stripped him down... maybe because he doesn't look like a kid.
Con Canguro fueron lo más amables... le desnudaron... quizá porque no parecía un niño.
And if he doesn't like it, I know he will find me and let me know.
Y si no le gusta, sé que me encontrará y me lo hará saber.
It doesn't look like he's gonna show up, though.
Sin embargo, no parece que vaya a aparecer.
He doesn't like it.
No le gusta.
I'll climb up and shake him down if you like. If he's up there. It doesn't frighten me.
Subiré y lo sacudiré, si lo deseas si se encuentra ahí no me asusta no me puedes asustar, Stockton estás bajo el césped donde perteneces no querrás molestar a nadie ahora nunca más.
Tell them we play what we want to play... and if he doesn't like it, he can go someplace else.
Diles que tocamos lo que queremos tocar... y si a él no le gusta, puede irse a algún otro lugar.
It seems that every once in a while somebody comes along who doesn't seem like he's such a liar.
Pareciera que por primera vez alguien puede hablar y actuar sin parecer un gran estafador.
He doesn't like it.
Él no le gusta.
A 2-by-2 out of Dad's wallet, and he doesn't even think it looks like her.
Tenemos una foto de la cartera del padre y ni siquiera él cree que se le parece.
If he doesn't like it he can buy a ticket back.
Si no le gusta, puede comprar su boleto de regreso.
He doesn't mean it when he does things like this.
No quiere decir cuando hace cosas como esta.
So Dorn gets his first hit of the season, although it doesn't look like he's ready to leave.
Dorn bateó su primer hit de la temporada, aunque parece que no desea irse
He doesn't like it when it gets cold.
No le gusta cuando se pone frío.
'Cause he doesn't like it?
Nporque a él no le gusta?
It's like they're all scheming together, hushing up he most important thing, as though it doesn't exist.
Es como todos esten conspirando juntos, acallando hasta lo más importante, como si no existiese.
- Doesn't look like it. He's just watching.
- Parece que no, solamente ve.
If he doesn't like it here, he can swim across to Canada.
Si esto no le gusta, puede nadar hasta Canadá.

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