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He doesn't mind translate Spanish

355 parallel translation
Now, never mind, Mary, if he doesn't come soon, I'll send John after him.
No le des importancia. Si no llega pronto, enviaré a John a por él.
He doesn't deserve even if he was in right mind.
Hilary no está en sus cabales.
He doesn't mind our being extravagant about anything else but he won't let us change one single thing about his precious little house.
No le molesta en absoluto nuestro carácter derrochador pero no nos dejaría cambiar nada de su preciosa y pequeña casa.
You mind your own business and see he doesn't get out.
Vuelve a lo tuyo y vigila que no se escape.
Richard is bringing her some clothes and I'm sure he doesn't mind taking you along.
Richard va a llevarle algo de ropa,... y estoy seguro que no le importaría llevarte.
I don't think it's necessary, but if he doesn't mind and won't catch cold in his head.
No me parece necesario, pero si a él no le importa y si no le da un resfrío en la cabeza.
Of course he doesn't mind. Look at his expression.
Claro que no.Fijaos en su cara.
Why doesn't he make up his mind?
¿ Por qué no se decide?
If he was out of his mind, why doesn't the state just put him away?
Si está loco, ¿ por qué no le encierran?
You shouldn't mind. Paul doesn't. After all, he's a politician.
A ti no debiera importarte, ni a Paul, pero él es un político.
Whenever he gets low in spirits or confused in his mind, he doesn't feel right until he's had a fight.
Siempre que está deprimido o confundido... no se siente bien hasta que ha tenido una pelea.
I asked Roger, he doesn't mind.
- A él no le importa.
He doesn't mind missing his leave.
No le importará perder el permiso.
First he says he doesn't like it then he says he doesn't mind.
¿ Qué quiere este chico? Primero dice que no le gusta y ahora que no le molesta.
I mean, she's crazy about him, and he doesn't seem to mind it.
O sea, ella está loca por él. Y a él no parece importarle.
I'll be glad when the war's over and I can go over to Canada that's if he doesn't change his mind.
Cuando la guerra acabe, podré ir al Canadá. Eso si él no cambia de idea.
And he wound up with his mind affected. He doesn't worry me now.
Y él acabó con la cabeza dañada, pero ya no me preocupa.
Would you mind calling him? He doesn't know me.
¿ Le importaría llamarlo?
He doesn't seem to mind.
Y no parece importarle.
Julie. Oh, he doesn't mind.
Julie, no menciones a Olivia delante de George.
Which, by the way, he doesn't mind at all.
Qué, a propósito, no le importa en absoluto.
He doesn't mind.
No le importa.
But when a drowning man reaches for a piece of driftwood he doesn't mind getting splinters in his hands.
Pero cuando un hombre que se está ahogando alcanza un resto del barco no le importa demasiado si tiene astillas con los que pueda hacerse daño.
He must be out of his mind. Why doesn't he head for someplace to land?
Está loco. ¿ Por qué no busca un sitio donde aterrizar?
- Yes. He doesn't seem to mind the noise at all.
Sí, no le molesta nada el ruido.
And he doesn't mind missing school!
Y él se aprovecha de ello.
If there's a scandal, well, it doesn't frighten me... because I've made up my mind about something.
Si se produce un escándalo, bueno, no me asusta porque me he hecho a la idea de algo así.
He won't mind talking if he doesn't like the verdict.
A él no le importará confesar, si no le gusta el veredicto.
Why doesn't he mind his own business?
¿ Por qué no te metes en tus asuntos?
He's not cheerful, he doesn't make people laugh, his mind seems elsewhere.
No es alegre, no hace reir a la gente. Parece estar siempre ausente.
I came to buy your stallion, War Winds, if your daughter doesn't mind too much.
He venido a comprar a Vientos de Guerra, si a su hija no le importa demasiado.
Suppose he doesn't mind that?
- Suponga que eso no le importa.
Maybe he doesn't mind getting a belly full of lead, but I do.
Puede que no le importe que le llenen la barriga de plomo, pero a mí sí.
If Monsieur not does not mind. Oh, he doesn't.
- Si al caballero no le importa.
Oh, he doesn't mind too much because he doesn't know about it.
Es algo que no Ie importa porque aún no Io sabe.
I told you he doesn't mind.
Te dije que no le importa.
I ought to warn you. Rico knows what you've got in mind. He doesn't like it.
Debo decirte que Rico no está de acuerdo con tu idea.
God help m e, i'll go out of my mind if he doesn't stop in a minute.
¡ Qué Dios me ayude! Enloqueceré si no para.
He doesn't seem to mind you so much.
Parece que no le importas mucho.
You father, doesn't he mind?
A su padre, ¿ no le molesta?
He certainly does have a mind of his own, doesn't he?
Está claro que piensa por sí mismo, ¿ verdad?
You make living together so much fun that he really doesn't mind being married.
Haces que la vida juntos sea divertida y no nota que está casado.
He doesn't mind having his picture taken. He doesn't mind at all.
A él no le importa que le saquen fotos.
He doesn't mind that you come up here with strangers and pick up their marbles?
¿ No le importa que subas con extraños y les recojas las bolillas? ¿ Por qué?
- He doesn't mind? He is not jealous?
¿ Pero, no dice nada?
- Oh, he doesn't mind.
- A él no le importa.
He doesn't mind who I marry.
No le importa con quien me case.
Papa used to say it's a job for a mob, but now, he doesn't mind.
¿ Qué estaba diciendo? Al principio, mi padre no quería que fuese azafata... decía que era de niñas cursis.
Doesn't he mind?
¿ No le importa?
No, he doesn't mind.
No, no le importa.
He doesn't mind sleeping outside.
No quiere dormir afuera.

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